PAGE 4,WEDNESDAYJ UNE 2Z,1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS whit bypu Volce of the County Town Michael Ian Burgess, Publisher - Managing Editor The only newspaper lndependently owned and operated by Whltby residents for Whltby residents. blîshed every Wednesday by M.B.M. Publlshing and Photography inc. Phone 668-6111 The Free Press Building, 131 Brock Street North, P.O. Box 206, ýWhltby, Ont. TIMOTHY SAINES Commiunlty Editor ELIZAIBETH NOZDRYN AcIvertlalng Manager< Second Clama Mail Rlegstration No. 5351 Citydebate sure to set off fireworks, Shouid'Whitby become a city? That 18 the question that Town Council wiil kick around Juiy 18 when it considers a motion that application be made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for an Order in'Council to change the status of our town to clty. Thé debate promises to set off fireworks ln the council chambers. We wouidn't miss this meet- ing for the world. At last week's Council meeting, a motion was brought forward to consider the Issue July 18. The matter was not even supposed to be open to dis- cussion of the pros and cons of city status.. Regonal Councillor Tom Edwards cou id not re- strain hi1mseif from expioding with fury ln the chambers. "Why are youdoing this to my town of Whitby," he screamed. "We've done very weii as a town. i see no evidence of sure gains If we change to a The other counciliors were not as vocal, but it was evident there was apprehensive on the part of some. 'I have reservations about becoming a city," said Councilior Joe Drumm. "The town of Whitby has a nice ring to ItV' SCouncillors, with the exception of Edwards agreed that the Issue be brought before Council Juiy 18. This wouid give adequate time for a-more ln depth study of the ramifications Invoived In the status change and would aiiow for public Input. WIth Whitby's population 0f 40,000, we surely have the size to seek city statu. According to a commIttee report, a change to city status would cost each household a tax In- crease of $3.50 per year. This Is roughiy only $1 per citizen, hardly significant. SThe timing may be perfect. We are on the verge of benefiting from. a GO-ALRT system, spanning from Oshawa through Hatfl iliton. The potential for the growth of Whitby is enormous. Becoming a city wiii not necessariiy change the sense of community spirit that many Whitby citi- zens are so proud of. We will stili have the iovely Cuilen Gardens and the beautiful outiying rural areas. Becoming a city will not change this. This Is a -chance for the citizens of Whltby to beý heard. Council members. want to hear Input before they make the decision that MIl uItimately affect usall. Stand up and be counted. Lolt Coun- cii know-where you stand on the Issue. LETTERS TO THE EDITOIR Walkathon- is enormous, success Dear SI r: The Whitby Rotary Ciub's re- cent walkathon for the-support of the Continuing ,Care unit of the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hfospital was imeneiy suc- cessfu 1. Over 500 -people helped to raise over $12,000 for this wor- thwhiie >project. Most noteworthy was the effort put forth - by The Honourabie George ýAshe, Minister of Revenue, who per- sonally raised over $1 t500.< Rotary wouid like to express Its sin- cere thanks and ap- preciation to some of the groups and individuals who made this event 50 rewarding. Our thanks go to the staff of the Vic- toria and Grey Trust Company, who donated their talen- ts to orga -nize the piedge tailles; to the Sylvania Com- panyi who donated the teievision for the f irst prize draw; to 'the Auxiiiary Force of, the Durham Region Po- lice and St. John's Ambulance for their assistance In con- troiing the safety, heailth and traffic for ail invoived and to B and S Sound of Whitby, who provid- ed the music. Our sincere ap- preciation goes to the retailer of WhIt- by, MacDonald's and to the Whltby Free Press who went out of their, way to promote this event. Lastly, 'but Most importantiy,, we- wish to congraâtu- late those students and parents of Whitby who got out -on the beautiful day of Sunday, June 12 and waiked-to miake their piedges be- come a reailty for the hospitai project. Again, our, si n- cere thanks to al those who p4rtle'l- pated. Fraser Stewart, Chairman, Promo- tion/Publicity, Rotary Walkathon. Uxbridge reunion Dear Sir:t ln-the year 1983, Uxbridge Second- ary Schooi wili be competing 60 years at Its present site and 127 years of secondary edu- cation in Uxbridge. We wouid appreci- ate your assistance ln contacting form- er staff and stu- dents to let them know of the festivi- ties we have plann-. ed to acknowiedge this occasion. The reunion wihl be heid on the weekend of Friday, June 24 to Sunday, June 26 ln cônJunc- tion with the annual Spring Wator Days festIvities ln Ux- bridge. Regular registra- tion will begin at 6 p. m. -on Friday, June 24 aiong with an Open House at the sohool- and a Nostaigia socil- wiii folow at 9p.m. Piease contact Bob Summers (Re- gistration Chair- man) at Uxbridge Secondary School, Third Ave., Ux- bridge, Ontario LOC 1 KO (4164852-3391) for further Informa- tion. Yours truiy, Brian Manorek Pubiicity Chairman là à l~~là l ~ 1', ~ t, ~ * tt * ,ia t,, à r~ ... ~ .*.:. ... ....'é./..X2.~Yx-:2..*2. **'I*.,I , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~