Whitby Free Press, 29 Jun 1983, p. 12

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PAGE 12. WEDNESDAY JUNE 29, 1983, WHITBY PREE PRESS The hurcli Spea]ksý Sponsored by.the WHITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION By THE REV. STANLEY ISHERWOOD Rector, St. John's Anglican Church DOES THE CHURCH HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY? In the famous poée Indiffeérence, the British ar- my chaplain J. Studdert-Kennedy imagines what It mlght have been likefor Jesus to have returned, ini person, to the city of Birmingham. There weren't the cheers of the crowds on Palm Sunday, nor was there the challenge of Good F'rlday and Calvary, "for men has grown more tender, and they would not give hlm pain,/ they only just passe down the street, and Ieft hlm in the ramn." It te a sad and challenglng picture of the world passlng Its Savlour by. However, my expectation is that It la a picture of thé world's reactlon to the Church rather than to its Lord. If the Church were belng falthful te the example of Jesus' Christ 'it would hé impossible for the world te ignore It. The fact that we have over twenty churches in Whltby la good and encourging. Thé addltional fact that they rarely create a ripple in thé economy of thinga la startling and, I would suggest, deplorable. A sgicn taak ofthé Church t tprclalm the kingdom of God. Now, If Whltby te this klngdom thnw ih q tschapolmto ob 4&s4uradi anid >1009 Dundee St. E., -Whltby BUYI1 Chlcken à Ribe DInner or> Club Steak Dinner. GETi ½/2PRICE DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS Prom $2.99 1 mw---- sornewhat unnecesary, but as long as the klngdomn of God and the town of Whltby are not Identical we are caled te speak to that differenc, and te seek te, right lt. Day after day as I drove by the strlkers at the Sklar-Peppler plant on Victoria Street I wondered that'nothlng was belng said by the Church te that situation. Clergy of long standing in this community remember speaklng out agalnst the Sunday openlng of stores - but that was a long time ago. Recently our ministers proposed that there hé a chaplain te the tewn hall to encourage a Godly direction iOur public dealingi. The idea was rejected. It is a clear fact that Jesus made air many people uncomfortable as he made comfortable. It in equaily clear that the need of the CIhurch te challenge te as great as ever. There was a tlme, flot teo long ago, when soclety looked te the Church wlth the expectation that some guidance for daily living and social direction mlght hé forthcoming. The' Roman Cathollc Church through, Its bishops has recentiy recalled the Church i general te this task. If it fails to lanswer the call the world will hé justifled i its 'expectation that the Church has nothlng to say. But if the Church answersthe cail, If it speaka clearly and truthfully, it can expect te hé heard as Jesus was heard, and to hé treated as Jesus was treated. It wil know, teo, that it te walking -the way that He walked and walk ingwth Hlm. Speak ing to You By ÊOTT'FENNËLL, M.P. E >M.Im (PC-Ontario) To é citcalofgoveriment spending te3 one thing expecially whén'you are a good Conservative. on June 14, thé NDP voted against ail thé estimates and their ideology. Théy voted againat the Federal Business Developinent Bank whlch gives direct support te small business, and they voted againat thé Farn Loans Interest flebate Act whlch keeps farina from going under. The NDP voted agalnst job creation. At a imne whén Canada's committment te NATO te a disgrace and thé government has qulte. rlghtiy trled te make use of thé defense industry as a means te job creation, the NDP wlthheld support. They voted against thé Petroleuni Incentives Prograin whlch would crete Jobs in exploration. i Worse stil, I the main estimates they voted against the administrative expenses of the Farm Credit Corporation, CMHC and mortgage assistan- ce, welfare and Unemployment Insurance. At least the Conservatives realize that someone has te type Up the formns or write the chequeo that provide the assistance. What does thi mean? Slmply this: by their ac- tions lut week the NDP have proved beyond a doubt that their ldeology te more shaky than their showlng I thé gallup polls and, if possible, more shaky than thefrpsupport In thé electerate. Tourist promotion Len Cullen', owner of Cuflen Gardens, presents a choque for $59000 to Mayor Bob Attersley to asslst ln tourlet promotion for Whltby.1-* Watchlng on are (Ieft to rlght) Wayne DeVeau (Parks and Recreation Director), Glen Stephen (Parka Supervlsor,) Bill Wallace (Town Administrator), and Lucle Rondeau (Parks and Recreation). -Free Press Staff Photo Guided walks -and sli*de/film ,shows Thé Central Lake On- tario , Conservation Authorlty has begun is seventh anual'su mmer program of ^gulded walks and slide/film shows. i T7his prograin, which began tis past weekend, will last until September 4., Guided walks wlll h held at all of the 12 local conservation areas. over the course of the sum- mier. Participants are te meet at the, Authorlty office (1650 Dundas Street East, Whltby- cinema Whitby. loupnau~ A dressl for the weather as walk are hed raior shine. Cameras, field, guides, etc. may corne in handy on thé walka but are not essential. mhe walks wlll hé held every Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. and every Sunday afternoon at 1 p.m. Evening programa, consittng of, slide talks and related films, Iwlll hé held at the Hehér Down Conservation Are-1a 1campeit Ahon Tuesday and Satturdy - nlghts at -9.«30 p.m. A, nature walk wlll hé héd before the Saturday evenlng show at 7 pi.> The walk starts at thé, campsitels washrom- /service building. Some of the upcomlng prograsinshclude a presetation on trout and thesatream, July 2; a, foreet nature walk, July 3; and a présen- tation on mammals ,in thia region, July 5. ý- For more information zuns .i'pressive July sehedule by Tim -Baies CommnltyEditor' I av fnalyiCovered the meaning of Life. Yes, courtesy of the zany meinhérs of the Monty Python comedy troupe, I found that... well go see the movie yourself. mhe Meaning of Life will h playing at Cinema Whitby, 129 Brock St. N., Wednesday andThursday, 9 p.-m. The early movie, at 7 p.m. , will hé a satire of aIl those old martial arts films, They Call Me Bruce. Beglnning Friday and running until Sunday night will hé an old Woody Allen classic, Play It Again, Sam. In this flick, the philisophical Allen sk the advice of the long departed Humphrey BogatThé film wlll play each evenig at 7 p.M. Also beginning Friday will hé the Oscar winning Gandhi. Tis te a tale of Mahatma Gandhi, thé little man who rallied 500 million Indians to throw off the yoke of British colonial oppression. The film, 9 p.m. each nlght, will run from Friday until Thursday July 7. Froin Monday, July 4 until July 7, at 7 p.i.,, Mon- ty Python and thé Holy Grail wll hfé fatured. Admission the shows la $1.99 wlth a yearly mem- bership. Tis cos only $5 and te valid for the remainder of 1983. This entitles the holder te specia discount rate. Without memhérahip, admission te $3.50. Children 14 and under and seniors over 60 pay only 99 cents with no membershlp necessary. Admission to the shows in $1.99 wlth a yearly mem- bership. 4 4 4 - ~-# 1

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