Whitby Free Press, 29 Jun 1983, p. 16

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PAGE,16WEDNESDAYJUNE 29# 1983, WHITBV FR EE PRESS ARTICLES ATCE ',FRSALE -~FR SALE COMPLETE set of men.s right hsnd golf clubs, bag Inciuded, $30. One pair of man's Etonlc golf shoes, brown, sîze 9, $7&. One 2-piece pool cue and casa, 17 ounces, $40. Phono 68&M027. APARTMENT SIZE humidifier $50. Pisas caîl 668&2785. BRAND NEW 24 volume of enoy. clopedesa, 10 vol. chIidrsn's classîca, 4 vol. medical book. Worth ,$1200.-Ssi for $690. Plaise oeil 728-2370. BUSH HOG, 5 foot,Ilîke new. Asking $490. Phono evenInga 655-3142. CAMPER CAP, slildsin unit, lits ful sze P.U., slnk, tove & le box, excellent condition, $750 or nearet offer. ô h.p. outboard motor, new, nover us", warranty, $650. 2 h.p. outboard motor, new, nover used, warranty, $395. Caîl 985-34M6. CANOPY with frame and match- Ing bedspread, pastel print, 39", $35. Rectangular caf fa. table, pecan, $50. Goodyear radial tires, ans on rim, 75R14, $75 pair. Fîve assorted 14" tires, ail on rima, $15 each. 8-track player for car, no speakers, $30. 0811 668-1063 marninga anly. COLLECTOR'S RIFLE, Winchest- er Masterson 3030, $400. Phone 655-4917. GRANDFATHER dlock for sais. A littie overi6 feet tali, salid cherry- waod, Westminster dlock, Lyre 6%k" pendular. FinIshsd ta your requirements. $850. Phone 855- 4097. DUNCAN Fyfe table, two leaves, cent ,rai pedestal, $125. Chain saw, good warking condition, $50". Girls and boys, bikes $25 each. Old dinfing room table $75. Phone 683-663. ELECTRIC iawnmower, Sunbeamn deluxe, $100 or best 0f er. Cati ELECTROLUX rug shampooer, new condition, used twics, $200. One moto-cross bîke, excellent condition, $50. One 20" chIld's bike $20. One giri's 20" 3-apeed $45. Phone 576-499. 5 PRRC KITCIEN SET wth brown uphostered chairs, ex- coent condition, $150. calueu- FOR SALE - Boy'& or gir's bicy- oie, W0' whéee, Canadian me", In excellent tondition, $60. Calil6- S0ê7afterop.m. FOR SALE- Mandolin banjo $150. Sun lamp $25. Cali 65,5. FOR SALE - 1978 Honda XR75, mint condition, $400. 1976 Honda XR75,- goad condition, $35. Phone 655-3977. HEAVY duty car jack $60. Camp stove $20. Iran frame aId echool desk $40. Large aid crack $35. Typawriter $30. Phone 683-663. M8 CEDAR 4x4'e, 8 foot iength, $5 each. Phono 655-4200. G.E. HUMIDIFIER $75. Baby crib $20. Yogurt maker $15. Portable blilliard table, 38" x 7111, $5. Phoneo 666-79W 200 WATrT P.A. Amp and 8 Chan- nel MIxboard. Great for rscardlng or perfqrming. Excellent condi- ItIon. Paid $1,800. Aaklng $900. Phono 686486siar 6:30 p.m. WOOD lathe $100. Four oak chairs $15 each. Six vînyl- covered chairs $17 oach. Phone 1M6 EVINRUD, 25 hp., $125. ,stwdtd typewriter $25. Thre 5x7 vinyt covered room dîvîdere with lega, $15 mach. Four floo poliis $25 each. Phone 576- JUVENILE chiffrobe $50. Change table $20. Couch and chair $75. Al iln good condition. Phone 66&- 7253. MENS 10-SPEED $85. Tri-level choe set $12. Lamp $5. 01d- Viking sterso, $20. Phone 666- 3712. MOVINO SALÉ - One crIb $55. One baby waîker $10. One baby chair $15. One record player with AMIFM radio $40. One dinlng room ktchsn suite with revalving chairs $80. One sofa, and chair $125. One sectionai sofa $200. Al i tems In excellent condition. Phone 686-4220. MUST SELL 26"1 color T.V. $200. Beautiful picture. Twa 12" black & white TV'. $100 or $60 eCh. Cal663-7017. NEW black swlval bar atool, regular $109.95, asklng $50 or boat aller. New large Tonka laya, askin'g $10. One bookcase bed $30. One triple dresser and mirrar $60. Box sprIng and mattrons, A- 1 condition, $100. Coleman gas lsntem $20. Beaver table "aw, 8". $300 or beat alter. Black & Deck- or Skiisaw $50 - sabre saw $30. Craftaman sander $30. Cali 668. 0586. ONE heavy duiy set af acetylane torchas, by liquid air, complets with cuttingtip and hases, $200. New heavy duty air hammer $40. Phone 686-4874. ONE Kirby vacuum cleaner with upholstery and rug ahampaoer. JuatIlika new. Oniy uaed once. Gaing cheap - $500. Cali 66&- 9042. 3 H.P. three phase elactric motor, 220 440 volts, $150 firm. Cali 655- 3838 between 4 and 6 p.m. and ask for Paul. ONE 12 foot catamaran, Aqua Cat, boat and traloer, $975 arlbeat aller. One wood atome $100. One Tyco Nte Glo complote wîth iota af extra track $25. Two flourea- cent lights $25 sach, 4x4. Four twin windows, lnsuiatod,, 4'x6', $W0 ach. 1960 Morcury Capri, 6 cylinder, automaic,liîght blus, excellent condition, 47,000 km., $4,500 or boat oflor. Complote « est of anow tires. Phone 65& 45M3. ONYX CHES8 SETS, Aztec style, assorted colora, $55 ach. Frigi- daire automatîc drier $100. Hoover spin washer $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man tant $160. Baiiy race- way plnbail machine, needa some wark, $350. Phone 985- 9M5. W0 ALUMINUM heavy duty TV tawer, six sections, goad for Ham radia operatar. Askîng $30. Phono 579-3M5. 3 .P. air campressor, 4smonths aId, 30 galion capacity, $850. Air file $85. New feather duster $75. impact gun $65. Torches $150. Phone 686-4874. 4TWO AR-14 bookshelf 2-way speakers rated ai 150 watts each $=5. Two Shura SM-57 micro- phonos complota wiih desk stands, low Impedance, $150 for pair. One large Lazy Boy reclinor, leather, aiightly wam, $75. Phone TWO wooden houa. windows, 40% " x 5', $25 oach. On. woodon combînation door, glass and acroon, 32" x 78"1 x 1-318 hick, with 3 hinges, $15. One dozen kîtchen cupboard doors, ail suzes, hardware Inciuded, $15 for ail. CaMI 666-9075. CHARCOAL DAIWECIUE, roedd Bd style wlth legs & whb,z yru. Id. $25. Cal 571- 2054after 5p.m. TWO MOPEDS Mondas, liko nsw, $600 for bath. Phonoe666-1367. When the advertiseii Item la sold, dlapoaed of, or unavallable for whatever reason, the Item wIlli be deemed to have been soid' and a commission wili be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iliustrated below, regardesas if price la stated wlth "beat offer". If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiII be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE af $6.00 wili apply payable In advance af publication of the f Irst ad. Otherwiae a $750 charge wlll ap- piy If bIlllsd which muet be paid upon receipi of bill. Tho aboya minimum charges wlll be applied to the final commission due but ln any case the highar amaunt wili be charged. Minimumn charge: $8,00 pre-paid; $750 billed. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertiaements muai be piaced on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITIBY FREE PRESS and run atisast one montb If flot soid. RATES (If article la sold): 5% of advertised price up to 34M.00 2% of balance over $M0.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertised for $120.00. Commission due 36.00 (minimum charge la 36.00). Privats advartiaing onlyl Pleasa notify the Whitby Free Press Immediateiy when item la soid 50 that we may delete l from the falaowing Issue. Ail ada not fitting the Emporium guidelines wiil be treated and charged par week as reguiar casified ada an a pre-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, cioihing, real asiate, and personal message type ada, or ada not quoting prIce or quantlty. Private clasaifiad ada may appear In the Emporium section under appropriate headinga. AIL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206' Whitby, LIN 561 If in daubt -caîl: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whilby, Ont.' FHEIDA LN FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THEI FRDYPREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. Ii![k Order 10 or more beautiful colour reprints. f rom the same'size and type.of colour nega- tive, and you'll save 25 '%! This of fer appies to our regular size or larger 4" studio size prin- ts only. No cropping avaliabie. Offer vaiid un- tii the end of this month. Avalilable at: M.BUM. PUBLISHING & PHOTOGRAPHY 131 Brock Street North Whitby OJust north of the four corners) We use ENAJAMINi QUALITY PHOTOFIMISHING Fitness is a natnalsUe %W oeil it Body Polities. P~?RTICIPaui4 ARTICLES HO EOD FOR SALE] WOOOo j WOOD STOVE, Fisher Mama, $280. Dlning room suite, Formica end wood table with extension, 4 wood and cloth chairs, $95. Cali 655-3546. W .'ffl EOBS FRSALE 1977 GRANADA, standard ser- lng and power brakea, 2 door, 200 engins, 27 miles ta the gallon, 718 trailer hltch on It, $1,000, firm. 1971 Mercury Marquis, Colony Park, 4 door, station wagon, 430 engins, automatIc, 718 trailer hit- Ch on it, $900 or beat offer. MovIng, muat ssii by Auguat 30. For more Information cali 855- 4407 or evenInga 284-4139. 1975 BUICK LE SABRE, 4 door, hardtop, mechanlcally aound, needa body work. As la $8W<. Cali 6684LW43after 5p.m. 1975 DELTA 88 OLOS, 4 door, hardtop, 454 CID. Ail power op- tions. Good condition. $1,650. Phono 655-4003. 1973 FIREBIRD "1ESPRIT", needa body work, $1,100 in'new parts. Wiiosal for same. Negotiable. Cal728-6050 after 5 p.m. 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY, 318, automatlc, power brakes,'power stserIng, heavy duty, rune good, needa some body work. $250 as la 'or trade for air compressor, sand blaating equipment or paint equlpment. Cali l8785. 1973 TOYOTA, as la, good for car parts. Asklng $200. Phone 668- 03031/ ' 1972 NOVA, 6 cylîndor, auto- matic, AM radio, new carburetor, radistor, exhaust. $60 or beat of- fer. As la. Phone 668-03U8. 1971 MAZDA 618, repiaced mota <r, reconditioned brakes, easIiy certifiad, redone body, goad tires, sterso. $495. Phone 683-68. 1971 OLDS DELTA 88, V8, auto- matlc, ln good condition. $550 as la. Call 666-1400. 1976 DODGE DART, 8Scyl. 3 spd. Stadard, neads repaira, parts included, $65. Phoneo 65-37. AOTIVETI AUOOIVE PARTS FOR SALE -One new eiectronfic Ignition conversion kit for ail GM V819 1959 ta 1974 and American Motors VO's 1963 ta 1974 with Delco diatributars $50. Phone 579-2352. CUSTOM built pick-up seat with fold down console, red crushed veivet, excellant condition, $275. Phone 655-8787. .1973 STANDARD VOLKSWAGEN for parta. Good body parts. Tires an rima and 4-spsed transmis- alan with swing axesa. Parts $5 ta $75. $150 for ail. Phone 282-8760. 1972 TOYOTA 1900, ideai for gaod parts, $200 comploe. Mlnd blawer speakers for cars, com- piste, jusi like new, $60. Phone 655.3M0. RADIAL TIRES, twa GR70-15 tires, fair condition, $45 pair. Cali after 6P.m. 68&3885. WBEI NEDS GOOD CRIB (complets) $15. Baby canriago (full size) $15. Car b.d 32.50. Tonnis table $25. Coieco Telstar $5. Sheif unit (aieei) $5. Hars $2. Cali 668-7317. ONE Gendran Infant love sat $25. On* Gendran chlld love seat $W0. 80th ln good condition. Phono 655-3575 afier 5 pan. and wookends. ANTIQUE bureau, dresser, mîrrar and nlght stand $450. Qusen sîze bedsprsad, drapes and sheers $100. Phone 668-2551 after 4 p.m. weekdays. Ail day weekends. FOR SALE '- One chestsrflold and chair $185. Two end tables and caffles table $50. On. rocker $25. Ideal for cottage or roc room. Phone 668-3899. FRENCH Provincial buffet, hutch and dlning table with six chairs. Very good condition. Aaking $1,500. Phone 839-3731. FRIDOE and stove, $M0/palr, gold, Dire new. Automatlc waaher, $30, 1 year old. Dryar, $100, workds well. One round table, $M. Two wood square taibes, $10 sach. Old &love, $55, works good. Fireplace screen $10. Big mirror $35. French Provincial cbeseffleld and chair, blue, $300. Gas beater for tent trailer $25. Campetove $35. Suspended drop ceillng, 1,000 feet, $150. Movlng, mustoeil by Auguat 30. For more infor- mation can 655-4407or aveninga KITCHEN CUPBOARDS: top and bottom, approx. 9' Ienigths, sink >and arborite counter -inciudod, $175. Phono 623-3519 after 4 p.m. MOVINQ - Complote living roomn set, nsw, custom made ta match, aff-white veivet. Large sofa, lave- seat and twoa wivel chairs. Exqui- site. Paid $3,500. Asking $2,500. Cali668-2395. QUEEN-SIZE waterbed wlth brown veivet buttan tuft, fouùr poster with water mattreas, heat- er, waterbed sheets and mattresa caver Inciuded. $50. Cali68e 6998. M"'TORCYCLB ~- 1 FOR SSALE< 1901 HONDA Interatate, 14,000 km. Tac many options ta liat. Ex- cellent condition. $5,400.. Cal 655-3917. HARLEY Sportater extended' chrome tubs front end $250. 250 Ducadi front end $75. Marley rear whei and aprooket $225. Used Yokohamna tirs $20. 1977 Can Am 175 cc, 1,900 miles, $600 Phono 1981 HONDA CRO90, excellent condition, aeklng $600. Phono Andrew Giios 655-4271. HOHNER Tango Il M Accordian, 96 basa, totally recanditioned, $900. Phone 668-7965 afler 5 p.m. YAMAHA 80700 guitar, SlMIiar ta 2000, excellent playing condition, $425. Cali 655-3791. 193BXTR A L E i 8ftS

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