PAGE 2Z WEONESDAY JUNE 29, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS RAISED PRINTINO a BUSINESS CARÉDS a LETTERMEADS a ENVELOPIS Health Council c-onducting, survey aTheDurham Reglon District Health Counclo ln co-operation wlth the Mlnlstry of Commun4ty and Social Services, is conductlng a communi- ty survey to asses the needs and aspirations of physically handlcapped aduits, between the ages cf 18 and 64, in the Durham -Reglon. The survey, which started in June and will continu e until August, will assess the needs for additional houslng and skll development workshop programs, for the pbsyically handicapped in tblsregion. Presently, there are two main agencies, in Oshawa, ' provlding houslng and support ser- vices for the physicaily hancapd Both are takiganactive part in the survey. Participation -House, dfrected by Elarne Smith, serves young adults who suffer from the Cerebral Palsy syn- drome: a condition caused by damage to the developlng brain. The damage interferes with messages sent to and- from the brain usually resulting ln poor control of muscles of the llmbs and trunk. The condition may also af- fect sight, speech and learning ability. The disabilities caused may vary from a mild speech impairment, to a severe lack of muscle co- ordination. Participation House places clients into apartmnent units equlpp- ed wlth facilities spe- ciaily designed for the- handicapped person. There are seven such units ioperation, a inh Oshawa, four on Slmcoe Street North and three on Bloor Street.' The apartments have two, thrêe or four bedrooms and ail are equipped with special door han- dies, built-in fire alarmi systems and lowered. light switches. The units on Bloor Street are the most re- cent; bufit hiln Mwith such facilities as drive- i showers, counter-top stoves and lowered cup- boards. Participation House also provides a Day Program, at the Metho- dist Church on Rossland Road iWhitby., Here the clients are given pre-vocational trainingý and some lfe skills traiing. Each client is placed and given sup- port services according to bis/ber particular needs. Jules Loeffen is the Director of Cheshire Home, located on Sim- coe Street North. Ches-, hire Home, is a resi- dence for the physicaily handicapped who need assistance wlth the acti- vities of daily living. There are no -nurses or doctors on staff, as it is, the goal of Cheshire- Home to promote a family setting and run the residence, as much, as possible, as a home and not as an Institution.! At Cheshire Home there are12 tenants, six men and six women, rangig i age from. 28 to 56.1 The causes of their handicaps are varied; most are ,vlctims of Multiple Sclerosis, a de- generative, disease that affects the -brain and spinal chord. There is no treatment or cure and its syiptoms affect each victim ýdifferently. The, disease- may cause speech disturbances, muscular inco-or- dination, vision prob- lems or various other disabilities. The Cheshire Home building is not as new as the Bloor Street units of- fered by Participation House, but there have been many renovations to the building, includ- Ing an elévator, a ramp, a drive-in shower and lowered cupboards. Each tenant at Ches- hire Home is assigned a specific chore involved i the running of the household. For exam- pIe, clearig the table of dirty dishes, dusting or notifylng the staff that a bulb needs chan"in i one of the exit lampa are three of several jobs asslgned. There are no laws or curfews; the tenants are free to corne and go 'as they plea8e and each la responsible for hlm/her self. Wlth the help of the, communlty the Durham Region District Health Council would like hi assess the need for more programa ike Parti- cipation House and Cheshire Home. They would ike to Interview and get ideas dlrectly from the handicapped individuals or their familles, who, are i or from Durham Reglon. Anyone involved, who would agree hi be inter- viewed, contact Leanne Doupe, at the Durham Region District Health Council, 43-426. Ail information re- ceived wlll be kept com- pletely confidential. Ashbu.rn resident, wins scholarship- TORONTO - Chuck Fis of R.R. 1, Ashburn is the winner 0f a $350 educa- tion scholaiship as one of the top five competi- tors in the 4-H financial management club con- test. The Hon. George Ashe (MPP - Durham West) announced the award on behalf, 0f the Hon. Den-, nis Tixnbrell, Minster of Agriculture and Food. Cil this upn and use Itasyu checkist. - - - IOpen your cioset doors wide and make a clean sweep. Cadet gNves you the chance to get everything i In your cioset cieaned for 20% off. Better hunry because good I dean savIngs lik these don't ~ corne offen. Cadet gives you great prices and thie convenlence t Iof over 100 stores. Il~ Ponts $239 El SwVeater1.98 El Spodtcoal 239 I Elsuit Coat 2.39 ol 2 PwScesuet (menLodi..> C450 E0 3 Ploce Suit <Men/Laies) 5.70 0l VeOSI,1.20 El Laundered Shit .90 0 alouse 1.85 I0E Dy Cleaned Shirt 'l60 0l Slt (up tao4 plsa) 1.98 I0E DmO (plain) 3.95 0l Dru (2 plece plain) 4.50 El Dress (bo#Tfl) 7.95 El Coat 4À9 I0E RoIm Coat 4.69 El Jaciat 3.19 0 Shoets 1.20 0u Tib1.20 I ElBket (single) 3.95 El Blanke(double) 0 3.95 El sedspmod 4.75 El Comkwter4.75 I ElUWO Hano3.19 El &Xmoble SIt 5.98 I1E Sleeping kog 5.98 636 KNG Si. L..Commerof Wkon T S9., Sat. 9-8) 5792571 AML .200 faim Shuo S", Il m OM L..J0 Item Reui ElDrpes (per panel) Ilned 399 ElDrapes (per panel) unNined 399 0l Suede Coait (uIl lengfh) 2660 Il Suee Skkt1595 Il SuedeJastupd26.6039 Il sucie weatr 1100 El Lether Jcket (up ta27) 2660 0 Leotter Caat(fuillengfth»3060 I Il Leather Suit 1I2 0 Leather Sweater 1 Z95 0 LeatherlTie 700 0O Mhletlc Jackew (Aul or part leathe) 13.25 (lncludng re-dyelng) 2&.60 *Sltk and downfllbd Items extra, I *Extra charge for fur tdm or zip lnn Ing m *Extra charge for suede or leotherbth "Coupon must be AISO Save 20% presentod wfIh Incornlng on ail repairs gormnents. In ferfos ExPires J.fy 3. 1983. adatrfos - We guorantee our qualty or your money refunded. Over 100 stores.- Cail 656-6601 for the store nearest you. - cë0nosMost stores now open af 8-00 A.M. WCKSN RD. à DundaS 9 . -AM X PAZA. 134 owood Av*. S& . hiSOI. " 72M 9-8t"96.SM, i. -8,.6). - I 01 DUtE)ASST. W,. CSorr f Iiranch 611-l69 1360 ICINGSrON RD. L on-Wd 87 Tts. it9.S a t. 86 ________ 6W' i SP..ECI AL SUMMER GARDEN SALE L0W EVERGREEN (SPREADERS SALE) 30%'OFFAsdPdce $.5 BOI0W asLONNE GGAL LIOUFIU'D $7395 wu m mm POOL CHEMICALSI 0 %OFF PRICE TOP SOIL Plantlng Mlx $15 00 (High Quallty Screened) * per yd. LANDSCA PE, SPECIAL 20 % O F F Retalning Walls 20% OFF Landscaplng 20 % O FF Patios a Walkway. Professionsl Estimates Wlthout Obligations Fiass was'among 1,300 young men and woMen, 16 hi, 19, who participat-ý ed in the ffrst 4-H finan- cial management pro-, gram, introduced lust fail by the mlnlstry's rural organizations and, services branch. Wi- ners were selected at 14 regional competitions. Other winners' were Julie Bumstead, R.R. 5, Owen Sound; Graham Dyer, R.R. 2, Dunsford; Frank Farkaq, R.R. 3,ý Harley; and, Scott« Jer- mey, R.R. 1, Hawke- stone. The scholarship wi- ners demonstrated their financlal -management, skiJls by achleving more than 85 per cent hi the qulzzes and exercises at the regional level. Topics covered included balance sheets, partial budgets, income and ex- pense statements, cash flows and actual cas studies. This 4-H program was the first course,0ffered hi both 4-H agricultural and hoealgclub members. "T7he 4-H financial management .program la part 0f the min'stry's overail plan hi sharpen financial management akilis,"l said Timbreil. "By armlng young peo- ple wlth these practical ekilis now, they wlll be better equipped hi oper- ate the fartui, homes and busiesses of the future."9 Local woman charged A Whitby womjan has been charged with woundig foilowing a stabbig early saturday morning. Scott Tripp, of 5M4 Mary St. E.*, Whitby, received seven stitches after being stabbed by a butcher knife. He was treated at Dr. J.O. Rud- dy Hospital about 5a.m. Jeanine Melong, 19, of the same address, lias been charged with wounding. She will ap- pear i Whutby criminal court July 8. a 1 , , 1 1