Whitby Free Press, 29 Jun 1983, p. 3

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DY Thn Daines Commninty Editor Wenlarryand Naa you've done t again. Whtby's .Mairlgold DAn- ner Playhouse lias another wlnner on Its bands. Same TIme Next Year, directedby Ber- nard Siade and starrlng Larr Solway and Nuala Fltzgerald,' "la aroman- tic farce, but t Is more than that. It lathe story of two happily marrled people (not to each other) who meet and enjoy each other's company so muc~y~~efor the meeting to becTorne an annual'evýent, on the same weekend each year. We see the characters' develop from 1951 as a young vibrant George (played by Solway) en- counters Doria (played by Fltzgerald) and both stumble their way through the morning af- ter. It is a siglit to behold watching George put on a suit jacket _beore a shirt and seeing Doria change under the covers s worth the price of admission alone. As the years go by we see changes An soclety affect the ýcharacter's values. Doris shows up one year decked out An beadsý and a costume from the hippie protest ara, after attendlng the free-plrited school in TeWhitby Hydrc Electrlc Commission of. fAclally opened in new service centre -on Taun- ton Road lautThursday. The 169000 squar fool structue, located jusi east 0f HflgWay 12, wiU be home for thé utliâty'a 19 staff 'members 0f the lime and mater denar- tmnents and As designed for thé future growt Of the utillty for years hi come. Whltby Mayor Bob At- tealey, on hand for the openlng, llnked the cen- tre hi tha naw Sony faclllty opened two days earllar. "We're fortunate anough hi open this building, " he sald. "Tha Wbltby hydro, com- mission and Sony go handin glove." George Ashe, Ministar- of Revenue, sald the centre was another in achain of evants An the growth of Whltby. "There's no question where the activity An the Durham West reglon bua bean in the last faw years and that's WhAt- by" healdd. PrefimlnarY pann for the new building began five years ago wben At became obvius that there was no posbity for expanson at the existing Mary Stret facflly. At the, tima, the meter dapar- tmant was balng forced hi operate out 0f quar- ters ir the ad- mnsrtion office on Brock Streat South becatua0fi Inadequate facities. lmt lacal kydro mm- Berkley, Çallfornla. She goes nto, a rage after dlscovering that George voted for Barr Gold- water ln the election. Her protest movement wau agalnst anythlng that Goldwater, stood for. George show up five, years later decked out An blue jeans and a jean jacket. He has nellowed over the years. The meetings con- tinue through 1975. For ail we know, they stli rendezvous once a year. mission decided that a * new facillty was needed which would mot only * brlng the lime and mater departments together t undar one roof bu t would also consolidat 1 the s9torage of al 1 materlals and equlp- ment at on, location thereby-providlng for a, more efficient operation of the utility. o- The assistance and o operation of the town was enllsted. whlch resulted An the' utllity purchasAng town-owned land. adjacent hi the public wôrks Service Centre, In return the hiwn lias purchased the utillty's Mary Street East site for incor- poration nhi their nelghboroo m- provement plan. Winvalley Construc- tion, a local flrm, began building the struture in. Ochiber, 1lm. The naw building An- cludes a large garage, loading docks, and a radio system llnking dispatchers with the commlssion's fleet of vehicles. The totalcoet of this faclllty s sllgty aboya $1 million. Through the town, a provincial government labour in- centive program of $M9,000 was obtained. $063000 las bean debenftured and wM beh pald off by 190. The ranlgcocsnto the utlllty wlll h paid out of current funds and the cmison As satîsfled that the Impact 0f this project on present and futureelectrlclty -rates An Wbltby will h minimal. One of the reasons the Play works las old radio volce clips and muslc which we can assoclate wth the era. As we listen hi strains of the Beatles slnging "When I'm 64", we know the characters have aged Anto the late sixties. The play also works because Nuala and Larry have a certain comapatibllty and magnetism together. They.appear extremely comfortable performlng opposite each other. The props for the play are simple but the gags are abundant so we do not even think about the redundant background.* We are too busy laughlng througl the encounters. 1Same TIme Net Year wll be playlng at the Dinner. Playhouse, 419 Brock Street North, un- tillJulyl16' The show plays Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 8:30 p.m. , wlth dlnnerat 6. There are two per- formances each Satur-. Larry Solway and Nuala FltzGeraîd share a moment ln bed together In the- MarigoîcI Dinner Playhouse production of Same Time Next Vear. -Photo courtesy of Marlgold Playhouse, day, the first at 7: 30 p.m., wlth dlnner at 5:30 and the second at 10:30e wlth dinner at8: 15. Sunday's show, begins at 7 p.m., wlth dinner at Prices are 19.95 for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, $21.95 for flday (ncludes Cabaret), $22.95 for Saturday, and $17.95 for Sunday. This ncludes show and dinner. WH ITBY F REE PR ESS, WE N ESDAY JUNE Same. Time Next Year another winner also SALES & SERI 29. 1983, PAGE 3 toi VICE WHITBY HYDRO ELECTRIC, COMMISSION' on your new service centre. We are pleased to have sup- plled and installed the'COM- PLETE ELECTRICAL SYS- TEM.= VICKERY ELECTRIC LIMITED J.R. Vlckery 668-3531 John T. VIck.ry M i Typ ewriter Whitby. Hydro opens new service centre *This ýsummer, corne to the future. MICROPLACE INO. PRESENTS COMPUTER DAY CAMPS For detali. of the camp nhareat you, pisseFetrig h oeil our toilifrse number, 1-800-263.3727. etrnTh Our switchboard sa open from 9 a.m. to 9 COMMODRE 64mw p.m., 7 deys a week. Major CredIt Cardse Acc.pt.d. M -1CR OIPILAICIE I1NC. 24 LOCATONS ACROSONTARI10 XI i i 1a o s H£w A CAMP SA MAC 3 727 L4q10)a - 37 (main administration building) 571*2837 Aduit Classes Also Fuiiy Insursd We do cars, trucks, motorcycles, govemment Inspection station. 666-1653 317 Hopkins St. Whty I THAPAR ýDENTURETHERAPY CLINIC 214 Dundas St.E. 163 Simcoe St. S. Whitby Oshawa 668-7797 579-8752 Hours: Monday to Saturday & Evenings By Appointment Only lm 1983, PAGE 3 -J.R. VIcklery John T. VIckery 1- CONGRATULATIONS --668-3531

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