PAGE 4, WEDNESDAYJJNE 29, 1983, WHIITBY FREE PRESS whitby ; I a Voice of the County Trown Michael Ian Burgess, f The only Wbitby newspaper lndependently owned and operated by Whitby I Pubilshed every Wednesday Sby M.B.M. Publishing S and Photography Ime. Phone 668-6111 The Free Press Building, Pubisher - Managlng Edi toi 13l Brock Street North, Whitby- sunShin ecpital of Cand TIMOTHY BAINES Communlty Editor ELIZABETH NOZDRYN Advertlslng Manager Second Claso Mail Regatration No. 5351 Well t's officially aummer and we'certainly aren't being let down by the weather. This long stretch of aunahine couid soon change oui town logo. Instead of being the home of the marlgold, we couid be the sunahine capital of Canada. Songwriters would qulckly capitalize and- pen tunes about our baImy City. Songe Ilike "It neyer, raine ln aauthern Whitby" would hit the MUSIC charte with a bullet. Certaliy we deserve thîs sunahine. We en- dured enough weekends of rain and gioomy' weather ln April and May to last a lifetime. In three weeks time' we could be -one step dloser to becoming a City.' it le at the Juiy 18 meeting that Council wiii decide whether to make application to. the Mlilter of Municipal Affaira and Housing for an Order ln Council to change the statua of our town to City. The topic keeps popping Up in the regular Council business. SThis week, Regional -Councillor Tom Edwards, who ýhas already'sad ln no terme wiii he accept the change, quIpped that achool kîda were recitIng ln ciasa, "Only the town of Whltby you- aay...City pity." Mayor Bob Attereiey quickiy ruied Edwards out of order but the councillor had made his point. It was announced- at 'Council that anyone wiahing a. compiete report on the recommen- dation couid obtain one by phoning the town ad- ministrator's offic e at 668-5803.« The July 18 meeting has been moved ahead to 7 p.m., no doubt to accomodate the enauing batties that could occur when the clty Issue la deait wlth. Just lace the, boxlng gloves on ail councillora and let them go at It. This could be the fight of the century. If It la a good filght, maybe we cauld. make It an annual event. We couid have another Racky on our handa. Councillor Edwards, ln the role of Rocky Balboa, may lose the battie the fîrat time, but he would return ln the aequei ta change us back to town.statua. In other noteworthy newa, the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital has been ýgIven approval ta cail tenders Dear Sir: We wouidIlike ta hear from property owners in your area who are faced with problems, when they attempt *ta, build on their lands, who find their prop- erty has dropped in value, or who h~ave found It difficuit ta ralse -mortgage money, because af the effect,0f land- use regu.lationa lm- poaed on their prop- erty by the local conservation auth. ority or by the Ministry of Natural Resources. We are a coali- tio'n of praperty owners ln Welland, Fort Erie, Port Coi- borne, Pelham, Wainfleet and Thor-, aid, who have united ln a regional aaaociation ta pro- for tl)e new 32-bed chronic caré' unit. The hospital expects that construction could atart as early es mid-aummer, and the new unit could open ln the spring of 1984. The f und raislng drive la aiowly moving upwards but they are stili over $200,000 short of their goal. The' town of Whltby must throw their support behlnd thîs project to make it a reality. Contribute ln any way you can. tect the intereats of ail property ownera in the Niagara Re-- gion whose- lands have been affected by flood plain map- ping, and are now designated ln a flood plain or flood hazard zone. We Invite ail property ownera ln your area wha are alao ln a flood plain ta share their exper- L2A 5N8. lences wlth us so that we can Include them ln a brief we are preparing for the attentian of the Provincial Cabinet. Slncerely, Mary Fox, Secretary, Niagara Peninaula Flaod Plain Fight'- ers Aaaociation, P.O. Box 1009, Fort Erie, Ont. Whltby Optimiste.3 Canadian club............... 2 David Thomn..3 -Doug MC Midas Muffler ......4 AndrewRlch .......4 Shut-Out: 1 Trevor Crump P........ .. . . .. f Whtby Alumlinum in BANTAM June 16 Clu-la Cole ......... ÉÃRalhD'Andrea..i David Carrol ........ 1 LamSoteel ........5 Colin eather....... 5 June T.E............ 2 BradBeer ......... iWphfD'Andrea.. Bob ý - Myers JoeMulcahy .......2 1 Tanylfafi......... Bob Myers Chev. Olds .........1 Philp North........1 Whltby Kinsmen ..2 Frankebster...... Tony Mlflld ........ e20 Lasoteel.......... Vi Malehev ...... WhltbYKlnMMen... 4 PmMankWebster ......2 DaveWesteott....... ATOM WllsonAuto ........ 5 Paul SicillaWo......2 Jeremy MRKino... 2 Sbawn Axhorn.......1 Shut-Out: Kevln Voyde Century 21 Gold Jacket Realty .. .. 7 Joseph itchen... 4 ChadBevan ......... 2 CralgMcConnel ...., Shut-Out: Chris Stevenson Colin Hadden.......1 Attersley Tire. ......3 Michael Simos......1 Mark Solomonides .... 1 Randy Van Denberg ... 1 Shut-Out: tim Pritchard Oshawa Meat Products3 StevenRuiz ........ 2 Martin Blake.......1 Canadian Scottis h CIub6 KWesi Thomas.....2 ShW dH .....2 Casey Haliday .i.. Richard Gordon ... Whitby Mail Famly Restaurant ........ Jeffrey Park........ 0 County Bowl........1 Brian Mailtand .i Fireplace Plus......0 BlairPark .........0 Rutchison Park... 4 Shane ronin ......2 AlexhWeelans......1 Julian Pemberton. . SQUIRT GardonRedDevi.... 6 Brooklin Canrete.. Iike St. John....... Scores were flot supplied Shawn McDonald. .. 2 CraigManon ......2 Shut-Out: MacCauley Furniture .4 Scott Burgeos........1 Gavin Tackney .i. Jonathon Sinden .i. Billy Sandiford.-.....1 Pauloore .....i Cameron Poland.i.. PringePark .......7 B. J.Prout ......... 4 Mark Babony....... 2 Alasdair Syme.......1 Shut-Out: Andy Mathers Jack Grant Realty .... 9 Kiey Moulton .......3 Brandon Knight..2 Ian Armour......... 2 Brodie Richards .i. David Mitchell. . ... Whitby Dairy Quee...ï ScottDonnelly......1 Mathew Payne......1 Shut-Out: Ben Wray 'BrooidlnLeglo.... Gregory Neif.... Whltby Klnsmen ...3. Andre Marias....... st. Johns...........0 Whitby Fieh ... Peter Moore........ George Cinips Barbershop....... -LETTERS TO THE-EDITOR Concerned Niagara P *eninsula homeowners ask for input W.I.S.C. RESULTS PEEWEE' UN MOSQUITO Ir ma ï esâdents for Whit4y residents.