Whitby Free Press, 29 Jun 1983, p. 6

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PAGE 6. WEDNESD)AY JUNE 29. 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~kIin Byines By ROXANNE REVELER Coli "554141 with Items for tdii columu. Isaw a great T-shirt on a serlous looklng lady the other day ... .itread ..."' Wornen Wvho Sçeek lu e. Equal lu Men Lack Ambitionp.' Unfortunately hubby wouldn't let by buy one. LIBRARY NEWS Congratulations lut Peter Owens, the lucky winner, Of the "Garfielci Gotcha Back" contesti Peter bas a perfect record at tii. llbrary for returning bis books on tirne. Keep Up the terrific work Peter. Thelibrary willl h visiting the parks throughout MuY andi August each Wednesday. spencer Conm- rnunity, Center from il a.m. lu noon rid Macèdonlan VMlage Park from 1 till 2 p.m. Join lu the' games, crafts, puppets and music, bos drama, atonies andi fun times. .bos July la "Fantaay Month", at your library, starting off on Tuesday July 5 from 2':30 lu 3:30 wlth crafts andi storles. Thursday July 7 the kicis are lu for a treat Of MOvies, from 2:30 to 3: 30. Corne on kicis, meet you at your library.' Please note tbat tbrougbout July andi Auguat, lu luclude September 2, the library Winl clse at 6 p.m. On Frlday nigbt anci ho closed -ail day Saturday. The library will oM course b. closeci Frilday July 1. Enjoy, Canada Day. Fine Lies4*Wear 30%'Off, ALL FLEECE ACTION WEAR Many styles &, colours to choose fromi 20% OFF SALE Î on DRESSES& âIià 655-3474< 57Baldwln St., Brooklln Now open Monday FAMWILY FILM NIGIIT Tbroughout the summer montha, Meadowcret Baptiat Church will be showlilg movies every Wed- nesday eVening at 7:30. You are luviteci to explore the wonders of God's creation.wlth the foilowlngý Moody Science filma: July 6, Energy ln a Twlllgt World; July 13, Cty of Be..; July 20, Duat or DesW-tiny; JuJy 27, Ernpty Cities, Auguat 3, Facts of Falth; August 10, God of the Atom; August 17, Mystery Of Tbree Clocka, August 24, Professor and the Propheta; Auguat 31, Red River of Life andi Sep- tember 7, To the Unknown Goci. SPENCER CONMMITy CÉNTER Nfey Iidat1 Corne for crafts, gamnes andi lots of fun at Spencer Community Center Day Camp. Thiey wlll be havlng puppet shows, nature waiks, swlmming, canoe day, sports, plus lots more. Junior programme, ages three lu five wi11 be helc Monday tbroughflday from 9 arn.tl 2:30 and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 4p.m. .The senior porme, ages three lu 13 will, b. held Mondaytbog Friday from 9 ar..lu 4 p.rn. The program dates for both are June 27 Wil August 26. There will be advanced registrationthroughout the summer, Monday through Frlday from 8 a.rn. lu 5 parn. Montbly, weekly. and daily rates are, available andi for more information please oel Susan Elliott at Spencer Community Center, 655- 3512. MEADOWCREST GRADS Some 47 senior students graduated fromn Meadowcrest Publie Sehool last Thursday evening, June 23. Although the heat becamea Jittie over- wheling at times, no one appeared lu minci too much. The students lookeci so hancisome in their finery. The programme, chaireci by Craig Ferguson was openeci witb welcoming remarks by principal Joy Bain. The. valedlclury acidresa was given by Kara'Braun., Guest speaker, Elizabeth Brown, a former student of Meadowcrest and no* a student of Trent Unîiversity was a delight lu bear as she manageci lu tune into the graduates and keep the m completely Although ail students s houlci be pleased i wth their endeavours, there are a few who Were delihted lu learn that their diligence haci pali off. These are the ones who wonsubject Prime denoting excellence lu a particular area. Craig erguson was the recipiant of the Language award. Mathematics was won* by Roy ýGrobber, oppyy pO"iiomol pF1 Disks by Sv." DSKETTJES N978030- Prefarmated for AFRPlC P 1h I *SOLO ONLY ON PICGS. 0F 10 OISKETTES FOR OTHER SYSTEMS AVAl LABLE ON REQUEST Geography by Usa Burnett,' Music by H.J SclonFrnch by R Eachail Wells, Hlatory Heather Brown, Science by Kara Brown and Ar Claire Taylor. Atheetlc awards went lu Yvc Kurz, Frances Lazzara andi Andrew Mueller.' lup male student of thieyear went lu Cralg Fergu andi the top female wua Kara Braun. >0 Eacb year an award la presenteci by tbe Indep dant Order of the Daughters Mf-teh Empire lu atudent who was siiown the. most Improverneni the. Intermediate Speclal Education classes. year thie award wau won by Dwayne Van Meurs yearly Student Cltizenshlp Award la presented the. Meadowcrest Adviaory Committee lu thi e e deemeci lu bave rnost given of tbernelves ln service Mf the community. This award waa won Amanda Cavannaii, andi was presenteci by Wi Dunn, co-chairperson of M.A.C. I'm 'sure ail those who graduateci, and thi parents andi frlends wbo attendeci the cerernoni appreclate the bard work doneby those who h4l organize the. evenlng. Tbanks go lu Janet Qu ia ail tii . grade- seven mothers. for arranglng 1 refresbments;, staff, B. Lariab, H. Clark, L.'Dairli andi B. Brown for servlng, the Brookiu 11 ticultural Society andi especiaily Valerle Hunde for the lovely corsages, boulu' nniers and, flor arrangements; Meadowcr.st Advlsory CormlittA for the. purchase, of, andi Bob Cardinal for the sele tion of the cltizensblp awards; and fluaily a speci thanks lu Mrs. R.Morris -for, the beautifu decorated cake. Congratulations lu ail Meadowcrest students wl graduateci. Have a great summer andi the best( luck lunhigh'school next year. I'rn sure your< nei scbool wll b. as proud of you as everyone a Meadowcrest bas been. HOLD ON A MINUTE Just a reminder that this wlil ho tue laut colum for a while. My typewriter bas taken a vacation ang doesn't plan lu report back for duty for the next fev weeks., (I neyer should bave let it join tli Typewriters International Union). Have your item, lu tue drop box by Friday July 15 by 1 p.rn. and tuej wli appear lu the July 20 edition Moftue paper. Set you soon ..Roxanne Reveler Brookiu Bakery drop ff Fridays before noon please- A mrch on Clify Hall sh'ouldn'"t b. e A only tie yu get t by Vea Mue The. star to peappe arin it lu ri Oshawa 1by son1 Tii.cana"ianCystic the Fibrosia Foundato by Dunham Chapter, ha alu announceci that Robe Urich,. best known -for eir bis role of Dan Tanna on les tbe .television show eci Vegas, wm lappear'at. ind the Oshawa Centre July for 23, lu help wltu a public Ing awareness day hoing Or- helci by the. local chap- wt ter. ral Singer I songwrlter »e Kevin Denbok, who bas D- cystic fibrosis and ha [a donated more than l 0000 lu, C.F. research from sales of bis album, ho People Like You, wil f also beon handto per-, xt forrn some of bis music t and jolu Urichlinsigniug autograpbs. It was also announceci at a recent appreciation nnight by the. local cbap- id ter that- Cystic Fibrosis w' month (May) was very e successful. a A 50's andi 60's dance y raiseci $9,800, a tag day e and flea rn-arket, raiseci $1,000, a spirit week at Osbawa's',-Eastdale' Coliegiat. raiseci $1,100, and, Chrialupiier Bal and friend - Guilfoil raiseci $147 with a yard sale. The Durbam'Chapter also carn, lu second luto <Waterloo County lu the running for the Fred Blizzard award, presen- ted lu tue, national cbap- ter.of tue year., -Tbis la quit. an ac- complishment con- siderlug the local cbap- Iter only bad four months Ifrom tue ' time it- wasý Iinitiateci lu tue closlng' date for nominations. Local man" completes radiation c ourse Doug Lyrner, of'tue W.C. Town Funeral »Home lu Whltby, last mof mn*u ecm tii. f2irat Tii. course was de- signeci lu prepare tuose in funeral service lu bandling, decontamia- tion and treatrnent M« the radioactive human remania andi the tran- portation andi disposaI of radioactive mat-ý erials.1 Tii. course was held. under tue aponsorship Mf tue National Funeral, Direclurs Association of the U.S., andîs thefit time a course ha been offereci on the. toplc for funeral service person- nel. I à J- DROOkLIN HOME BAKER>' & DELICATESSAN 61 ALDWIN' ST., BROOKLIN 655-4051' SPECIAL THIS WEEK: Chesea lbavels eah Seour Many In Store Speclals LA CONTESSAI HAIR SALON. SUPER SPECIALS, Mondays Perms - 1/2 Price Wednesdays 1/2 Price on every other service (except Perme), (This offer applies to Susan only.> Cal for your appolntmentî now. 668-9262 v A

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