Whitby Free Press, 29 Jun 1983, p. 8

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PAGE 8,WEDNESiJAYJ UNE 29, 1983, WH ITBY FREE P Between You and Me By RUTH COLES Talent In Whltby As Urne goes by we find more and more talent in Our town, artists, musiclans and wrlteërs. Now we bave a resident who no doubt wlil brig an amount Of farne rigbt ta our doorstep. A few Yesrs ago 1 wrote about Margaret lider, a resident 0f Wbltby for the past five yesrs and REGISTER, CONTINUOUS, CARBONUZED & MISC. A COMP 'LETE PRINIING SERVICE 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Shopping Plaza, Ajax Telephone 416-683-1968 and 416-683-1970 @ Driver trainii e Course fee 1, by the stude e Enquire aboi reductions fg e Pr4vate In-ca *Free pick ui: Instruction *Approved by League *You onîy leai right! NEXT COI Julyl2 101 Dundas St. V July 4 Pickering Sherli Mail, PICKERING Over 70000graduatea recommend Young Drivers Of caneda Tralning centres coasf (o coast ng for al1 ages is income tax deductible 3nt ut insurance premi'um forYDgraduates ir Instruction )at home for in-car the Ontario Safety rn to drive once - do it URSES-START: Turnady & Thursday 1.m P-- Sp.m. for 4 wnks BY 666M 1115 PMMMdY & Wsdnesdy SP.M..- 9P.mi Or 4 »Oe lan a 683m3343 PRESS hopefully for many more. At that Urne Margaret was recoverlng from. tbe Ios of ber husband and ber eldest son. who was kllled i a tragle accident ail wltbln a ten month perlod. Suddenly she became a vlctim of a severe stroke whlch cause ber to lose ber speech for a Urne, the use of ber rlght ami and partial use of one leg. 1 mention this again only to encourage those wbo bave gone througb such happenings to belleve there la always hope and a great deal of it depends on you and your attitude of course. No two people are alike, everyone responds In a different way. Margaret bas a great determination and a buli n stubborness wbicb urges ber on and she ailma for success not failure. Her recovery she feit was rather slow but i corn- parison to others I felt it was rather remarkable. For some Urne ber speech at times was rather hesitant and slurred; now I se a great change. She >speaks weil and bas lot tbe hesitancy unlesa she la very tires but a rest rectifies this in short order.1 Canada, Canadian, Wbitby Ontario and Margaret Holder are becorning weil known, words on the Island of Jamaica. Headines i the papers, articles and appearances on television. In 1975 Margaret and ber son Jack went to the Island;, love- at first sight. A compatibilty between she, teb people botb black and white, the gardens, the ses and the mountains. lier special place in-the world wbere she feels better physicaily, ber love, ber'present -and ber future, ber hope for years to, corne that she may return agai and again.. She returned in 1979 and bas travelled there 12 tirnes i four'years. -No doubt because the weatber agrees wltb her it ms benefical to ber weil being wbicb rnight not be so)*h many. She loves those beautiful mountains, walks on the sands by the ses and througb the lovely lush tropical gardens but I tbink ber firat love are the people, especialy the cblldren. -One of b er hobbies la photograpby and she is good. At the moment she bas, a frarned picture of a native cbild, a young boy rnaybe four which is a deligbt, the dearest picture of a chid you could hope to see. Now the exciting and good news. A year and a baif ago, a friend, a native of the Island asked ber la she could write a song. She.bad always loved to sing. but VYSj%, aI~. r~Ji5 A i;. aIu IACVVL oVUurrea LU ner Vro Residue Frorn the Pine Trees months later upon ber return ta Wbitby sbe gave it Ntt or bu htvvdsra fylo some thougbt. Write s song, wby not? The titie rmust Ntt or bu htvvdsra fylo ha ber-firat consideration, the words would corne rnning along the shoreline. This bappened four or lae.11 five years ago much to rny consternation. Paint 1 Now Margaret la cornposlng music and lyrics and, thougbt, the- consistency of paint and the sarne writing poetry. Beautiful music and beautiful wor- srnell, very' mucbh lke turpentie. My commone cia! sense sbould bave 'tald me no; just bow rnucb paint I bave watcbed this coniing into beig over a short wieold I ec orabfon igtnt oot Urne rnuch ta my arnazement. At this Urne of lie t ayo > give birth to such talent is a wonderful thing. She la The environmentàl people came, down, gave me. full of It and out'it cornes day after day with no. the proper explanation, tested it forirny benefit and reassured me. What- fools we are wben We. do not stop and thlnk!t QUALITY ~The answer la the pine free. I did not know thla but CUTOM MADE m the late sprig the duat froin the cone escapes, -- files wth a great burst inta the air and when it set- THERALLYINSUATEDties on the water this is the resuit. I have neyver seen thisý happen but friencis and neighbours bave, s W INDOW S great Cloud of pollen burstig forth and flyinig about. ENAMEL FINISH î Now about the sbad, not s one. to haeenada INA YO 2COLOURS thisUrne theysbould alha in andi desd, rotting in' Ma n u7i rcby 0 fre s 12*OikDlvr &lsaÎto the sun. The swimrning las great, warn, i the Man fatuod yFee stmaesOuc728-1 y63 s3laîon seventies as it, used ta be w ben we had warm er ACOY&SORO*4 AEELS.OH westher and'we enjoyeci the lake i June. ALUMINUM LM T OO ffl SAM.SP MONEE i Sos frienci suggested that this yesr 'the 'shad mnust bave been on the piil! Could be 1 (1 Plant, rows of fast- (~T1 A~ T 'T > L'Igrowing crops sucb as, lettuce, spinach >or CL A -RSradishes hatween slower-growing .crops such as tomatoes or -cucumbers to incresse tecrops are planted at seemlng effort. She bas a lovely volce, entranclng and a blt seductive. ',b1rough the Prime Minster of Jamalca she bau given ber flrst song, The His of Jamalca, to the Island. It was received wlth great thanks and rnucb pubilcltywlth. an invitation to return and mucb more wblcb we shalh tell you about at a later date wlth Information about other songi, composed and almoot ready ta, go. Margaret bas an organ but at Urnes fids it dif- ficult ta cordinate ber hands and feet, however she does weil as she manages to cope wlth the thredness she sometimes feels What lovely mnusic she makes! I ar n ot a good judge of music, ny rmusic and poetry are itbe thinga I see, the face of a cblld, flowers, trees and the seu. At school fromn beglnnlng to end mnusic, poetry and prose made up a good part of our curriculrn and we used ta tbink we were Inundated wlth it. My husband bad the same background i the arts but neither of us bas excelled i any of tbem. Margaret is excellng but not b ecause of the public sebool systern, just ber own natural talent. 1Sorne of us are interested i genes and woider about sucb. Do the good and the bad pass down tbrougb tbe ages and rnany generations? Richard Wagner tbe-celebrated German author and composer, orginator of the mnusic drarna, born i 1813, and dead i 1883 la an ancestor of Margaret. This la hiteresting and rnaybe quite significant. lier great grandmotber wrote mnusic but at this tirne they have not been able ta find any of it. lias this gift filtered down through'th e ages to a descendent of bis? Probably 80.. The twenty first year of independence for Jarnaica coming up and as Margaret says a prosperous regirne. She may very weil play a part i this celebration. She was warrnly received i teb Prime Minister's office. The Minister of State, Mr. Edrnund Bartlett bas asked ber to inforrn tbem bofore she returns as sbe was asked ta do before but the registered letter did not arrive; a tracer bas been put out ta, track'it down. Wben she returns she wiil sing ber song ta the accompaniment of a band. Hopefully this wiil happen at Montigo Bay. We will keep you posted as time goes on. ~g~J' frI~?~1 Patient advocate The Mlnlstry of Healtb bas anzlouneed that Catherine Burns la the Patient Advocate for Wbltby Psychiatrie Hos- pital. The Pyschiatric Pa- tient .Advocate Prograrn, beaded by Dr.* Tyrone Turner,' will provide representation for i-patients at ail the provincial psychlatrlc bospitals i both treat- ment matters and burnan rigbts. A further goal la ta provide infor- mation to patients, staff and the cornuty about patients, rigbts. The Advocatels Of- fice at the Whitýy Psy- cbiatric Hospital will ha officiaily opened in rnid- July to receive com - plaints. However, Ms. Burns is available now to discuss the role of the Patient Advocate and Paitent Rigbts. For more informna- tion, plesse cail Ms. Burns at 668-9m. CONCERTS IN THE PARK The City Of Osbawa$ Cornrunity Services Department, Recrea- tion Division and the Toronta Musicians Association are. co- sponsoring a series of concerts. The, concerts, featurlg music from the 30's ta tbe,80's, wil ha .performed, at 8 p.m. at the McLaughlln Bandshell in mernorial Park, Oshawa, by a'14- piece stage band. On vocals are: Shiffon Duffy, July 5, 12,1j9 apd.ý 26;Das Sle, August 2, 99 16 and 23. The following are. con- cert dates and perform- ers. July 6 - Canadian Staff Band (Salvation Army). July >13 -Osbawa Civic Band. July 27- Oshawa. Civie Band and Wbitby Ses Cadet Band..' August 10 - Osbawa Civic Band and Salmers Family (vocals). August 17- Whitby Brasa Band. SAugust 24- Oshawa Civic Band and Oshawa Temple Salvation Arny, Band. i79-2220. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WH ITBV NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE la hersby gl»en that the Council of the Corporation oif lie Town of Whitby Intenda to consider the foiiowing motion at & meeting to b. e W on Monday, July 1Sth, 1963: THAT Council imake application ta the Minster af Muni- cipal Affaira and Houaing for an Order-ln-Coumn cft change the statue of the town ta a clty. and provîde for the foiiowlng: 1. That the effective date af the change of clty statua ha Januauy lst, 1964; and, 2. -Thot the composition of flie new City Council consista of the Mayor and two Regionai Aldermen eiectsd by general vote, and ans Alderman eiected on the Ward » basic from each of the four Wards ln the City of Whifby. AND FURTHER, TAICE NOTICE thaf any persan wlshlng ta support or oppose the proposed change ln municipal statua mey do so, by submlitting hlWher commenta ln writing, addrsssed to the attention of the underslgn.d, on or befare Monday, Juiy 1llth, 1963. OATED at Whitby, Ontaria thîs l5th day of-June, A.D., 1963. DONALD G. McKAY, CLERK The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossiand Road Ea.t Whitby, Ontario LUN 2W8 Phon~W&5Sy

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