Whitby Free Press, 6 Jul 1983, p. 9

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WIitby Town Counil bma ccepte a recom- mendation by the plan- ning director Wo endorse tbe early construction of a test track for the GO- ALRlÉsystern. Construction, aet for a five kilometre streteli tram a point east of Pickering Beach Road, Ajax, W a point west of Henry Street, Wbltby, between the CNR tracks and Highway 401, wIJ beggin i the-aprlng of 1064. "lIt'a a tremendous idea," aaid Coundillor Joe Drumm. "Wben GO cornes' W tawn, it"wiIl Auction-fever is sweeping the nation. The popularlty of aId- lime country auctions bas neyer been greater- and auction addicts wouldn't bave it any other way!1 Where else- canyou indulge i a bat- tde af nerves wlth your fellow-biddera, spend a couple oM bours obser- vlng burnan nature, and mayho walk away. with the barga in of the day- ail for a 'few dollars? Tbe excitement of an auction can't ho beat. Mltbaugh règular auc- tion afficlonados are aid bhande 'at -.the ,game, perbap6-s Born Myou newcomera W Ibhis unique rnetbad -of buying and selllng fèel besitant about attending your firat auction. Don't ho! Tbe rules are simple and few. Once you've at- tended an auction or two, you'll probably find it bard Wo stay away.. In tbls ,tbree-part series, we wiIl hy tW clear away sorne of tlie confusion surrounding the business ofauctions. Be sure you arrive in plenty of Urne tWview the merebandise at your leisure. It can ho dlsap- poiting W o ethe suc- cesaful bidder on an item tbat isn't qulte wbat you want wben you finally take a good look at it. Dsappointing-and unneccessary. Don't ho sby about examiiogany abject in whicb you bave an in- tersI. After ail, it's tbere W o a old and the prospective buyer bas a rigbt tW view the mer- chandise. Listen alao ta commenta made by other collectora. Tbey may notice something you bave mlssed, sucb as an informative marking on a piece of ailver, or a date and signature on a painting. Wben you bave made a thorougb inspection af bave a tremendous hi- fluence ln bringing more people tW aur town. P As Drumm puts Il, there are "la lot of bugs Wo work out yet. 1 An overpass over LLde3L reMk wil bave 13oconstructed for tbe test lime tW go ln place. The weigh acale station on Hlgbway 401 may also bave to be re- located Wo an area just east of Tbickson Road according tW Dalton Woods, a GO project manager for tbe exten- sion. Accordig ta the GO- ALRT test track WHITBY FREE PREISWEDNESDAY JULY 6, 1983, PAGE 9 Brooklin Ilorticultural Society planning dlrector's repart, this test section bas been chosen due ta the ease of implemen- tation i that there are no major physical ob- stacles i the area. The land area la prlmarlly vacant and owned by the Province. Some minor land acquisitions tram -the CNR wIll bave ta be negotlated by GO- ALRT. Full service could begin in Wbltby by 196. It bas nat yet been declded wbere Wo locate um U 3format L, at t>,. luani l f l n n c~.iuluê.u Membrs o Coucil Association Convention. Ken Brown gave a, wltty Maembieders o iioni and ofi-the-cuff account af the even18 and adven- HULIDAY flOUSE bae oiedth oinontures encountered by our members and dlgtst tbat any plan should in the above convention. dlgtst SITTING SERVICE clude replacing the Merle Slute of Bowrnanville, was judge for tbePCID . Brock St. bridge. sbow and dld a fine job'-o a difficult task. Beat A decision isooSn ex- Specimen for the show was a Peony entered by Tour HMrePets, pected on wbere the Audry Young and ber award was danated by Warm m dPol station wlll ho located. Woalies and Whatnats Mf Brookli. Winner af the Pet u ol Best Decorative prize was a relative newcomer ta AL CLASSIFEED ADi... for resuifl6-95 the society, Marilyn Love of Osbawa and bier award was given by Shedl Serviceaof Brooklln. Hlgblight of the evenlng was a dernonstration in fiower arranging given by one of aur membera, Veronica Calangelo and we can proudly say, "ie knew ber wben". She 18 now an accompllsbed flower arranger wbo teaches at Seneca College and in a genlal and manner, lmparted to us, same of the knowledge dhmba galned i this art. Sbe was i- deed a deliglit ta botb experienced and novice arrangera. A delicious lunch was prepared and served by Audry Yaung. Our next important event will be aur Annuals Show Wo be held on August 24,10o brlng sorne flowers and bring Borne friends. everylbung, decide how -much you are willing Wo spend on. eacb par- ticular item-and write it down 1 Ta determine whetber an item-a dinlng room suite, for example-is wortb wbat you bave decided W bid on it, ask yourself a few questions. Number one- i there much work ta ho done on the abject? Amy furniture wbich required much refnlbIg i bound tW go at a lower price tban furniture in excellent condition. If the rinbn1- isnat too ex- tensive, 'perbapo -it would be wortb your wblle Wo take a cbance. Even a, novice can ex- perience the thrill Mf un- covering a cherry table-top under a couple of coats oM paint!1 The second question Wo ask'youraelf la how mucb yau would bave to pay for a similar item in a store. Going back Wo aur example of a dining- room suite, it would ho a good idea, if you came Wo your auction with the intention ai bidding-.on one, Wo check aur prices an modern suites in a store or catalogue. Remember also, that mast modern furniture hI of a mucb lower quality tban that af yesteryear. Yau are mare llkely Wo find solid woods or at least thieker veneers in an antique place than i furniture made today. Tbey don't make tbings like they used ta- but at an auction, you can atlil buy them!1 A country auction wilJ ho held July 23 at roquais Park Arena, Whitby. Preview starts at 9a.m. To consign to this suc- tion, cail auctioneer Earl MacKinnon, at 65&- 3526. Helpful hint s COLOURFUL COVER Portulaca or moss ,covurs the ground e a mossy carpet and praducesrose-like lowers in mny olr.It requires littie 0cC'rand cau be grown lpoor sais hi sunny, C0yreas. FLOWER POWER Planting flowers around trees protects Irees tramn lawn mawer injury. Choose shade- loving amnuals sucli as impatiens, begonias and coleus and water lib- erally, especially durlng dry periods By Margaret Beath Mucb Wo tbe disappoitment of the Brooklln Hor- t«Cultural Society, "Everytblng Dld Not Came Up Roases",t at Its Annual Rose Show beld on June 22. Speaklng tram a persnal standpoit, the wrlter bad no aphida, no black spot and moot important, No Rtoses. President Lyla Allan opened tbe meeting and welcomed a guest fromn as far away aa Gimil, Manitaba. Sbe also congratulated Ruse Heran on tbe occasion of ber 5ist Wedding Annlversary. Secretary Betty Van Buuren made announcemen- ta re future events particularly, the C.N.E. Com- petition. sbe alsa bhappily informed us that, our society won Hanouable Mention for 118 Newsletter Auction fever .sweeping nation

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