The Church Spea'ks by Rev. Gerald A. Hunt Whitby Baptist Church In the world of high-rise our church towers and spires are losing their prominence and power to im- press people. The secular mind dumps church steeples and soaring roof lines into the file on ar- chitectural design. Wbitby skyline stillhas visible points that mark churches and lead the eyes upward and God-ward. From the beginning the spires have tried to proclaim our need of God and spiritual uplift. A ver- tical thrust, a counteraction to gravitational drag seemed the best way to do it. A tail straigbt spruce tree m akes this kind of statement as it peints skyward. Not that God is always Up there or out there. The little girl gazing intently through fatber's binoculars for a glimpse of (3oc was told that you could carry God around ini your beart. While the cburch steeple raises our sights, the experience of God bIfts our whole being. And while the Russian cosmonauts found no evidenct of God i outer space, a Christian miner i Sudbury's 7,000 foot shaft ru .1m1Whitby 9Oth birthday - David J. Thomas, of Centre St. S., celebrated his 9Oth blrth- day Iast Tuesday (June 28). Mr. Thomnas, who has llved ln WhIt- by for the past 50 years, Is plctured dlsplaylng the congratulatory plaque ho recelved fromf Bill Davis, and medals that ho was awarded durlng the two world wars. Mr..Thomas, who has been marrled to wlfe Mldred for 67 years, ls an avld sports fan. Ho especilly enjoys watchlng Blue Jays basebali games. Free Press Staff Photo Roman Catholic Churches ST. JO HN THE EVANGELIST 903 G if fard St. 668-3676 MASSES Saturday, 7 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:15 p.m. ST. LEO'S North St. Brooklin 668-3676 MASSES Saturday, 5 p.m. Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Sponsored by the WIIITBY NMINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION HOLY FAMILY 91 Ribblesdaie Drive (at Manning Road) 576-2098 MASSES Saturday, 7 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11:15 a.m. "lKnow that 1 arn with you always; yes to the end of time." Matk, 28:20 CEflTRE tTD* 576m2239 THRTZNRS. SOSHA WA SPECIAL SUMMER GARDEN SALE LOW EVERGREEN (SPREADERS SALE) 30%OFFarkdPrie 30%OFAs low as $295 DULK CHLORINE SPECIA L 5 GAL LIQUID $7 95 SFILL UP 7a POOL CHEMICALsI 0 %OFF PRICE TOP SOIL Plantlng Mlx $1,5 OOpe d (High Quality Screened) LA NDSCA PE SPECIAL 20 % OF FRetainlng Wals 20% OFF Landscaplng 20% OFF patios & Walkway M I Wornen's Institute holdis meeting' by Kathleen Hepburn The Wbitby Women's Institute held their June meeting at the home of Lincoln and Dorothy Gregor. The business portion of the meeting was con- densed as much as possible, in order to leave room and time for a picnic. Fifteen members and three visitors were present to enjoy the tasty pot luck luncheon was much and varied, after which the mem- bers wandered through the spacious grounds or sat in groupa enjoying a social time. The , business meetings are over for the year 1982/83. We wil meet again in Septem- ber to be active in 1983/84. i eL # f zmpm Harwood Secondary School in Ajax held its graduation exercises with over 100 students receiving diplomas. The ceremony also marked the first oc- casion that an award donated by Wbitby Rotary Club bas been Up for grabs. Owen Campbell, of Wbitby, was the winner of the $200 award, presented to a Whitby student graduating from a four- year course who bas contributed to the school community. Members of the Har- wood Honour Roll for the year are Luke An- drews, Wayne Bernard, John Curran, David Harvey, Linda Langevin, Terri McCar- tbey, Kim Moores, An- drea Parsons and Sheila Ruston. Principal's Awards were won by Wayne Bernard and Terri Mc- Cartney. The Harwood Award was won. by Sheila Ruston. The Academic Director's Award was won by An- drea Parsons. The Technical Director's Awards were won by John Curran and Kim K&M CLANERSi "A Cleaning Service for the Ent ire Farnily" 12 COLBORNE ST. W., Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m.' VITBY 668,2831 Sat. - 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY DURHAM0FDRA NOTICE 0f Public Meeting Take notice that the Regional Planning Committee wlll consider at a meeting to be held on: July 12, 1983 at 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WHITBY A PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The purpose of the proposed amendment ls to Incor- porate the existing notifidation procedures related to advertisements prior to the Regionai Councli meeting with respect to the adoption of Off iciai Plans and Of- f icial Plan Amendments pursuant to the requiremen- ts of the new Planning Act. Subsequently, the Regional Cou ncil wiIi consider the recommendatIon of the Planning Committee at a meeting to be held on: Juiy 20, 1983 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAM BERS, REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report related to the proposed amendment ls available for inspection ln the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, or by calling Mr. L. Kotseff, M.C.I.P. Planning Department, (416)8668-7731. Requests to appear before the Planning Committee as a deputation concernIng the proposed amendment muet be forwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Com- missioner of Planning, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario Li N 6A3, and muet be received by the FrIday preceding the meeting. Requests to appear before Regional Council as a deputatîon concerning the propsed amendment muet be forwarded to0 the Regionai Cîerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario Li N 6A3, and muet be received 48 hours prior t0 the RgonaI Council meeting. C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. RgonaI Cierk PROFESSOA à .,, Same Day Service Alterations And Repairs f m j clatms hie presence. Alexander Solzhenit.syn was oppressed bya commurilsm that refused to recognize the verticaJ direction or the spiritual dimension of 111e. Harassed and persecuted for bis bellef ln God, he clung to bis faith because, as he sald "the entire 2th century is being sucked Into the vortex of atbelsm and self-destruction... There is nothlng else but the warm band of God to dllng to i the landslide. " More dangerous than communià m is our Western abondonment of God. If the cburcb spires have lost prominence to. the high-rise, the mails and in- dustrial complexes, not to worry. But if there bas been a radical sbift away from the eternal, the ab- solute and tbe grasping of spiritual realities, then we should sbare Solzhenitsyn's anxiety about the "graduaI sapping of strengtb from within" 01Wr society. The steeples and spires have no power to save us, 'but they stand as a constant reminder of the reality of God's power to complete and direct 111e, of his bealing for our sickness and bis forgiveness for 01W sin. "My ending is despair unless I be relieved by prayer" says Prospero i Sakespeare's "Tem- pest" The best our society can do these days is to appeal to "community standards" in deciding wbat's good for us. As tbose standards slip and slide around at will, our cburcb structures are a constant reminder of God's enduring purpose for us, from whicb we are to draw our standards and 01W inspiration. If we are reluctant to tear down churches we are also reluctant to frequent tbem, make tbem tbrob with devotion to the living God and bear bis word for Our lives. Not being relieved by prayer, our final end 15 despair. In the meantime we reach out for temporary relief in chemicals, travel, pleasure and machinery. Something far more basic than churcb architecture is lest. A lost tbing I could neyer find Nor a broken tbing mend And I fear I shail be ail alone When I get towards the end. Who will be there te comfort me And who will be my friend? (Beiloc) As Our eyes travel upward along the churcb steeples and into outer space, Chrisians beieve God is reachig downward ito the inner space of 01W lives, througb Jesus Christ, wbo la saylng ',Look up, raise your heads, because your salvation in drawlng nea."p .;Can you believe that the man responaible for met 0f this cburcb architecture is aiso "the friend at the end," drawing near and reaching out te us i our need? Harwood grads uw qmwmw ý IW IW a