Whitby Free Press, 6 Jul 1983, p. 20

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PAGE 3, WEONESIJAY JULY 6. 1982. WH-ITRV FRFF PDDEOO M Iw el_ _1 v r»qrn o PEU.. Mm,.I) Il-Emporlum Ads wIII only be accepted subject to the f ollowlng conditions. -PLEASE READ - Whnn the advertlsod Item la soid, disposed of, or unavailable, for whatever reason, the Item will be doomed ta have been soId and a commission will b. charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illustrated b.low, ragardiesa If prIce la stated with "bost of for". If the Item sa NOT $OLD, or dlsposed of, the ad wili bo run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 will apply payable In advanoo of publication of the first ad. Otherwise a 87.50 charge will Bp. ply If biiled whlch must be paid upon reoeipt of bill. The aboya minimum chargea wlll bo applîed ta the final commission due but In any case the highor amount wlll b. oharged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; 87.50blied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Alil advortisements must be piaced on an ex- clusIve basis wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieast one month 1ILnot soid. ARTICLES ~ ATCE FOR SALEFOR SALE I COMPLETE set of man's right hand golf clubs, bag lnciuded, $30. One pair of men'e Etonlo golf shoes, brown, size 9, $75. One 2-piece pool oua and case, 17 ounces, $40. -Phonoe86-0257. APARTMENT SIZE humidifier $50. Pleasooeil 66&.2785. BRAND NEW 24 volume of ency. clopedias, 10 vol. chiidren's olassios, 4 vol. medical book. Worth $1200. Soit for $690. Plase cail 728-2370. CAMPER CAP, slido In unit, fit@ ful size P.U., sink, atovo & e box, excellent condition, $750 or neareut offer. 5 h.p. outboard motor, new, never used, waranty, $650. 2 h.p. outboard motor, new, nover used, wanranty, $395. Cali 966-3486. BUSH HSO, 5 foot, Ilk new. Asklng $490. Phone ovenings 6553142. CANOPY with trame and match- Ing bodapread, pastel print, 39", $35. Rectangular caf fao table, pocan, $50. Goodyear radial tires, one oitrim, 75R14, $75 pair. Five assurtad 14" tires, ail on rima, $15 ach. 8-traclc player for car, no speakers, $30. Caii 668-1063 mamninge only. COLLECTOnS RIFL, Winchest- er Masterson 3030, $40. Phono 655-4917. GRANDFATHER dlock for sale. A Ilito over 6 foot tali, mod cherry- wood, Westminster dlock, Lyre 6%k" pendular. Finishod to your requIremonts. $650. Phono 655. 4097. DUNCAN Fyfo table, two beavee, central pedostai, $125. Chain saw, good worklng condition, $50. GIls and boys bikes $25 each. Oid dlnlng roorn table $75. Phono 6834M3. ELECTRIC iawnmow.r, Sunboam deluxo, $100 or bout off«r.COeil 0884 ELECTROLUX rug ahampooer, new condition, us.d twico, $200. On. moto-cross bîko, excellent Condition, $50. Ono 20" child's bih . 0.One glrl's 20"1 3-speed $45. Phono 576-499. FOR SALE vintage radio, $125 and gramas phono, $250. Phono 666.2436evoi ngs. FOR SALE - Boyse or girls bcy- cie, 20"1 wheei, Connan made, In excellent condition, $60. Cmli 668- 6087 fter6 p.m. FOR SALE - Mandolin banjo $150. Sun lamp $25. Ciii 655. 80M0. FOR SALE - 1978 Honda XR75, mînt condition, $40. 1976 Honéla XR75, g0nd condition, $350. Phono 655.3W77. HEAVY duty car jack $60. Camp stove $20. Iran frime aid schooi desk $40. Largeolad crack $35. Typewriter $30. Phono 683-6638. M6 CEDAR 4x4's, 8 foot iength, $5 »ach. Phono 665-4200. G.E. HUMIDIFIER $75. Baby crib $20. Yogurt makor $15. Portable billard table, 38" x 71", $55 Phoneoff668-72. 200 WATT P.A. Amp and 8 Chan- nel Mixboard. Great for recordlng or perforwing. Excellent condi- tion. Paid 81,800. Asklng $900. Phone 686-4868 afer &-30 p.m. WOOD latho $100. Four Oak chairs $15 each. Six vînyl. coverod chairs $17 oach. Phono 683-Offl. lm1 EVINRUD, 25 h.p., $125. Standard typowritsr $25. Three 5x7 vinyl covorsd roomn divider wMt legs, $15 each. Four fioor poilaher, 82$Mach. Phono 576- 4UVENILE ohîffrobe $5o. Change table $20. Couoh and chair $75. Ali ln gaod condition. Phono 8668 7253. MENS 10-SPEED $85. Tri-levai choeanst $12. Lamp $5. Old Viking stereo $20. Phono 666& 3712. MOVINO SALE - One crib $55. One baby walker $10. One baby chair $15. One record ployer with AMIFM radio $40. One dinlng roomn kitchen suite with revoling chairs $80. One sofa and chair $125. One soctlonal sofa $200. Alil ItemsIn excellent condition. Phone 686-4220. MUST SELL 26" colar T.V. $200. Beautîful picture. Two 12" black & white TV's $100 or $60 each. Cili 663-7017. NEW black swivei bar 'stool, regular $109.95, asking $50 or boat offor. New large Tonka toys, askIng $10. On. bookoase b.d $30. One triple drosser and min-or $60. Box sprIng and mattrosa, A- l condition, $100. Cabeman gas iantom $20. Boavor table saw, 811, $300 or bout offer. Black & Dock- or Skllsaw $50 - sabre saw $30. Cratman sander $30. Cmi 68& <0586. ONE heavy.duty set of acotyleno torches, by Ilquid air, complote with cuttIng tip and hase, $20. New heavy duty air hammer $40). Phono 686-4874. ONE Klrby vacuum cleaner with uphoistory end rug shampooer. Juet like now. Oniy used once. Golng cheap - $500. Oeii668& 9042. 3 H.P. three phas eeoctric motor, 220 440 volts, $150 firm. Cali 65&- 38 botwen 4 and 6 p.m. and ask for Paul. ONE l1 0fot catamaran, Aqua Cat, boat and traiter, $975 or boat offer. One wood stovo $100. One Tyco Nit*o Gb compioto with iota of exdra track $25. Two flouros- cent iights 8M5 och, 4x4. Four twin windows, ineuiated, 4'x6', $W0 och. 19Mo Mcury Capri, a cylindor, auomalc, iight blue, .excellent condition, 47,000 km., $4,500 or boit offer. Complots Set of anow tires. Phono 65&- 453M. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztoc style, aasOrtod colore, $55 each. FriI daire automatic drier $100. Hoover spin washer $100o. Rocord collection, 500 albums, $1,20. New 8 min tont $160. Baiiy race. way plnbali machine, needs somo wark, $350. Phono 985- 9258. 60W ALUMINUM heavy duty TV tower, Six sections, good for Hem radio oporator. AskIng $30). Phono 579-33,3. 3 H.P. air COMPressor, 4 months aid, 30 galion o&aaity, $85. Air file $85. New feather duster $75. impact gun $85. Torches $150. Phono 686.4874. TWO AR-14 bookeheif 2.way speakers rated at 150 watts each 2$M. TWO Shuro SM-57 micra. phonos complot. wlth desk tlands, low impedance, $150 far )air. On. largo Lazy Boy rocliner, îather, sllghtiy wom, $75. Phon r 4 F pu lE4 66 TWO wooden house windows, 4016k" x 5', M25eauh. On. wooden combination door, glass and screen, 32" x 78" x 1.3/ thlck, with 3 hingos, $15. One dozon kitchen cupboard doors, al slzes, hardware inciudod, $15 for &ii. Cmli 666-975. FOR SALE - One ch«erfiold and chair $185. Two end tables and coffee table $50. One rochor $&5. idWa for cottage or Mroroom. phon.866-389. TrWO MOPEDS, Honda.. like now, $600for both. phono 061&1367. 5% of advertised prie up to $40.00 RATES (Il article la aold): EXAM PLE: Sold Item advortised for $120-00. Commission dus $8.00 (minimum charge la $8.00>. Privato advertlslng onlyl Please notlfy the Whltby Free Proesimmediateiy whon Item la soid 80 that wo may dolote t from the foliowing Issue. Ail ads not fttlng the Emporium guldelinos will bo treated and ohargod por wook as rogular oiassIfiod ads on a pre-paid basis suoh as: services, hoip wantod, ciathlng, rosi asiate, and personai message type ade, or ada not quoting prie or quantlty. Private ciassifled ado may appear ln the Emporium section undor appropriate hoadinge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Li N 551 If ln doubt oeil: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. THE DEALINE FR EMPOIUM y, IOnt. I ~FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON.I - 5iejLmo @]r1J;Wl Order 10 or more beautiful colour reprints from the same size and type of colour nsga* tive, and you'ii save 25%! This offer appUies to our regular size or larger 4" studio size prin- ts oniy. No cropping availabie. Of fer vaiid un-, tii the end of this month. Aval Jable at: M.B.M. PUBLISHING & PHOTOGRApHy 131 Brock Street North Whitby OJust north of the four corners) We use PIIOTOFIMISHING« Fitness is a ntoa issue.e 1W cail it Body Polities. Par7OICti c > ARTICLES ~OUSEOLW' WOOD STOVE, Fisher Marna, $280. Dinlng roomn suite, Formica AT MUSKIN SWIMMING POOLS, and wood table with extension, 4 15 x 21 - 4 ft. above ground, steel wood and oioth chairs, $95. Cai sand fliter. Ail In good condition, 655-3546. no lnar. $275. Cali 72i.-OAfl 0 18 n. iy 30 it. r. 0 LES WFUS~LE~SAL 1977 GRANADA, standard stoi Ing and power brakes, 2 door, 20 engin., 27 miles ta the galion, 71 tralier hitch on it, $1,000 firr 1971 Mercury Marquis, Color! Par, 4 door, station wagon, 434 engine, autamnatlo, 718 traiter hit oh on It, $900 or b.st af fa Moving, must soit by August 30 For more Information oei 655 4407 or ovenings 284-139. 1975 DICi( LE SABRE, 4 daci, hardtap, mochanicaiiy saund, noods body work. As ls $650. Call 668-8543 affer 5p.m. 1975 DELTA US OLDS, 4 door hardtop, 454 CID. Ail powor op tons. Gond-condition. $1,O. Phone 655-400. 1973 FIREBIRD "IESPRrr', needs body work, $1,100 ln now parts. WiI seil for same. Negatiabie. Gaii 728-6050 aftor 5 p.m. 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY, 318, sutomatic, power brakes, powor stesring, heavy duty, runs good, noodussmre'body work. $2W0 as la or trao for air compressor, sand blastlng equlpment or paîni oquipmont. Cmii 668-8785. 1973 TOYOTA, as ls, good for car parts. Asklng $200. Phonoe668- 1972 NOVA, 6 cyiindor, auto- matdc, AM radio, now carburetor, radiator, exhauat. $600 or bout cif for. As la. Phono 668-035. 1971 MAZDA B10, ropîacod motor, recandltIonod brakes, easliy, cortified, redono body, gond tires, *tereo. $486. Phono 683-463. 1971 OLDS DELTA 8% Va, auto. matIc, In gond condition. $550sa la. Cmii 666-1400. 1976 DODGE DABT, ô cyl. 3Sspd. Standard, nood repaira, parts ANTIQUE bureau, drosser, mirror and night stand $4W0. Oueon sizo bodspread, drapes and sheors $100. Pthone 668-2551 after 4p.m. weekdays. Ail day wookonds. 8 PIECE Anltquo Oak Dining Room Set. Excellent condition, Asking $4,500. Aiso, wainut china oupboard $35. Caii 668-0495. FRENCH Provincial buffet, hutch and dlning table with six chairs. Vory good condition. Asking dlty, 14 inch tires, $575. Phono weokor.ds. FRIDGE~ and stove, *700/pair, gold, 1k. now., Automatie washer, $30, 1lyear old. Dryer, r $100, workde woII. One round table, $W0. Two wood square tabes, $10 oaci>. Old stove, $W5, works good. Fireplace mormon * $10. -.Big mirror $3M. French> Provincial chestrfild and chair, blue, $30. Gas heater for lnt trallor $%5. Campotove $W5. Suspended &rW cellng, 1,000 foot, $150. Movlng, mut soU by Augut 30. For more Infor- r mation> cal 655.440 or evening IITCHEN CUPBOARD&t top and tbottom, approx. 0' iongths, aink and arborite countor inciuded, *$175. Phone 623-3519 aftr 4 p.m * MOVINO - Complète living room set, new, custom made to match, offwhIte veivet. Large sofa, love- >_ seat and two swivl chairs. Exqul- site.- Pald $3500. Asking .$2,500. 1- Cali 661k2395. * UEEN.SIZE waterbed wlth 1 brown veivet button tuft, four poster wlth wator mattrous, hat- or, wtorbed shootesand mattrese caver Inciuded. $500. Caii661: 1081 HONDA Intorstate, 14,000i km. Too many options to lit. Ex- cellent condition. $5,400. Calii 655-3917. HARLEY Sportator oxtendod chromo tube front end $25. 250 Ducadi front end $75. Harloy roar wheei and sprockot $22. Usod Yokohama tire $20. 1977 Con Am 175 ce, 1,900 miles, $60. Phono 985-9258. 1961 HONDA CR80, excellent condition, asking $60. Phono Andrew Glols 655-4271. HOHNER Tango Il M Acoordian, 96 base, totaliy roconditIoned, $900. Phono 668-7965 affor 5 p.m. VAMAHA 80700 gultar, similar ta 2000, excellent Piaying condition, $425. Cmli 855-3791. GTRAILERS IROQUOIS TENT TRAILER, sloops 4, $35. Calii 68.191 after 5 p.m. 1900 TRILLIUIM, modol 333, new cinvau, soit top, new tirs, large box for toring extras, sloops 4 or 6, 718 tralier hitch on It, woighs approximateiy 500 Ibo., $M0 or bost offor. Moving, muet seli by August 30. For more Information cali 655-4407 or ovoninge 264- 4139. 1953 BOX TRAILER, 4 ft. x 8 ft x 30 Inch aides, 3,500 pound cape. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FOR SALE - Ono new eloctronlo Ignition conversion kit for mIl GM V8's 1959 ta 1974 and American Motors V8'8 1963 to 1974 with Delco distributors $50. Phono 579-2352. CUSTOM built pick-up seat wlth fold doun console, red crushed veivot, excellent condition, $275. Phono 655-8787. 1973 STANDARD VOLKSWAGEN for parts. Good body parts. Tires on rimeo and 4-speed -transmis- sion wlth swing axies. Parts $5 to $75. $150 for mil. Phono 282-8760. 1972 TOYOTA 1900, ldemi for gaod parts, $200 complote. Mindi biower speakers for cars, com- plot., just like new, $60. Phono 655-3006. RADIAL TIRES, two GR70-15 tires, fair condition, $45 pair. Cail after 6 p.m. 668&3885. EEI NEDS GOOD CRIS (complote) $15. Baby candage (full sizo> $15. Car b.d $2.50. Tennis table $25. Caloco Telstar $5. Sheif unit (stel) $5. * Horse $2. Cmii 668&7317. ONE Gondron Infant love seat $2. On. Gondron child love sent $50. Bath ln gond condition. Phonoe656-375 aff or 5 p.m. wid Fýý ----- - ---- 2% of balance over SM.W (!il m m

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