PAGE 2, WEDNESDAV JULY 6o 1883, WHITBY FREE PRESS John oward ociety counsels at Whitby Jail by JOSIE. NEWMAN Special To the Free Press Travelors don't usuaily notice an i- significant brick building on Whltby's baselino (Victoria St.). Insigniflicant as it may look, the building is Important to a groat many people. It ls the Whitby jail, seventh largest holding place in Ontario (the Don jail In' Toronto la the largest) for people awaiting trial for federal and provin- cial offenses, bail and appeal appearances. When Whltby jail was firat bufit i1958 It only had spaco for 57 In- mates. It can now ac- comodate 140 mon and 12 women. To Erin Cane, 22, the jail la u ignificant because skie spends two busy days of her work week wltbln its confines as a counsellor for the John Howard Society of Oshawa. Cane describes ber job as that of a liaison between inmates and the communlty. Every Wodnesday and Thur- sday, she sit.sIn a five by oight room'on the ground floor of the jail and ciscusses probloms and roquesta with tho nates on a ono-to-one basis. "I got requests for upgradlng and correspondance cour- ses, phone Cauls te lawyors, vives, mothers and frionda, referral lot- tors for wolfare, help in preparing resumes and credit counselling. I have between 30 to 40 mon hi see i a two-day span. Each client requlred a varying degree of counseling time depending on kils mood, problems and personality. I have to keep tabs on the time so I can see aIl my appoin. tments. Some men are easy to deal with, wbile othors are emotlonally dralnlng," says Cane i ber calm, assurod way. "Thoro are more requests for John Howard workers from Inmates and staff than for any other voluntary organization,"' she adds. Cane's first client ambles I an easy- going, relaxed manner. After exchanging pleasantries, Cane goes over1 last week's roquesta for Jim (not kils real name) and asks what ho wants her to do for hlm this week. She pulls out some brochures f rom Durham College's up- grading course and they go ovor them together, trylng hi decîde whother Jfim should take Math or Engliaki first. Jlm asks Erin te phono bis mother hi ask her hi brlng hlm books. Ho ambles back out again hi the guard who la waiting te escort hlm hi kils oeil. "I have to make phone calis for my clien- ts because they aron't allowed hi. I can't beave anything wlth thom, 50 in Jlm's case, the only tîme ho bas to muil over bis course calondar la the time ho spends wlth me., Jim la an easy client wbo la always in a good mood and nover complains. Ho la at relative peace wlth hlmself but ho doos like taking rlsks. He's broken almost evory bone in kils body trh car accidents, sports accidents and falllng down staris, "Cane says wlth a amall grin. Her next client, Don (not bis roal namo) laa gaunt youth of 22 wlth sad eyes and a sby amibe. Ho says ho has no requests and, .site hud- died in a tense silence. When Cane asks if anytbing la bothoring hlm, Don flnally comes to llfe. "They're puttin' me in the kiole for ton days because I spit on tkie wall wben a guard was ln'asaln'. 1 was only tryin' hi get out the tobacco from betweon me tooth, "he says. The "hole", Cane ex- plains la a amall solitary confinement .coU for those who break jail rules. *Tho inhabîtant la only fed bean cake (a musb of beans and potatoes) and water. Don tells Cane that he's read some books this week, one of them about Houdini, the groat magician. "I realiy like that guy because ho could escape from anytkiing thoy put bim in,Y$ ays Don. Aftor ho leaves, Cane says that altbougki Don nover has any requests, ho shows up faithfull1y eacb woek to see ber. "I think ho just wants some attention," skie says. "I love my job, but it la demanding because each porson bas such difforent needa. Jim, for oxamplo, nooda discipline, and Don needa attention -and tborapy, " Cane adds. In addition to John Howard Society coun- seing there are sovoral other outlets for in- mates. hi channel their frustrations into. Whit- by Jail boasts 'an art room 'complote .witb teachor and a vide range of supplies such as a kfin for ceramies- making. There la abso a recroation program of bumper pool (using pega instead of balla), shuffleboard, basket- baîl, volleyball. A weigkit room and a amali exorcise yard, both of which Most mon use oxtonsively, top off the fadilities. In July, FIRST CHOICE has the " main event"!i The saga has neyer been more intense as Rocky discovers winning the championship is just one battle. He's got to fight to keep it. Sylvester Stallone is "The Italian Stallion" Rocky Bal boa in -Rocky MI. lt'sijust oneof' ma ny "blockbuster" featu res com ing this su mmer on FIRST CHO 10E. You ca nbring Fl RST-CHOICE movies, sports, concerts and much, much more into your home for only $15.95* a month. Fl RST CHOICE -one of your best home entertainment values. Don't miss ROCKY Ill. Here are just some of the prime times: Sat. JuIy 9 -9:30 pm, Sun. July 24 -10:00 pm. Caîl us now *Plus connection fee and applicable taxes. Area thefts Durham Regioa Police report that a series of break-ina oc- curred in the Wbitby area lato last Tuesday night or early Wed- nesday mornmng. J and S Corwoenience Store, 1003 Brock St. St., 1003 Brook St. S., was broken into and ran- sackod for' ap- proxlmatoly $8,000 wor- th of cigarettes, bottery tickets and cash. Point of entry for the break-in has not yet beon doter- mined by police. Grant Menzies Motors, 200 Dundas St. W., was broken, into af- ter a window was brokon but nothing was reportod missing. Swish Maintenance, 1501 Hopkins St., ropor- ted that approximately $20 was missing after someone gainod ontry via a roar garage door. Cametoid Ltd., 1451 Hopkins St., was on- tered via a rear overkiead door and a amail amount of cash was shilen. Brookllin's Royal Canadian Lginrepor- ted a large quantity of cash and liquor hi be missing. Someone gained entry by-prylng open the rear aide door. Police say they have no suspects.