WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY JUIN 6, 1983, PAGE 5 LIBRARY CLOSING As in previous y.ars, the Whltby Public Library wil b. closing on Saturdays from July 2 to September 3, in- clusive. Books may b. retur- ned by putting them in the drop-box located at the rear entrance off the parking lot. The Brooklin branch wllI also b. closed for the same time period on Saturdays and bas a drop box for returns. Harwood Ave. % Mlle Northof No.2.A Car wash Members of the.Anderson C.V.I. Concert Band wash 0fl6 0f many cars tage of the band's firat annual summner car wash, heid each -Saturday Thiokson Dundas BP-Petro Canada ln Whltby. to take advan- In JuIy at the B etween' Yo u and M e By RUTH COLES If we want to make somethlng really superb of this planet, there la nothlng whatever that can stop us. Sheperd Mead. Canada Day came and went, blue skies and warrn sunshin. from coast to coast. What a wonderful country We liv. in, a haven frorn strife and war. In no many parts 0f the world, life la and bas been socheap and becoming cheaper as Urne goes on. ilrnn beinga used as fodder to keep wars afloat; the boys, twelve.and thirteen at the front, facing destruction and death every day. Iran la flot the only country wlth the chfidren "playing" war ganes, in sorne cases both boys and girls ln other countries do the smre. Ini our part of the world we protect our young people. One neyer snu children crwllng about, legless or armiesa nor do t.he bllnd have to beg on the streets for a cruat 0f bread. This can ail be seen' ln other parts of the world and lt's a probler rght in front of your eyes, revoltlng and slckenlng. I our country no one needa to be neglected, it's there for the taklng. The monles and effort expen- ded to help our feilow man are endless. On the other hand one must contribute to the overail picture and not juat be an armchalr strategiat making judgernents on every conceivable tople wlthout first hand knowledge 0f what It la ail about. Queens Park and the squatters. Look at their faces and hear their words. Are these the people who contribute to Canada's weil belng? Would you want them at the helrn? What roi. do tliey play in the acheme of things? The implications of their protesta la that they and only then want peace. Did many 0f them live through the asat war and what led up to it? We were unprepatred, luiled into complacency, "Ipeace ln our Urne", voiced by a few but flot beileved by many. Experlence counts and if wlse no one nor any country can afford te make the smre mistake twlce. Who wants war, who wants the world blown te bits? Do they stand alone on this issue? Why dernonstrate againat your own governrnent and your own country? Why don't they go te, Russia and throw their weight around? Sirnply because they would b. thrown out 0f the country, lock, stock and barrel. I think we would b. wlse te find a way to send rany 0f these other types to sorne 0f the iron curtain countries. Give thern a few bag lunches and then let thern make their own way. Our country rnlght benefit frorn such an exercise. On their return they mlght get down te brasa tacks and start contrlbuting and produclng for the good of aIll We all rnust realize that activiste play a large part la ail 0f these thingIlncludlng strikes. It la very easy te, play a miachievous role and sûr peuple up. Ernotlonu being what they are, lack 0f knowledge, brain poweflot being enrlched and rnany other fac- tors enter lato the picture and cloud rnany Issme. -Free Press. Staff Photo Do you want tebecome apawn in the hands )f weil trained activists? Ilow many of us, are glving any thought to the issue, city versus town? I bave rny thoughts but will walt until the Town holds a meeting aobut this topic. Other than saying I 1k. that word town and feel it bringa a certain charrn, something that adds te our stature but 1 also realize there are practical issues to bethought about. When representives 0f Whitby take part la Asian and European business seminars and rneetings how does the word town corne acrosa? To many who par- take the word denotes a smil place, forty people, two hundred or rnaybe a thousand. la thia the image te have when on. la dealing wlth, commerce and finance? To Europeans and Asians, It does not brlng a pic- ture te mind of what we reaily are. W. are -a bustling communlty, progressive. and hoping te be more so. It ail requires a lot 0f thought. If only we could find a phrase, City 0f Whltby, a Cowaty Town or somethlng 1k. that we rnight have the beut 0f ail worlds. It would coot more on let- terbeada and signa but we could afford it. wpw L oeiu DOSa SPUIT MODAY-,SUNDAY duLY4 - IuLYlO lts the great big taste bustin' out ail over the land. What a meai WETMTVOU Tu OFFER AVAILABLE AT: 1003 DUNDAS STREET EAST 1050 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 235 SUMCOE STREET SOUTH *Precooked Weight WHITBY OSHAWA RegsteredlTrade Marklrade MadicsOfice (Otawo.Caood). American Dofry Queen Corpoaton Day Queen Canada Inc. -RPegWsefed Uso WE'RE SPRAYING WEEDS NOW! CALL US FOR PROMPT SERVICE 655m8888 LAWN CARE PROGRAMS '83 FOR A WEED FREE bJEJ LUSH GREEN HEALTHY LAWN WE ALSO SPRAY INSECTICIDES FOR TREES & SHRUBS. NO CHARGE TO HAVE THE WEED DOCTOR VISIT &CONSULT WITH YOU. DRI VELINE SPECIALISTS ,16 &rock Rd. 8O8 Plckering 56(mO8 Automatic transmission installed for 299. Foreign cars extra.- -1ý L2vý%k 561'