WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESIJAY JULY 6, 1983, PAGE 7 You are cordlally in- vlted to attend the Whlt- by Tourlat Information Center's Art in the Park on July 23, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. The event, being held in Rotar Centennial park at Brock Street South and Burns Street, wiil feature creative drawlngs by Whitby grade-sehool pupils. These drawings, which are entries in an art competition, wiil be displayed side-by-side the more polished effor- ts of some experienced local artists. This promises to bea fun-filled afternoon wlth: a puppet/mime presentation, contest judglng, prizes for al the young artiats, free THAPAR CLINIC :214 Dundas.St. E. 163 SimcoeSt. S. ,Whitby Oshawa 668-7797 579-8752 Hours: Monday to Saturday & Evenings ,By Appointment Only ments, a clown...and much, much more!!!1 Also, many of the pleces whlch are on dlsplay will be available for sale. Art ln the Park la part of the "Cultural Exposure '83"y federal Members of the Durham Pony Club dIspiay the rlbbons they recently won at the Rgonai Tetrathion June 18 and 19 ln Thornhill. (Left to right) Karen Burt, Marc Sellitto, Bobbi Lehman, Victoria Robinson, Melisa Evans, Tosha Falkenhamn and Heather Robin- son stand In front of "Timmy" the horse. -Free' Press Staff Photo Durham Pony. Club. wins, ribbons Members of the Durham Pony Club per- formed very weil at the Regional Tetrathlon, June 18, at Leitchcroft Farina in Thornhill as they came home with many award ribbons. The Durham Club especially domlnated in the novice girls category as they took six positions ini the top ten. Bobbi Lehman placed second overail to lead the novices as she placed first in runnig, third in target shooting and third in swimming. Tosha Falkenham placed third as she finished first in swim- minL second irunnig and fifth i shooting. Melisa Evans place third as she took first ini riding, fourth in running and fourth i shooting. Karen Burt placed sixth as she took flfth in riding, sixth in running and sixth i swimming. Victoria Robinson placed eighth with a fourth in ridig. HeatherRobinson placed minth overail. Marc Selitto, a novice boy, placed fourth overail with a second i swimming, fifth in run- nig and fourth in shooting. Jennifer Butt placed seventh overaîl in senior girlsq with a sixth in rlding and fourth in shooting. Thirteen clubs were competing i the events. The Durham Club has been trainig for this meet ail year with in- tensive training since March. -The ridig istruction was done by Monica Taylor, swimming by Marj Dawson, and shootig by Benson Lehman. LINCOLN MERCURY SALES LI M/TED THE FORD TRUCK PEOPLE FARM - BUSINESS - RECREATION 1120 Dundas St. E. OSHAWA 723-0661 Whitby WHITBY 668-589 ONTHE PREMISES,,,$. ~ C OMPUTERIZED PHOTO NURSERY SCHOOL Smnail World Nursery School located at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Cochrane St. Whitby wiL open this September. The school 18 licensed for 25 children with three teachers providing a stimulatig program. The school is being orgamized by Joyce Marh ol f Whitby, who4er ago opened Go)od Frienda Nursery School at Eminanuel Reformned Church, Rossland Rd., Whitby. Unable to operate an af- ternoon programn at another location. St. Andrew's Church becamne available when Happy Times Nursery Sehool moved to Port Perry in May. The aim of Good Friends and Small World is to provide a prograin that will assist each child to develop cognitively, socially, physically and emotionaily. Chidren learn by actively par- ticipating i hands on experiences. The school prograrn 18 designed so that four-year-olds at- tend three mornigs and the three-year-olds at- tend two mornings. There 18 also a five morning session available. There bas been con- sicterable interest in the school. A few spaces are still open for each session. Interested parents wishing to enrol their child should send the child's name, ad- dress and telephone number to P.O. Box 156, Pickering, Ontario. Post mark date wiI deter- mie placement. An open house is planned for Wednesday, August 31. Watch for further advertisement of this in August. 1887 KINGSTON RD. PICKERING 683-2691 - Man.-Wd. 84, Thurs.-Fri. 8-8, Sat.8.5 Celebratlng 20 years of Service! FREE *^M:UVUC M EfVIGE Rond tost à Inspection CAUOS 1.---------COU PON --- I $SPRING SPECIALI Inflation Flghter $ 5 T-p your transmission now 15 fsummer trouble fre. drlvlng. ~CUO ----------------. I BUD ADJUSTMENT tINCLUDED) wm r awkbl. Ofor good until July 30,1leu. Good ettIhe locations only. 132 Brock St. N. 8. (WHITBY) ef Z 66 Bond St. W. IE'N~LI AUADA~ '~'~rIMwMJ )730 '70U DGaDTE L ast year 1,400 Canadian letter carriers were bitten by dogs. Ail of those bites required medical attention, yet they ail could have easily been prevented. As a dog owner you have a responsibiity for your pet. its flot asking a lot to keep your dog inside during postal delivery times. Or to keep him secured outside away from the letter- box or areas where the letter carrier enters and leaves your property. With your understanding and co-operation our letter carriers can get your mail through... and nobody has to get bitten. CANADA POST CORPORATION On behaif of ail Canadians who make home deliveries. Art in the Park lewiv qw %F tr, an sImissïon -f LL--