Senior ciitizens' complex doesn't look depressing By ISABEL WEGG Syndlcated Columnist The new senior citi- zens' complex ln our neighborhood doesn't look a bit like those de- Pressing 'old folks' homes we used te hear about. Nick Manherz, exe- cutive dinecter of an association of homes for the aged, was tellng me recently that the knew homes' provide many facilities that can enricli seniors' lives. Nick outlined the two types of care. offered by the modern senior citi- zens' homes. With resi- dential can, daily living activities are personally supervised, but resi- dents are fafrly indepen- dent and mobile. With extended care, resi- dents receive about an hour andi a lialf of per- sonal assistance or skill- ed nursing care each day. I wondered what klnd of staffing would bu needed te provide the necessary care and or- ganize activities. Nick teld mie that ia modern home there would bu a varlety of staff, depending on the size of the home. Al have registered nurses and health cane aides; some have ,pliysio- therapistw andi occupa- tional tlierapists too. Workers specially train- eti to activate people's minds and attitudes, ini- cluding activlty direct- ors andi craft instruc- tors, may also bu on staff. For eltierly people who require more than the. usual one or two hours of care and assist-- ance a day that an ex- tended care programn provides, a nursing home or a chronic liospital miglit bu the answer, Nick explaied. I asketi Nicik what klnd of living accommo- dation would bu pro- vitied. While the older homes often consist mainly of four-beti war- clu, the newer, homes may feature double anti single occupant rooms, lie said. I wondered if the fit- enss craze had reached the homes for the aged yet. Nick told me that physical fitness was a key topic at a recent an- nual convention of tlie Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged. In a number 0f homes, senior citizens even exercise to disco music. Talkhig with Nick made me- realize tliat, contrary to what many people seem to bulieve, a home for thse aged can open up a whole new life for a senior citizen. " Some people com- pare life te a flower, " said Nick, "where a The whitby/Ajax Student Employment Centre la enjoylng an extrqmely successful placement record this year. The Centre reports that 138 students have been placedi odd jobs as, ofthe end of June. ThI s luUp signficantly from. the 53 students placed ithe same Urne period.luit year. Regulan placements are also up an estimated 20 per cent over lut season. ^- The placements have even increased over 1981, considered a boom year for student em- ployment. The local Student Employment Centrehas earned the distinction of plà clng second ln placement increases in the Bellèvile district, of toYou By SCOTT FENNELL, MI.P. (PC - Ontario) People need efficient postal service. It's a fact of Me. Yet nobody can -trust the Canada Post Cor- poration to get their mail to them, or on Urne. For the lut three months 1 have been trylng to get mai deiveedto Westney Heiglits. The continuai délys n poviingmai boes nd aildelivery o this suburb lu an example of the slowness andi inef- ficlency of government adaptlng to the needs of communities. he subdivision of Westney Heiglits lias been in construction for over a year. Some homeowners have already been living there for 18 months. Naturally they are dlsappolnted and inconvenlen- ced by the lack of postal delivery. And iIt is not just WeStney Heiglits; many people living i Fox Hollow and Maple Creek are experlencing the same dif- ficulties. Their only alternative la te make several trips a week te, the post office ln Toronto whlch stays openfrom 8a.m. to 5: 45p.m. weekdays. Sowhat do people do when they depend on regular dellvery of*thie mailte brlng thelr liveillood? You begin te woender if the governmzt la ruully cance- ned about them., It la really bad business. Not forgetting the 100 Per cent increase in postal charges, it seema reasonable te me that a subdivision be provided with m'ail dellvery or even local mail boxes. Door to door delivery is necessary and expected Ia suburban setting. If the Canada Post Cor- poration can't deliver the goods, they sliould have thelr monopoly revoked. [ wrote te Mr. Warren, President of Canada Post on May 20 and asked for an explanation andi lis cooperation. Although hle initiaily acknowledged my letter I stil haven't got a reply. Oh weil, it too la probably stuck i the mail. whicht is apart of, Centre supervisor .Maria Volpe repo rts that increases i jobp- portunities are generaliy unlform wlth person buds ni growà andi develope and really blossms -somewhere between the ages of 20 and 45, andi then begins to-fade. The petals start te, falI off and we try te do what we can te keep tiiose petals on. But there's another way of looking at life," lie said. "That lu te sy that peo- ple develop just ike a flower, but neyer really comne in-to full bloom un- til the very end of their lives." In many homes for the aged, Nick told me, peo- ple have this opportu- nity to keep on growlng, te do things wlth other people sud te keep on developlng in spite of the problems of aglng. For me, that shatter- ed many. myths about homes for, the aged. Now if only societyes at- titudes te, aging could develop and change in sucli a positive way too. EDITOR'S NOTE: Isa- bel Wegg lu Vice Presi- dent of Consumer Rela - tions for The Canadian Life & Health Insurance Association lue. no panticulanly large in- érease at suy one job. Fust food Jobs are among the 'more promincent pronsinent increasesin Whitby. SUMMER CLEARANCE tsehlrts.shorts.pents.bathlng sults.doems. Infants to sîze 12eboys and gils 30% OFF' ALL SUMMER CONSIGNIMENT WEAR And check our prIces on - Permgo strollers, motemlty Wear a more Sale ends Saturday JuIy 23183 w EACCEPTBASY SONUS 215 Dundas St. E. <cross from ths Post Office> the, w4ýWHITBY 666-1133 Mci'etko. M. SOL 10-S MOTOR CITY AUTO SALES Announces 100 litres of OAS With ýevery certif ied vehicle sold during the *month of JuIy Great range of quality used cars including..., 1979 LeMans 4 Door 1982 Pontiac 6000 4 Door, Air 1979 Ford PIU Crew Cab 1980 Oldsmobile Omega Many more 10 choose from We seil prlvately owned cars & trucks Make us anOffer Consignment Sales Let us soi your car for you! MOTOR CITY AUTO SALES 480 Taunton Rd. E. Oshawa (just West of Wilson) 433-4781-82 WHITBV FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYJULY 13o 1983, PAGE Il Library hosts display An exhibition of pain- ted plates and amal sculptures b yex-Whitby artist ZManne Hilten- Moore will bu on dlsplay i the lobby of the Whit- by Public Llbrary July 4' to 29. The artist, ]known for lier prints and large canvases, began working on the plates andi terracotta sculp- tures while waling for her Barrie studio' te bu compieted i the fal 0f The plate palntings descnibu impressions of landacapes, . their colours determined by the design on the plate edge. Some are very brightly coloured, otiiers subdues - each consclous of the rytlimn oftheland. *SPECIALe I FO0RYOU&~TOUR CHIMNET ONLY $30eOO CATCH TRIS GREAT DARGAIN BEFORE IlT'S w>ny exhbitions ln asud around the Whltby ame since 1977, wlnnlng severa awards at, the Station Gallery's Mémn- burs Show. 'SOLO ONLY IN PKQS. 0F 10 DISKETTES FOR OTHER SYSTEMS 0 'o DO TOUR CÈKNMIY A FAVOR TO LATE. 649m3236 cf WE DELIVERI Just 60e ... is ail your Fre. Pres carrier will, be asking you for-.. 600 for a whole month of home delivery of your local new$PPer. his o thpyernwape nesp ar. Ti tOunaNopayernwi. ie Your 600 payment may flot seem h/ce very much money, but it means a lot to your carrier and to us. Your carrier earns more money and as a resuit is more properly rewarded for a lob wuell done. Your local 61il newspaper benefits through defrayed (I circulation cosus and happier carriers. And you benefit by s upporting and helping te, marntain your very own truly local newspaper. P.S. You can win valuable Cf prizes aduo! So when your carrier says (f "Free Prss calling"Pyou'1 knotu what its j ail about and that your money is going io~ be weIl spent. WHITBY FREE PRESS o. G 131 Broek Street North Whltby 668-611100 Good yearfor students a -, . IV/À lý