Dunlops relive chalmpionship It has been 25 years slnÃce that -historie moment when the Whtb1Dnops skted their way into the her lfmllOof Canadians -as they won the world hockey champlonahps in Oslo; Norway. The Dunlopa have changed a lot in those 25 years. Centre Bob Attersley ha gone from goal scorer to Whltby mayor. harry smnden ha gone from team captain and defenceman to general manager of the Bston Bruin, but the memorles stili linger. In that historie final game of the champion- ships, the, Dunlopa, representing Canada, defeated the Rusalans 4-2. At the Urne, Canada was on the downslide as a world hockey Power and the Russiana were rlsing to reign over ail other com- petitors.. The Whltby Dunlops are peaigto celebrate their monumental victory with a reunlon Auguat 27. A dinrdance wlll be held in Whltby. The only concern la wlll thia communlty respond posltlvely to thia reunion and hl h Dunnies rellye a once-mn-a- liftie tril.See page 12 for stor y and pic- Vol. 13 No. 28 Wednesday July 13, 1983 20 PAGES, w w Hope-,for local Centre Whtby's Durham Centre for tde Develop- mentlly andcappd my yet remain open. Frank Drea, Minster of Communlt and SocialServies, put forward a five-yaar plan to shut six residential facilities for the developmantally handlcapped but opposition to tbe plan may force the minister to recon- sider. Lat October, Drea'a Mlnlstry promiisad to pursue alternatives for the centres. The Minlter's course of action, which means mncpltien have new conltmenta for health and socia services, la callad de- instiutoalztion. Advocates of this believe that naigh- bourhood options to facillty-style government agencles help clients develop better social skili. Recent statements by the preaident of the matropolitan Toronto Association for the .Mentally Retarded say It would be fooihardy to pretend that we are meeting the needa of the many familles in Metro. See page 2 for story. Locals capture lacrosse title MWb's Peacock Sports Bantar lacrosse tearn playad superb dafence te win the charn pl all t the ]Kitchener Bantarn In- vitatia Tourament this past waekend. In fact, the team's motte, tins yaar hma been: l'Offence wlns games. Defence wins charnplonshlps.1 Thbe Paacock Sports tearn went through ron-robin play undefeated as they roliad pust Orangevile 8-4, Etebicoke "-, Hamnilton 10- and Six Nations 10-. They scraped thrugh a tougli defenaive battle te defeat Sparton Warriors 6-3 i the final. Sees tery and pictura on page 13. i Young lady lovelies Flestudents at the Inta Leja Soh.ool of Modelllng and Talent Agency dlsplay the trophies they brought home trom the Canadian Hemnisphere Pageant ln Toronto recently. They are (front row, Ieft to rlght) Shannon Cluff, Shannon Brown, Whltby's Tina Pri nclotto and (back row) Renee Phi 1lips and Tri na Runco. See Page 3. Free Press Staff Photo Chamer pp-oses city chang WHTY-The Wbitby Cliamber of Commnerce lias added is voice te those who are opposing the proposaI that Wbit- by become a city. At a meeing of the Board of Directora on July 5, it waa declded te send a létter te the town, utnngreasons why Whitby should remain a town and not be given City statua. The Chamber feels that faw businassas and industries wiil corne te Whitby from Europe. Most are moving from Toronto and othar metroopolitan areas in Canada. Industries usually look te the Hamilton- Oshawa corridor te locate s0 tbat they will be close te Toronto, but located in a malier communities which have Iower tax rates. Whitby -bas already attracted a number of industries through its own aggrassive marketing campaign, and the Chamber doas not see that city statua would really make any appreciable difféence. The Chambar also atatas that the population figure in literatura and signa related te Wbitby should give an accurate picture of the size of the town. City statua would not really make any' dif- ference. Scarborough and Nor- th York have juat become cities and bave not had'any real gain from this except a naine change, said the cbam- ber diracters. "itby would juat be another comrnunity jumping on the 'city'bandwagon." The Chambar pointa out that there la no proven financial advan- tage i the form of gpan- ta that would- corne te, Whitby if it attained city statua. There la also no indication that any major increase in in- dustrial assassment would corne with city statua. The Cliamber infor- med the town tbat many people bave movad te Whitby from Toronto and other large citias bacause thay wanted te get away from the city and live in a amalier town. "Thera l ýa agreat psychological advan- toge in the word 'tewn' whicli attracts naw rasidenta," the direc- tors statad. "Changing te city statua could af- fect the influx of new residenta who are aeeking a amaller comn- munity in which te 0ie"laeilbdsuad G eorge Ashe caught up ini Davis' Cabinet shuffle The Victerian heritage thame of the downtown and the teurlat information cen- tre whlch la designed te attract tourista, could be destroyad by naming Whltby, a City, the Cliamberstated. Anothar conceru of the Chamber waa the louai of comrnunity spirit if the town changes te a City. The Chamber of Commerce encourages ail citizens 0f Whtby te attend the council meeting on July 18 at the municipal building when the city statua by Trim Baines Comrnunity Editer George Ashe, MWPP for Durhamn West, was involved in a provincial cabinet shuffle laut Wedneaday, which saw the former Minister of Revenue moved te the position of Minister of Government Service. Ashe, who entered cabinet in 1961, bad *come under criticism recently for bis treat- ment of property tax reform. Ashe aaid in an inter- view ha doma not see the move as a step down but rather aa a lateral move. "I knew a shuffe was corning up and 1 bad every reasn te believe I may lie involveCI' le aaid. "If we ail had choices thia probably wouldn't bave been my first choice but the Premier decides where we go."' The 50-year-old for- mer mayor of Pickering replaces Douglas Wiseman, whe waa dropped from the Cabinet in the shuffle. Milton Gregory replaces Ashe aa the Minister 0f Revenue. Ashe said Zn new miniatry is quiet and ita responsibllity la te, provîde services for the other minlatries. Its set- othar iniitra. is staff province-wide la approximately 39000 people. "I look upon thisas a new challenge," said Ashe. "To put it in per- spective, as Ministar of Revenue, I wus the tenant, now I'm the Ian- diord.'y