WHITBV FREE PRESS, WEDNESJAY JULV 20, 1983, PAGE il Use precautions to drive safely wi'th economy car Asl Canada feels the pinch of skyrocketing gas prices, more and more small cars are ap- pearing on the roads. Compact economy cars are beginning to out- number their lavlsh, gas-hungry cousins. If you have made the swit- ch, you should bo alert- ed to some small car driving precautions. The main rule to keep in mind isto drive de- fensively. With a small car, you ofton have the advantage of bettor maneuvorabillty and shorter stopping dis- tance. llowover, this tends to give the driver a false sense of confi- dence. Remomber that a smail car offers you; leas protection, s0 you need to be extra alert. Anticipate the - other driver: don't take it for granted that the other driver anticipatos your move. Defensive driv- mng wil groatly enhance your chances of "Survi- val" no matter what type of vehicle you drive; small or large. To, ensure maximum safety for yourself and your passengers, don't tailgate. Romember that large cars have a tondency to creep up on small cars since the lat- ter don't present any visibility problems to the vehicles following bohind. It's up te you, in your small car, to ailow a cushion of space ahead of you for emer- goncy stops. This wWl avoid chain reaction ac- cidents and possibly save you from a rear- end collision. A second precaution the- small car driver might utilizo is the use of hoadliglits in the day- time if visîbility is less than optimum. This practice makes your car more visible, espocially on risky two-lane high- ways. You can aiso make it easier for other drivers to sSo your car by staylng to the outside of your lane. This position keeps you from boing hldden bohind larger vehicles, and enables oncorning traffic to see you. Even more import- ant, inotorists behind you wiil realize that your "space"' is occu- pied beforo attempting to pass a group of vehi- dles on a two-lane road. If you mntend to pass another vehicle, don't forgot that the car in front of you bas a tlind spot te the riglit roar. The emallor the car, the more easily it is to be hidden i this blind area. Thoreforo, take special precautions to make the driver aware of your existence and in- tont. Trucks should bo passed with extra cau? tion bcause a comnpar- tivo size creates addi- tional visibillty and draft problems. Bear in mind also that a heavy truck cannot be steppod or maneuvered easily to avoid an accident. Un- fortunatoly, many driv- ers of small cars are carried away wlth their ease 0f maneuverability and therefore tend to cut in and out of traffic. They tend to forgot the key to safe driving is not neceasarily how confi- dent you are in handling your own car, but rather what kind of a fail-safe situation oxists between you and the drivers of vohiclos around you. If you are drivlng a small car, be espocially careful, as comparative size does increase the bazard. Each year doc- tors of chiropractic see thousands of cases of back, spîne and 11mb probloms, which bave come about as a resuit of automotive mishaps. Two importants poin- ts to remembor about driving: (1) exorcise cautious defense by considoring overy othor car on the street the possible instigator of an accident; (2) if an acci- dent occurs, no matter how minor, seek imme- diate attention, to, make certain there, are no musculo-skeletal or neu- rological problems. EDITOR'S NOTE: These health vlews are published by members of the Ontario Chiro- practie, Association hn the, Interest of better .public health. Let's -mousercise By RUSS KISBY Syndlcated Coluulst I didn't invite my wife. Surreptitiously, I crept- inte the den, closed the door and rip- ped the wrappor from the package that had arrived st the office that afternoon. ,Threit was: the four- color bookiet with the explicit "o-t"pic- tures plus the cassette!1 I1sllpped the cassette ito our tape player, volume-low, opened-the bookle - andbegan-ýto Mdousercise! Tbat'ls righü! al 'D1suey Proddtons las -reated a aroi di4 'amid.exrcise album for kida .called Mousercise and it's exc- ellent! I Juat dld't-want my long-ufferiug wife te see a grown man boune- lng arouud te songs titled "Ducks Dance, TooPP, "Bug-A-Boo" ýand "Tweedledee and Twee- dledum ' - even if it's al i a'day's work for the President of PAR- TICEPaction! A lot of organizations are capitalizing on the fitness explosion in Nor- th Anierica and the Dis- ney people, typicaily, bave spared no expense in creating a first-class product aimed at todd- lors. The songs are al clever aud filed with up-tempo fun. Fuil or- chestrations and excel-1 lent singers isill the1 value of exercise into re-i ceptive littie imagina-i tions.1 Naturally, the Disney characters are much inw evidence. In the firsta tune, "Mousecisel' à Mickey Mouse and Pluto "lead the class", and the bookbet repro-s duces the lyrica 50 you à cau siug along whlloa following Mickey doig t 12 cute exercises. a I double-chec.ked e bohind the door - good, If no one i the living room - thon Mousercised cl along, skipplug,- doiug P the backstroke and w slappiug my tummy!1 E On the next page 0f K the bookiet, Jiminy Pý Cricket. showod me laow C te do the "bug-a-Boo1t. IN The third number fea- tured a zoo-full of other animals instructing me how te sither like a python and march like an olephaut. I was really gettig into it wheu I thouglit I heard my wifo!1 No, it was, just the paperboy. Next, I danced around te a song-callod "Get, The, Money ..(Uncle ,Scroogo's Money)"l., l this soug, I was preteud- iug te be a burglas and had teétip-toe, crawl on alfrs sud pretendte creop -doWn , a, hallway, thon. flatton -'Imyseif agalnst the wall aud look left and riglit. 1 was havlng "a'pretty good Uime!1 TZhe Disney, orgamza- tion produced. " Mouser- ciseo wzth consultation from Howard F. Hunt Ph.D., Chairman of the Physical Education Do- partment at the.Univer- sity of California i San Diego. As a rosult, the exor- cises are proper for children and likoly to keep them interested for a whilo. Dr. Hunt bas even written a message to "Adult Mousercisers" in the booklet saying that Mousercise isn't just for children - it's for the'entire family. And I can see Moms sud Dada haviug a wonder- ful lime in the roc room with their tiny Mfickeys and Minuies flapping like a birdie with Donald Duck -te "Stop In Time" and pretending to race with Goofy to "Koep Ou Tj.yjjj Well, I,,houestly. on- joyed my secret little re- scArcli project,- got a good workout - and no- body cauglit met Next, I plan te re- search a fituess class in lontreal that encour- ages couples te work out together with a program f innocent two-person exercises they nouetho- eas bull as "Sexeise". But I'm takring no hauces wlth this one. I'1 definitely invite my vife. EDITOR'S NOTE :Rusu Iaby i Presideut of ARTICIPactIn, the anadian movemeut for mrsma Obm. 183 HORIZON - --------- .... 4 DR', '83 2 2 LITRE FNGINI AUTO TRANS POWER BRAKES RELIANT HALOGEN HI A[)[ý AMPS MAINTENANCE i-iý[-[ [ÎAT Hy CI OTFIB(JCK[ IS 4 DR@ Ci OCK PIP ()DOMI T 1 R 1 F 1 WC MIRPOP 2 2 UTRE ENGIN[ SPOH 1 VVHF f ,AU30 TRANS AM PADIO POWER STIERING, f [ f CTRIC DEF-HOSTI P POWER BRAKES ............ HOAD WHEFLS EL.ECTRIC DEFROSTFR . ........ ........ SID[ MOULDINGS AM RADIO AM CAHGO 1-IGHT MAINTENANCE FRIE BATTFRY RE AH WINDOW ý,Hl il LEFT R/C MIPROR Vv s vv HADIAI-S Ci OTH SEATS à HE(;UL.API FUFI- wýs vv RADIALS HAUGEN HEADI- AMPS SIDE MOULDINGS SIDE STRIPES REGULAR ÇjAS SERVICE-- PRICE SELECTIOK y ou can have it ailm 1355 HARWOOD AVE. N., AJAX 1 L L A G E PL YMOUTH CHRYSLER L TD.