WH ITBY FREE PRESS, WEONESDAVJULY 20, 1983. PAGE 3 Fund hits $190,ýoOOO The Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital building fund bas reached $190,000, stili $270,000 short of its goal of $460,000. A pledge of $4,600 froni the Royal Bank may get the bail rolllng on donations from some larger companles ac- cording to campaign publlcity director Don Frise. "We contacted many national and multi- national compamies at the start of the cam- paign and we realized it would taire a while to hear back from'some of them," he sald. "This is the firat one and we've already beard in the wlnd there are others on the way."1 Frise also noted that a couple of local unions had recently corne through with cash donations. UAW 222, reproem- ting local auto worker, bas klcked i *1,oo0 While CUPE 218t,, representlng 'clericitl workers, custodians and teachers' aides in the Durham Region. chip- ped in$W0. With the tender. date set at July 20, Frise is hopeful that pledges and donations will continue to corne In. "We're optimistic we, can raise enougb money to allow the hospital to procoed,"' he said. The money is to be used to finance the renovations which wil add 32 beds to the hospital and provide long terni care for vic- tlms of strokes and ac- cidents who require rehabilitation. Geronimn.o! Junior flreflgbters Program -The programi is macle avallable each year to Whltby Youngsters, age il to 13. Bus rider will pay more Bus ridera iWhitby wlil be paylng more for loal transit sometlme thls fall. Town Council bas ac- cepted an across the, board increase of five cents per fare. This wil increase the fares te 55 cents .for, adults, and 30 cents each for seniors, studen-, ts and cbildren. Students -monthly passe. wlll increase' from $9 to, $10 and aduits, passes wlll go from $18 to $20. In accbpting these fare increases, Coundil' amended the original recommendation, which suggested that aduit prices remainat 50 cen- ts and, chlldren fares stay at 25 cents. Seniors and students would bave bore the brunt of this as these fares would bave each icreased 10 cents to 35 cents.,, Coundil decided this was toc severe a blow for the students and seniors tW absorti. "Al riders are direct benifactors, of the system s50 they 'should carry proportionate responsibility," y said Councillor Joe .Bugeili. i belleve it is ,@3 Speed -6cycle * Varlable Water s ExtraRînse Cycle *Fabrlc Softener Dispenser WHITE ONLY $9 L J j Enter via Dundas St. or Mary St. Of f ThIckson Rd. M"ySt E. J Dmanda inequitable students should carry the load. Regional Councillor Tom Edwards believes too harsh an increase could be detrimental to the transit syà tem. "We've gotten to the place of no return, " he said. "If there is an in- crease in some areas, the. ridership will decrease again. Other parts of the recommendation put before Coundil wil lead to the discontinuation of Free Dellvery ln Durham Reg Ion Thursday evening ser- vice and the extension of serviée on Saturdays. The general feeling of Coundil seemed to be that although the buses do provide service to many Whitby resid ents, an icrease in ridership te necessary. This booet could corne when the transit system works in with the forth- coming GO-ALRT systeni according .to Regional Councilor eryEm'm. 000-0.9. from GENERAL ELECTIRC e3 Cycle - Heavy Duty *Porcelain Tub eAutomatlc Normal *Automatlc Permnanent *Press - Dryl ng Rack WHITE ONLY $389 Dellvered1 I~I j W w WWWww~w~~ I--------------Ii~ * *, *.... * - ~ OSHAWA WHITBY NEWCATLE T iUnlbedi vm ,yl Bout te Saies Tux Deadine *u*NO SALES TAX....ORLY i6~ DA YS LEFT Fwrntw. O AippUioneet Â-ý ~"OU R AIM 1$ TO SATISFYOPM"fl 1618 Dundas St. E.., Whltby 725-1133 Open Daily,10 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-5 pa. :-~.' - - -CLIP& SAVE- $50, Of f Sofas, Loveseats, Sectibnais with this ad Recievers Sale Open Daily 10:30 a.m. io 9 p.m. unti'l'sat.23rdJuly83 ' From Sat. 23rd - Wed. July 27th this coupon will be valid al this coupon wi Il be valid al CedrIcks Banquet Hall our new locatlon- 173 Broc.k St N_ Whitby 111 Dunlop St. W., Whitbyl L Ç- geffl mua WASHERS 1 DRYERS