PAGE 12, WEDNESOAY AUG UST 3, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Emporium Ads will only be accepted subjeot to the following conditions. - PLEASE READ -' ,I When the advartised Item la aoid, disposed of, or unavaliabia for whatever reason, the item rIil ba daemed to hava been sold and a commission wIii be chargad based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiiustrated below, ragardiesa If prIca la stated with "beat of fer". If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, 1he ad will ba run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 willi apply payable ln advance of publication of 1h. first ad. Otherwiae a $7.eb charge willi ap- piy If biiied which muat be paid upon receipi of bill. The aboya minimum charges wlIiiba appiied to the final commission due but In any case the highar amount wiii be çharged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-pald; $7.50 biliad. Maximum commission: $10000. Ail advertisernents muet be piacad on an ex- clusive basis with 1h. WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieast one monthi not soid. RATES1II article la sold): . 5% of advortiaed pries up to $400.00î 2% of balance ovor $400.00 - EXAMPLE: Sold Iem advartisad for $120.00. Commission duo $8.00 (minimum charge la $6.00). Private advertIsIng onlyl PMasse notify the Whitby Free Press Immadiateiy when item la soid so that wa may delate tl from the foiiowing Issue. Ail ada not fitting the Emporium guidelines wiil be treated and chargad par waek as regular classified ada on a pre-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, ciothlng, real estate, and personai massage type adia, or adia not quoting price or quantity. Privats classifled ada may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriais headInga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. If ln doubi cail: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE EADINEFOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVflOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. FRTSLE*.J ARTICLES ATOMOBI1LES FOR SALE FO SALE M A 1977 GRANADA, standard stear- Ing and power brakes, 2 door, 200 engins, 27 miles to the gallon, 718 trailer hitch on It, $1,000 firm. 1971 Mercury Marquis, Colony Park, 4 door, station wagon, 430 angine, automatlc, 718 traluer hit- ch on it, $900 or beat offer. Movlng, muet sali by August 30. For more Information cali 655- 4407 or avenIngs 284-4139. 1976 DODGE DART, 6 cyl. 3 spd. Standard, needa repaire, parts included, $65. Phone 655-337. 1975 DELTA 8U OLDS, 4 door, hardtop, 454 CID. Ail power op- tions. Good condition. $1,650. Phono 855-4003. 1975 BUICK LE SABRE, 4 door, hardtop, mechanicaily sound, needa body work. As la $850. Cali 688&8543 after 5 p.m. 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY, 318, automatic, Power brakes, power staerIng, heavy duty, runs good, needo some body work. $250 os la or trade for air compressor, sand blastlng equipment or paint equipment. Cali 668-785. ANTIQUE dinlng tabla, round padeatai, $30. Antique captain chair, $20. Antique parlor tabla (plain), $20. Portable sterso record ployer, $20. Smith-Corona office typawriter, $35. Reei to reai Telefunken tape recorder,$75. Record rock, $7.W0. Pushmowar, $10. Judo-suit, neariy new, aize M, $20. Phone 668.7404. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec styla, assorted colora, $55 each. Frigidaire automatlc drior $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 mon tent $180. Baiiy raceway pinbaii machine,, needo soma work, $350. Phono 985-9258. CUJSTOM built pick-up seat with foid down console, rad crushed voivet, excellant condition, $275. Phone 655-8787. CALL 668&61111 to place your ar- tiilo for sale. 3 H.P. air comproasor, 4 months oid, 30 gallon capacity, $850. Air (fila $85. New feather duster $75. Impact gun $85. Torches $150. Phono 686-4874. AUOMBLES C LE FORSAÀLE U StAÃLERETALS 1972 NOVA, 6 cylînder, auto- niatlc, AM radio, now corburotor, radiator, exhaust. $800 or bost of- for. As la. Phona 668-0358. 1972 TOYOTA 1900, Ideai for good parts, $200 complota. Mind blowor speakers for cars, com- plote, JuatIlîka now, $60. Phone 655-3006. 1971 MAZDA Oie, rapiaced motor, racondltloned brakos, easily cartIfied, rodons body, good tires, stereo. $495. Phone 1961 YAMAHA, 1100 spaciai, great shape, low mléaga, ex- cessorios, AskIng $3,300. Coul 579-1787. 1978 HONDA 550K, four cylinder, AM radio, excoeloent condition, 7000 kîlometers, $1200 f irm. Cal 655-3006. 1981 HONDA CR80, excellent condition, asklng $800. Phono Andrew Giles 655-4271. 683-e&.H OUSEHOLO £N~M~~vi1GOH) 1983 BOX TRAILER, 4 ft. x 8 ft. x 30 Inch aides, 3,500 pound capa- city, 14 Inch tires, $575. Phono 655-4223. 1970 NOVA four doors, comploe front end and 2 Nova RalIy whoels. Ail parts good. Complota $150. 1973 TORINO 302 angine and transmission. Comploe $200. 1973 VEGA GT for parts wlth good tires and Raliy rima. Complet $100. 1973 DUSTER 225- 6 angine and transmission. Ex- cellent condition, four radiai tires. Comploe $2W0. Phone 655- 3008. 1966 TRILLIUM, model 333, new canvasa, aoft top, naw tires, large box for storlng extras, sloops 4 or 6, 718 trailer hitch on It, weighs approximately 500 Ibo., $80 or beat offer. Moving, muet seil by August 30. For more information cail 655-4407 or ovaninga 284- 4139. FRIDGE and stove, *70/pair, gold, like new. Automatlc washer, $300, 1year old. Dryer, $100, workds wefl. Onie round table, $20. Two wood square taibes, $10 each. Old stove, $55, works good. F'ireplace screen $10. Big airror $35. French Provincial chesterfield and chair, blue, $300. Gao beater for tent trailer $25. Campetove $35. Suspended drop ceiling, 1,000 feet, $150. Moving, muet sell by Auguat 30. For more infor- mation call 655.4«0 or eveninga 284-4139. MOVINO - Complote iivIng room set, new, custom mode to match, off-whlte velvet. Large sofa, love- seat and two swivei choira. Exqul. site. Paid $3,500. Asking $2,500. Cali 688&2395. FRENCH Provincial buffet, hutch and dining table with six chairs. Very good condition. Asking $1,500. Phone 839-3731. 8 PIECE Anitque Oak DlnIng Room Sot. Excellant condition, Asklng $4500. Also, wolnut china cupboard $350. Cali 668-0495. ____________________ bottom, approx 91 longtha sink MOTORCYCLES and arborito counter lnciuded, FOR SALE $7.Pt1e233lafe4- HARLEY Sportstar extendedMU IA chroma tube front end $250. 250O. .a m Ducadi front end $75. Harlay rear hU INSTRUMENTSI wheel and aprooket $225. Uaed Yokohama tire $20. 1977 Coni Am YAMAHA SG700 gultar, aimilar to 175 cc, 1,900 miles, $600. Phone 2000, excellent playing condition, 985-9258. $425. Cali 655-3791. SO YOU THOUGHT WE WERE JUTYUuLCLNESA e Bring your f ilms'in for Our newest service OUALITY PHOTOFINISHINO INSTANT PHOTOCOPTINO ... at low, low rates ... You can count on us We're open to serve you for ail your photofinishing needs. when you need us. ~~~~~~. ...... . .. . .. . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . WE CAN HELP EASE THE PRESSURES 0F YOUR UPCOMING WEDDING TOO. Corne in and browse throtth our catalogue containing hundreds of samples of invitations, announcements, reception and response cards, thank you cards, novelty and place cards plus a variety of special acbessories tohelp you plan your perfect wedding. ... ... ... .............. ...-- -..- .- . .. . . . . . . . MB.. UBIWNINUIWflIT FEE RESS FFI 131 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY- 668-6111 -17