Minor Novices Win 'C' division provincial tiltie BY TOM FRANIK The WGR mninor Novices have won the ALL ON- TARIO NOVICE "C" PROVINCIAL CHAMPION- SHIP. The Provincials were hosted this year by Clarkson-Lorne Park in Mississauga. The Whitby team met Peterboro in the champion- shlp game. They've nover been able to beat them durlng the season, but this Urne they won 6-2. Ail parts of the tearn were Up for the weekend play: solid goal-tending, aggressive defence and qulck moving offence that baffled their opponents wlth shots comlng frorn ail angles. The game wlth Peterboro was neyer ini doubt wlth two goals by Anne Windover, and singles by Sandy Crawford, Zach Hayden, Bilan Cyr and Kelly Vipond. In the games leading to the champlonship, the minor novices doWned Arthur 4-2 with goals by Brian Cyr, Vipond, Jonas Derks and Windover. Mimico lost toWhitby 8-3 as Wmndover scored four Urnes, Vipond twice and.other goals by Derks and Brian Cyr. As the competition got tougher, the Novices responded wlth a 5-3 win over St. Catherines Eagles. Derks and Windover scored 2 each with Vlpond scored 1. In the serni-final, they met Arthur again. Arthur pulled into a 2-0 lead but Whitby carnme back fast to lead 5-3 by the end of the first period. Final score was 8-5 for Whitby. Vipond led the scoring wlth thre goals, two each Derks and Windover and. on by Hayden. These Provincial Champions are Brett Agnew and Tommy Smart as goal-tenders, Zach Haydlen, Todd Cyr, Sandy Crawford, Kelly Vipond, John Emrn, Kevin Durica, Brain Cyr, Scott Taylor, Mike Williams, Craig Shannon, Martin Rylan, Jonas Derks and Anne Windover. A lot of thanks goes Wo the bard work of the bench personnel: Coach Corny« Derks, Asst. coacb Brian Hayden, Manager. Benny Cyr and Asst. manager Gord Shannon. CongratulaUions tearn. The major Novice team sponisored by the Wbitby Optùinsts were also at the Provincials, but in the "A" division whicb consists of the five top-rated lacrosse teams in Ontario. In their Eh-st game, the Optirnlsts were out-played, as they were shutout.8- by Brampton. They did get a'2-0 l«d over Six, nations No. 1 team but were unabe " mSix Nations elirnlnated ten5-4. Whltyi U done by Matt Sheaer obMrtnmMt Danny Ladouceur. The Peewee Provincial Playdowns were I Barrie. The Major Peewee Hldeaway team defeated Spartan 11-5 i their first garne. Pairs of goals were by Paul Windover, Mark Srnith and An- drew Vanderlinde, Singles by Adam Foote, Derek Jones, Todd Wilson, Jeff Whttle . and Keith Prlrneau. They lost the second game 8-5 to Brampton as Wilson scored twlce and singles by Mark Ainsworth, Chris Page and Foote. Tbey avoided elimination by ehrninating Missiauga No. 1 tearn by 7-3 with two goals by Foote and one each by Whittle, Ainsworthb, Smith, Wilson and Jones. Tbey 'Met Six-Nations in the semi-finals of the AU-Ontario Peewee "A" division, but went home early as they lost 14-5 to the eventual cham ibp winners. Wbhitby scorers were two byW= tl and singles by Chris Tucker, Jones and Smith. Beaches at 8"8wlth two each by Kelly Vlpond, John Emm and Anne W4ndover. Other goals wer by Brian Cyr and Jonas Derks. This Novice No. 2 team also defeated Ajax 16-1. Anne Wlndover had five, two each by Zach Hayden, Sandy Crawford, Kelly Vlpond, Brian Cyr and Jonas Derks and one by John Ernm. The Peacock Sports Bantarns were caught coasting as the visitlng team from Peterboro won 6- 5. Whitby scorlng was done by Emery Carnpbell, Dean Vanderlinde, Steve Nolan, Steve Dyrnent and Tom Frank. W.G.A.A. SCORES SQUIRT JUly 27 Peacock Sports...5 Midway Datsun. 4 Jan's Auto ........ 23 Pizza Dellght ....... 17 West Lynde C.A ...19 Bailey Pharmacy .... 18 August 3 Pizza Delight...,24 West Lynde C.A... 2o Peacock Sports...22 Bailey Pharrnacy.,..4 Jan's Auto ........ 23 Midway Datsun ...l NO VICE JuIy 25 Matthews ......... 30 Henry Buildail.. 14 August 2 Mr. Rental ........ 16 Matthews ......... 10 Cheyne's.......... 24 Henry Buildal,...13 BANTAM July 25 Matthews....... -..15 Lewis Paper....... 13 Scott's Colonels.-.12 Lions Club......... il Vickery Electrc ..29 Rotary Club ........ 10 August 1 Scott's Colonel...23 Lewis Paper........ 6 JUVENILE JuIy 24 Dual Lite ......... 17 Puckrin and Son.14 JuIy 25 Glenwood Ford ..17 Fleming Realty.... 5 WHIT13Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 10. 1983, PAGE 15 WHITBY MINOR BASEBALL SCORES Canadian Tire....8 The Weed Man ......O I.O.O.F............ 2 Brooklin Cycle...... 6 Brooklin Kinsmen..7 Cross Bros ......... 0 Brooklin Cycle...... 7 Jury & Lvell .......4 Wbitby Jaycees ...10 *Brooklin Knsmen ... .1 Cross Bros ......... 16 Jury & Là ovelI ....... 14 Whitby Jaycees ...15 *The Weed Man.... 1 I.O.O.F ........... 14 Canadian Tire......il *(default Games) PEEWEE Dom's Auto Parts.... 12 Whitby Lions . ...10 Red Wing Orchards ... 8 Whitby Lions........7 Red Wing Orchards . . il Dorn's Auto Parts..3 Shoppers Drug Mart . 16 East End Quality Meats............. 6 Dorn's Auto Parts... 13 Shoppers Drug Mart . 10 BANTAM Whitby Audio....... *8 Wbitby Rotary...... 5 Oshawa Igers....6 Family Kartway ...6 Wbitby Rotary.....*'*8 Little Georgies Pizza.. 8 Farnily Kartway..10 Whitby Rotary......1 TYKE c77karicqo(ô LINCOLN.MERCLRV SALES LIMITED THE FORD TRUCK PEOPLE FARM - BUSINESS - RECREATION 1120 Dundas St. E. OSHAWA 723-0661 Whitby WH ITBY 668-589 CONTESSA "ER SPECIALS Mondays rms - 1/2 Price Wed nesclays '/2 Price on every other service (except Perms) (This offer applies to Susan only.) Cail for your appointment now. 668-9262 -- - i r LA SUF I Pei TOUCH FOOTBALL Registration for the Whltby Mens' Athletic Association touch« foot- baill bague wlll be held Tuesday August 16, 7 to 8 p.m., in the front lobby of Iroquois Park Arena. The registration fee is $15. Games wlll be played Saturday. morhlngs at Henry Street 111gb School and Anderson Coilegiate.- The season commen- ces September 10 and finishes November 19. Registration ils limlted to 96 players. LATE BLOOMER Salvia, available in- red, blue, -purple and white, blooms aIl surn- mer and fail until frost. Late blooms can be en-