Krnttîing Machine Centrè provide e ervice BY T1M BAINES Communlty Editor With the art of hand knltting ln the midst 0f a renascence, Vicky Ferguson is betting that ber new store, Ferguson's Knitting machine Centre, will provide a needed ser- vice for the residents of Whitby. The Knlttlng Machine Centre, located in the core of downtown Whlt- by, at 111 Brock St. N., offers a variety of itemsý such as yarns, patterns, embroidery kits, sewing baskets, custom-made sweaters, "-knitting machines and otheèr related accessorles. Knitting machines are starting to boom in Canada,"P said Mrs. Ferguson. 4"I've traveiled' te different knltting machine seminars and the response 15 tremendous. There are people coming from not only Canada, but also the Un- ited States -and Australia. " She says people like hand knitting not only as a means of designlng' custom-made items, but it is aiso a popular hob- by. "A lot of people think you put the wool on one end of the machine and a sweater comes out the otherý end. ,They don't really- realize the amount of work that goos into it."yP -. Besides seing the knltting machines, the store also offers lessons in hand knittlng and crocheting. Tuesday nlght sessions In hand knitting are conducted at 7 p.m. with a $10 registration charge and a $3 charge Per night attended. The lessons are flexible 80 anyone can go only for as long as they want and are only charged for ones they attend. Mrs. Ferguson, Who began hand knitting close te fifty years ago, has been machine knit- ting for the past. 15 years.. There 15 'a vast dif- ference in the creativity elements. of knitted goods between hand- made and store bought according to Mrs.- Ferguson. This 18' especially now true with the introduction of com- puterized hand knitting machines two years ago._ "People can now draw their own designs and- do them on Machines,"' she said. "It, saves a lot of work and thinking." The hand knitted goo0s can also be made to fit much better than Store bought merchan-à dise. Mrs. Ferguson, who has lived in whitby fot the past 13 yearu thought about locatlng' ber store in a blge locale such as Oshawa but finally decided on Whitby as the location for her first business venture. "For a change I'd to see the Oshawa and Ajax people come here, " she said. She also believes her store wil have an ad- vantage over some of the area mails because of cheaper prices. "I'm trying to offer cheaper prices' and taking a smailer per- centage. in hopes of get- ting volumne," shesaid. "IF we can seil a bail of wool at 10 cents cheaper than a shopping centre then people wiil come here. "' Ferguson's Knitting Machine Centre 15 open from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30- p.m. Monday through Thursday, and Satur- -day, and until 7 p.m. on Friday. Donna McKinnon-demonstrates the use of a knitting machine at Ferguson's Knitting Machine Centre, 111 Brock St. N., in Whitby. The store was officiaily opened last Thursday. Fe rs tf ht Bridgeresuits The foilowing are the resuits of - duplicate bridge play at the Whit- by Curling Club. Nortb and South: Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Wharrie, 84; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson, 78%; Mrs. R. E. McMullen and Mrs. Zeta Cunnington, 76; AI Leslie and Perry, Laurence, 70. East and West: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Oliver, 79; Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Smythi, 78; Mrs. Art Conrad and Mrs. Harold Smuck, 68; Mrs. P.A. Chubb and MIrs. C.E. Stewart, 66. Thie results of duplicate bridge play are reported each week in théeFree Press. PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysler-Dodge Sales and Service cmt Dernier Parts à Service. Thuriays «Ili B p.m. WHITBY 209 Dundlas st. w. 666-3000 Floppy Disks by'?~'~cq~ S5 DISKETTES N97803 -Preformated for AESPlus & Alpha Plus 5.65ea. N97575- for Apple Il & Radio Shack TRSà o N978751& 34.7or a Ne97875 &- 47for Wangwriter t 6m50 a. 8"DISICETTES N97525- for I OM Sysîemn 32 4.85 ea. 25 &30 5508. N97593 - for Xerox 85o & 8605.95 08a N97840 -for AES 90 & 10 695a N97838 - for AES C20 Multi-Plus 6.9ms .*.C .0Cs" piptP5PON 816 *SÃ"OD ONLY IN PKGS. 0F 10 \ DISICETTES FOR OTHER SVSTEMS AVA LA8LE ON REQUEST 1