PAGE Z WEDNESDAY AUGUST 24, 1983, WH IT8Y FR EE PRESS rAnnoünmani 'Inýternational '83 Stephen R. MOOki, C.A. Mr. Edward D. Lukow, C.A., Managlng Partner of the Oshawa Office of Dunwoody & Company le pleased to an- nounce that Mr. Stephen R. Meelc, C.A. hie recentiy jolned the firm and wlU asaume mrepônelIblUlty. aà Department Head cf'the'of- flole eIncome Tai Divlon. Mr.. Meek lea à member of The Canadien 1Tex Foun- dation, The Insttut@ of Char.- toed Accountante of Ontario and le proeontlyPrehldent of the Central Ontario Char. tered 1. Accountanta Association. The author of several articles on Income tax related topica, ho hie Ueo. tured and served as' a semInar leader for varlous tax programe eponaored by- The Canadien Institute of Chartered Accountante and The Inttute. of Chartered Accountante of Ontario. ". Dunwoody i& Company, founded n Wnnipeg n 1921, le a fully lntegrated N ational Partnershlp wlth 30 off cea aocs Canada. The f lrmcof- fera a full range of accoun- tlng, auditlng, tax, financial and management. advleory eervicee. Dunwoody & Com- pany, through ts Inter- national association, Dun. woody, Robeon, McGiadrey & Pullen, provides represen., tation n more than' 250 of- fices n 50 countries worîd. wîde. You can visit Europe wlthout leavlng Whltby. 1International '83, whlch kicks off the Whltby Marigold Festival, Thursday, September 8 at Iroquois Park Mrena, is your passport to ethnie dlning and dancing. It's an evening of fun for people of ail ages, beginnlng at 6 p.m. and lasting until 1 ar. International '83 is a festive display in which different ethnic groupa will present their music, dance, crafts and distinctive cultural foods. The Ethnie groupa taking part in- clude Greeki, Poliah, Dutch, Scottish, Maltese, Chinese and Italan., 1The menu wilJ conslst of first course dishes, from .,shlsh .kebab .to haggis wlth delicate pastries for dessert. Authentie Inter- national cuisine is not the only attraction of the eveming. You can relax and enjoy the folk dan- ces and traditional songs from ail over the world. Admission is $2 for aduits and 50 cents for children. Reduced rates Of $1 for aduits and no charge for children are offered with the, purchase of Marigold passport coin. These coins are on sale through ail service clubs, Witby Chamber of Commerce,, Tourist Information Centre, Seniors Activity Centre,' CHOO Radio and Davidson and Smith Chartered Accountants or at event locations. The cost is $3. Whitby's Sunnycrest Retirement Vila was officially opened last Wednesday by a host of dignitaries. Pictured left to rlght are Harvey Nightingale, executive director of Ontario Nursing Home Association; Susan Pollach, mnterior, designer; Helen Chalmers, Sunnycrest administrator; Mayor Bob* Attersley; Max Leroy, owner; and' Gary Herrema, regional chairman. Guests also present buhinot pictured include MP Scott Fenneil; Eric Smith, architect; and Ruth Leroy, owner. [y Opens For et vtinent, the residents can par- ticipate in barbecues, birthday parties, live performers and special nights 'created by the Whitby Lioness Club. The individual units each offer custom-made furnishings, art and a full bath complete with heat, lampa, water massage and hand rails. The villa'is just part of the complex, which also houses a nursing home ,wlth a' capacity of 136 residents. A. new concept offered by the nursing home is temporary residency where people can stay for up to four weeks on a. Retie.,en Villa officiali BY TIM BAINES Maxwell, and Ruth Leroy' are finally reaping the fruits of- three years of planning and building of Sun- nycrest Nursing Reirement Villa'. The villa,, located on Highway 2, east 'of Whitby's Woolco Mail, was officially opened last Wed nesday by a host '0f local dignitaries and neoule who helped make the^ Leroy's dream a reality. Mayor Bob Attersley snipped the ribbon, to open the new fadility, consisting of 36 retirement uni*ts, com- plete with custom fur- "This is designed to fi a need in the com- munity for those who are stfi indepeëndent,'" said Mr. Leroy. "Our dream was to have the fines't nursing home-in Ontario and our dream in now reality,"1 he added. Leroy thanked all those responsible for the loving care -and detail that went into construc- tion of the villa as he noted, "Dreams are only puffs of smoke without- willing and devoted people to help.' Some of the luxurious features offered are the air-conditioming, ar- tworks in the halls, large lounge area, dinfing room, patio, maid service, 24-hour emergency caîl service, laundry faiities, per- sonal mail boxes in the lobby and direct access to shopping facilitiep. Other services offered include a beauty salon. and barbershop, library, whir1pool baths and an activity room with a director which of- fers leisure activities such as ceramics, baking, woodworking, 'Two lounges "are also available - one with a fireplace and a second one which converts into a chapel on weekends. Residents are also en- couraged to participate in a tuck shop which of- fers many items, in- cluding hand crafts designed by villa dwellers. They can also cuitivate their own vegetable garden. But the. dream is not yet complete for the Leroys. They also plan on cionverting 'a100- year-old atone building, located on the premises, to a professional 1lkriqocé LINCOLN MERCURY SALES LIMITED THE FORD TRUCK PEOPLE, FARM - BUSINESS -,RECREATION 1120 Dundas St. E. OSHAWA723-0661 Whitby WHITBY 668-589 4OPENING CELEBRATION CONTINUES FERG USON'S CNE Specials on Singer Knitting Machines Model 560 ý12ý $ 11 99«1111Model 3608Icer $ 489.95 Bulky SK 120! 4@g"ý 289.95 sRip 50 Rlbber!289e-ae $269.9 10% OFF AIL YARNS TILL AUG 27 'IN STORE DRAW DURING OPENING DAYS CELEBRATION' No mtterwhat you ,, we cati help you do it bettier. AIl kinds of people, in ail kinds of businesses, are f înding more than computers ai ComputerLand. Theyre discovering new solutions to old problems and opportunities they hadn't imagined: ways to plan more effectively. to manage more profitably, 10 work smarter. Because ComputerLand doesn't merely offer the widest selection of personal computersC m p on eurth. We have every-'c m l thing you need to put a W. personal computer Io lmt 'tE ADO usb work productiveîy in your business, Know- how to help you choose the right one in the first place. Plus software, service, accessories and professional advice to help you make the most of it. Selection, support 'and expertise. Only ComputerLand provides them ail - at over 400 stores arounci the worlcl. When it comnes to personal computers, -nobody does it better. ~IM1ftuWhy flot come in and see what we can help 111 SIMCOE ST- NORTH ."The QId Firehali" OSHAWA 433-0800 Over 400 stores worldwide. For locations cali 800-227-1ô17x1 18 (ïn caiona 800-772-3545x1 18. in Hawaii or Canada cati 415-930-0777 collect) <nexit toCanadian Bank cf Commerce) bý 1 Brock St. N., Whitby 66,6-1833