Between You and Me By RUTII COLEs POLITICAL FOOTBALL There are always political footballs being kicked around the field and maybee one happens to the air- craft industry. A week ago, we were taken on a very thorough tour of De Haviland, on the weekend,- 50 we were able to see and be told in great detail about this in- dustry. Our aircraft business turns out the best air- craft in the world. I stili have enough of the child in me to want to "isee" ' and hear the truth. I hope after these many yearsI an able to sort things out and not just accept anythlng 1 hear or read about. The friend who invited us to go on this tour is very much admlred and respected by both my huaband and myseif. An employee of De Haviland for many years, he is a diligent and intelligent man with great expertise in bis field. After I started to write this article, 1 read one on August 16/83 in the Globe and Mail by Alexander Printzios, an engineer who has worked at this air- craft plant. Very well written and researched, it is worth reading, most factual and honets. There are 50 many things written today which are biased and slanted; the truth in these cases is bard to find.' Many people read something in a paper or magazine and because they have high regard for the publication their minds determine that this is truth. Not always so. One often has to search for the truth and it is not always easy. Because of Mr. Printzious' article 1 wil delete a lot of mine. He said it better than I can! I must stress the point that I have great respect for the planes we saw being built. We feel reassured and content now after our tour. Confident in the ex-, pertise 0f the industry as a whole and ini their checks and rechecks. Planes made ini Canada are known to be the best i the world and safety 18 foremost. If loans could be procured at a low rate we could compete with any country in the world. Whenever the economy, slows up one stil bas to compete. Negative press ýattitudes are not tthe ,Way to get positive response and this loses.customers from alI over the world and this is why there must be a true and complete understanding of the industry rather PEACOCK LUM BER LTD.' \ \S IN-STOCK Over 1,000,000 feet of kin dried Hardwoods Softwoods. Dry Kins Dressing Facilties WHOLESALE - RETAIL 328 Ritson Rd. N. Oshawa, 725-4744 than a dlstorted vlew. ElghtY Per cent of the planes made ln Canada are for export, 20 Percent for ourselves. We saw the Dash 7 and the Dasb 8. At peak times, the Dash 7 had 27 men working on It in two shi.fts. The wlng span of this plane is roughly 93 feet wlth the capacity to hold 50 people in it's long body. The cost 15 $7 million. The dash 8 18 a shorter plane, about 85 feet long and carnies 36 passengers. A shiny white Plane with the red maple leaf on the tail and orange, yellow and red stripes, a most attractive machine. We realized that the utmost care is taken in the building of these planes from the rivets to'the pain- ting. The inspections, which are many, are done with great care; nothing slipshod anywhere in the operation. The product is good and copied by others in the world. 65 countries have out planes including Great Britain, Germany and Austria, where they are flown in the Alps. The Dash 7 is an exceptionally quiet plane and would be ideal for the Island Air- port. Much to our delight and surprise, we saw signs of thrift which is not always true in government run plants. Before the 6 and 5 restraint came into being, De Haviland froze wages for six months. It seemed to us that there is no overspending at this aircraft plant. We feel we were, told the truth and we know what we saw, therefore our confidence has been restored. PANCAKE BREAKFAST This is a fun filled treat for everyone. A family oriented affair, it'is part of the Marigold Festival on September il from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. To be held at Cullen Gardens, the price is $3, including entry to the gardens free until 12 noon. .: , Eating pancakes outside is really fun and the pancakes are great. Made, by the Rotarians right in front of your eyes, they taste better than any others I have ever had. The wives of the Rotarians do their part mixing batter and other suich things. Join the group. CONTINUING CARE UNIT Plans for the con- tinuing care unit at Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital in Whitby are steaming ahead with the recent award of the building contract to H & N Con- struction, of Scar- borough. According to hospital administrator 'John I I i I. 1~ Kunetsky, about 15 or:i tenders were receivei with Ithis bid of $405,00 finally getting the nod. Kunetsky says con struction will begi, sometime after Laboi Day and he speculate the work wilI be finisheý withi n four to six mon. ths. Attention WH ITBV FR EE PRESS, WEDNESDAY A UG UST 24, 1983, PAG E 6 This seemns like a rather unconventional horse riding technique but it was ail part of a trick ridingdispiay at the Whltby Rough Stock Rodeo Saturday at Iroquois Park Arena. ______________Free Press Staff Photo FALL PROGRAMS Registration formsN for fail programs spon- sored by the Whitby recreation department can be obtained August I BY 10 29 to September 19 at y Iroquois Park Complexi. OUT BY 4 Some will also be available at the main departmnent office in the- municipal building on lc AV0D4ES s0p*GL2 Ros sland Rd. E. TEEPOE i For more information caîl 668-7765. 16 in r ýs 2S' /1%, qj~~'%Y uE WHT* Enthusiastic ralented Iigh Sohool A usicians Your Commun ity Band ".MUSI KI DS" Has Openings For You Cali .576-5597 For Further Information CHILDREN'S ACTING" CLASSES N OW IN PICKERING Jesters Children's Theatre Is For... BOYS AND GIRLS AGES 8' 15 Ail Students Wii Perfo-rm On Stage *SINGING *DANCING *ACTING Registrations wiII be held, this Saturday August 27th also Saturday September 3rd from 9 a.m. - 10:30 arn. at Peace Lutheran Church,, Liverpool and Bayly, Pickering Or For Details Phone 266- 1090 SATURDAY, AUGUST, 27. * ALL YOU CAN EATI * BUFFET DINNER and DANCE * COME AND MEET THE DUNNIES' * IROQUOIS PARK ARENA * 5W0 VICTORIA STREET. WHITBY, ONTARIO. * 6:00 P.M. - 1:00 A.M. * DINNER/DANCE: $18.00 ADVANCE S20.00 AT THE DOOR * DANCE ONLY: $ 6.50 ADVANCE *9:00 P.M.: S 8.00 AT THE DOOR * TICKETS AVAILABLE: * ARENA BOX OFFICE TORONTO DOMINION BANK: -Jlrlm KING & SI MCOE KING STREET WEST CARL TON SHOWBAND OSHAWA ____________ FOR FURTHER DETAILS CALL 1-800-268-5505 M lý il Ado,*-b. 1