H, WHITBY F Historical ,Societ y selis calendars, The Whltby Historical fre.y. Overafi design and been used for many fascinatlng pictures is collection stili has many Society has produced a coordination was thlngs in Its life and 18 of Whtby's flrst movie gaps and the Archives calendar for 1984 and it provlded by Whitby currentiy a fruit house, the Geml wouid welcome the op- 18 now on sale at the Historical Society market. Theatre, in 1909, when portunity to copy any Whltby Museum (Lynde President, Doug Ander. October shows an in- the admission was only identifiable old photos' of House) and varlous son. terior view of this same 5 cents. Whltby and its surroun- Whitby businesses. The pictures are a building in 1915 when It The picture for ding communities. 1The calendar features deiight to see. January's was Heard's garage. December is a view of The cover of the pictures taken from the is an 1983 photograph of Wes Heard and two the interior of Ail-Saints calendar is a reproduc- Whltby Archives and toboganning in the fields others are overhauling Anglican Church tion of the original map was produced as a fund- south of Trafalgar an enginie from an early decorated for Christmas of Whtiby Township raising projeet for On- Castle Sehool, then the model car. around 1890. In that era surveyed by Augustus tario's, Bicentennial Ontario Ladies College. The quaiity of this in- the Church was -lit by Jones in 1795 and stil year. It aiso gives a generai, terior shot is excep- dozens of coal-oil iamps. used by the Ontario It was created view of the Castle which tional for the period as The calendar seils for Ministry of Naturai through a unique co- has since been obscured le another photo of the $3.50 (plus tax) . Resources.1 operative education by houses and trees. interior of Hatch and Businesses which would This map was con- venture in which a The oldest photo in the Brother's Hardware like to* get them for sidered appropriate for student fromn Henry calendar 18 from 1860 Store in 1895. resale can obtain them 198 since next year 18 Street 111gh School, Ray and 18 a view of Brock Another picture shows in quantities of 10. or the 200th Anniversary of Bourke, was assigned to Street iooking, North a farmer driving a pair more for $2.50 each. the arrivai of the first do artwork and layout from the four-corners. It of cattle on Centre The pictures in the wave of Loyalist settiers for the calendar at shows the dirt roads and Street in 1916. calendar are just a few to what 18 now Ontario. General. Printers in the board sidewalks of The surrounding 'of a collection that now It was this influx of Oshawa. Rie worked un- that era. Also in the pic- communities are also nunbers over 2,500 refugees from- the der -the supervision of ture 18 an earlier Royal represented in two pic- which is kept at the Amnerican Revolution their designer, Rob Hotel and the Ontario tures fromn the Ashburn Whitby- Historical which lead directly to Donald and co-operative Hotel whlch 18 stiil stan- area and another from Society Archives in the the surveying and set- education coordinator- ding. It is now virtuaily Brooklin.. Centennial ]Building. tiement of large areas of at Henry High, AI Jef- unrecognizable as it has One of the most Although nuierous, the Southern Ontario. Community Carnival planned in Ajax ]RV MARI ý'NIIV' MILLERSON AJAX-The youth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have planned a Community Carnival on Satu rday, September 17t to introduce them- selves to the , com- muty. They -have arranged for clowns, games, lots Of food, drinks and baked goods, crafts and entertainent to be en- joyed by ail the residen- ts of _the Pickering to Whitby area. They have also planned a flea- market, with the raM*, date beêing the foilwn Saturday. This event wiil also kickoff the construction of' the Church's new meeting house, which is scheduled to being in early, October, 1983. The carnival wiil be held on the new building site on, the north/east corner ' of Church Street and the 401. During the past, several weeks, mem- bers have been busilyj Special4 41 The Parent Coundil for Special Chiidren of Durham Region wil celebrate its 3Oth an- nuversary and begin its 1983/84 programn with an evening dedicated to recogmizing the out- standing contributions made by many ares >residents and :'-will feature two authorities on the topic of "The Politics of Parenthood". The Council, formerly known as the Oshawa and' District Cerebral Palsy Parent Council for Crippled Children Inc., wii hold the event TuesdaY, Sept. 13 in'the dining lounge of Durham Coilege. [There wili be a cash bar 'at 7 p.m., followed fby the .program at 8 Ip.m. Tickets, at $5per per- son, are available by at 723-1428. The speakers wilbe -Dav-id Baker, executive -director 0f the Ad- Svocacy Resource Centre preparing the grounds for construction. They have cut grass, cleared brush, picked up broken g.lass, generaliy making a dlean sweep of the en- tire ares. Rest assured that ail those beautiful, mature trees wili be preserved to give the grounds a peaceful, reverent setting. The meeting house wiil be built in two Phases. The first phase will house a chapel in the center of the struc- ture with 'classrooms and k.itchen facilities, surrounding it's perimeter. . During, . the, week,* the clasiroonis wiil entertain the scout troup, Boy Cubs, a yVoung Men and a young Women's group, prirnary activities and various aduit progranis. Anyone wanting. in- formation on any -of these programes are in- vited to contact Mr. or Mrs. Dave Farmer at 683-6693. Phase two will be ad- ded in the'nesr, future and will facilitatea Cultural Hall for the recrestion of it's mem- bers, dances, talent and entertainment nights, fami y film nights and much much more. The Church places high regard for a well developed spiritual, emotional and physicai life of happiness. These benefits are offered to ail the residents of this ares. During the past two yesrs, this property on Church Street has been used as a welfare fanm projeet. This means that crops. of vegetables have been ýproduced to- be canined and used in the Church's welfare systeni. Bob McCance, Manger of the Bishop's Storehouse and Can- nery, located in Toron- to's west end, is presen. tly living in thé house which is on this site, with his family. "The house will be tomn down soon to make way for the new building, and the present garden ares will Probably by relocated at Ihi1dren of Durham for the - ùandicapped and Patricia Bragan- Spindel,' who 18 weil known in the field of family support progranis. They will discues the rights 0f handicapped children and how paren- te can effectively ac- tivate changes in the social and legal sJystems for the benefit of special neede children. The Parent Council meets on the second Thesday of esch month at, Simcoe Hall Children's Centre, at 8 p.m. They hope to give un- derstanding and assistance to parents and friends of children with physical, speech and hesring handicaps, to respond to relevant issues affecting special needs children and' provide a stimulating educational program for parente and the community on topie of importance to children. Membership le open to parents orguardians of children with physical, speech or hesring handicaps. The membership fee 18 $5 per 'yesr, with the money used to offset operational coste. the extreme south end of the property." said Mr. McCance. McCance and his famuly have lived- in the house for the last two years, but say they are happy to see the tremendous growth in the Church membership which necessitates a new meeting house., "We're glad the new building is in the Pickering area. We feel the community needs us as much as we need the community. There 18 so rnuch to share," said Mrs. McCance. The new chapel is ex- pected to have phase one fin 'ished in May 1984. QUALITY CUSTOM MADE THERMALLY INSULATED WINDOWS ENAMEL FINISH IN ANY 0F 12 COLOURS Mor&4lure by9 FreeEstima les aOuick Oe/îvery d'installation II Ilium728-1633 j~~jFACTORY &SHOWM@U45FAREWELL STOSHAWA~ THE CORPORATION 0F TH 9 TOWN 0F WH ITBY PROCLAMATION "LEG ION WEEK ONTARIO 1983" TAKE NOTICE THAT September 18 to 24,' 1983, Is hereby procilmed as "Legion Week Ontario 1983" in and for the Town of Whitby. Citizens of Whitby are encouraged to participate in the open house festivities planned-on Sunday, September 18, 1983, from 12:00 noon to 10:00 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 112, 117 Byron Street South, Whitby. DATED at Whitby, Ontario tember, 1983. this l4th day of Sep- R.A. Attersley, Mayor Town of Whitby B3een Hibernating? Time to get out and get doing, Cash, in on our draws for valuable prizes. Eanlots or ~ & < e:nding . money too! f! Carriers needed once a week'to deliver the Whitby Free Press Cali Circulation 668-6111 -REE PRESS, WEDNESDAV SEPTEMBER 7# 1983, PAGE 26 iDon't Miss the event of the yearlI "HISTORY-IN-ACTION" At PICKERING MUSEUM ISept. 17 & 18 weekend for more lnfo. IU' PARTS] Pickering Power Stec Drivesha Vibration Prc Il -. -~ -. - 0 686,0856 ering ifts 3blems INBY 10 OUT BY 4 PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysler-Dodge Sales'and Service Vour OIec1+41 c n j m j < I ~ . J D a e r Parts& Service- Thursdays I 9 p.m, WHITBY 209- Dundas St. W.- 666-3000 Parent Coun.cil for THE CORPORATION OF I~\~1TH ETOWN OFWH ITBY 1983 MUNICIPAL TAX NOTICE FOURTH, INSTALLMENT The fourth installment of taxes for 1983 le due and payable September 15, 1983. If payment le not received by the due date, penalty will be added on the f irst day of default and the first day of each calendar month s0 long as non-payment con- tinues, at the rate of 11/4 % per month or part thereof. 1 Taxes may be paid at any Whitby bank without bank collection charges or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. 'Deborah A. Smart, Tax Collector, Town of Whltby. IMA Rrr%È-le Poi Ã