WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 7, 1983, PAGE W hltby'8 Most Widel RaW CLASSIFIED ADS ~AOAUTONS ÈÂfii~h SEPT. 10I Marine Hardware&G Gar BRIGHcJNeONTARIO (115 HARBOUR ST.) m ON BEHALF 0F BRIGHTO AHS AS INSTUCTED B7 THE CANADIAN IMPERIA BNKFCMM 'RC SHELL FOR D81 RACING YACHT - LOA - 333. LWL - 26*7". 8EAM -1î2,DRAFT-62,DISPL.-7275LBS.SAILAREA« 678 SQ. Fl.. RATING - IOR 3/4 TON 0 FIBREGLASS MOLOS: FOR SPRINTA-SPORT SAILBOAT 0 BECKET CLEVIS PINS -& RINGS.0 HARKEN BALL BEARING PULLEY BLOCKSe0 BOAT & YACHT HARDWARE, RAILINGS ETC. 0 PLASTIC WIN DOW TRIM 0 TRIM LOCK 0 BATTERY CONDITION INDICATOR a PORT. HOLE WtNDOWS 0 (3) MOTOR CONTROL CABLES e LOOP CLEATS 0 WATER FILTER 0 QUANTITY 0F BRASS VALVES & COPPER FITTINGS e ALUMINUM PIPE & SQUARE TUBING 0 STEEL PIPE & FITTINGS 0, 00MB. GALLEY 2 BURNER PRO- PANE STOVE & SINK 0 SISTEEL 'U BOLTS 0 (2) MýORSE CON- TROLS 0 QUANTITY 0F -US. PLYWOOD. FLEXIBLE P.H. MAHOGANY & WOOD TRIM & B&D 112" REVERSIBLE ELEC. DRILL 0 JET METAL BAND SAW 0 (5) 4- MACHINE BENCH VISES e PROPANE 'HIKAT GUN e 6- DOUBLE END BENCH GRINDER 0 (3) SETS 0F WORK STEPS 0 WORK BEN. CHES e LARGE QUANTtTY 0F GEL COATING & VARIOUS PAINTS 0 SANDING BELTS &SHEETa 1 TON PLATE CLAMP.0 WATER SEALANT TAPE 0 WIRE ROPE CLAMP HANO CRtMPER 0 LARGE QUANTITY 0F CANVAS GROMETS e .FOAM SEAT PADDING & LARGE QUANTITY 0F STAINLESS WOOD SCREWS! STOVE BOLTS. NUTS. WING NUTS. WASHERS ETC. 0 LEAD WEIGHTS 0 NAVIGATION LIGHTS 0 5/STEEL FORWARD & GALLEY SINKS 0 PLASTIC/NYLON HOSE 0 PLASTIC HOSE & PIPE FITTtNGS 07 5/STEEL HOSE CLAMPS 0 2-' & 1-1/2- FLEX HOSE 0 2" &,314- RUBBER HOSE 0 CONTROL & STEERtNG WIRE & CABLE 0 LARGE QUANTITY 0F, 100'n POLYESTER LINES 0 LARGE OUANTITY 0F LANVARD ROPE C (4)î~PORTA. POTTI" 35 PORTABLE TOILETS 0 151 MANSFIELDO SANI POTTI- Il PORTABLE TOILETS 0 (4) KENY ALCOHOL SINGLE BURNER BOAT.STOVES 0e ISISPAR 5 POSITION OUTBOARD MOTOR BRACKETS. 14« VERT. LIFTSe I12)ILEWMAR TAILING WINCH ES, 1 & 2 SPEED 0 BURY 3/8"- TO 111/2"B3RASS BALL VALVES 0 ELECTRICAL WVIRING. CONNECTORS & FITTINGS 0 VINYL FUEL.TAt4k 0 TRAILER WINCH C/W CABLE & PULLEYS 0 LARGE QUANTITY 0F HARDWARE FOR 'SPRINTA-SPORT' YACHTS e HARDWARE FOR DB1 RACING YACHTS 0 14) BOAT ASSEMBLY DOLLIES 0 BRAND NEW TOOLS. SOCKET SETS ETC. a PAINT SPRAY BOOTH. 109-- x 145*sx,3T' DEEP 9LV/ EXHAUST FAN &FILTERS 0 FIBREGLASS SHEETING 0 EC'EC TYPEWRITERS & CALOS. 0 SLOOP: 26' Thunderbid. head Sai) & 5 others, 7.5 -H.P. Merc, O'board 0 SAILBOAT: 16' Bandit. ex cond. 0 SEVERAL OTHER SMALL'SA ILSOATS C MEDALIST UNIVERSAL 25 HP. 3 CYL. DIESEL 'ENGINE W/'V DRIVE TRANS. e PEARCE AUCTION SAT. SEPT. 10 6:00 PM At Pearce Auqiion Centre on Shirley Ro"ad 4 miles south of Port'Perry Contents of estate from Whitby, with add con- signments. Oak hoosier cupboards, Duncan Fyfe table, Maytag twin tub washer, waInut marbie top dresser, washstand with mîrror, dran'-Ieaf table, P reen ref ridgerator, antique chairs, sideboard, bed & matching dresser, piano, accordian, hanging o11- iamp, cuckoo cloclç, Morris 'chairs, -brass Aladdian lamps, chests of drawers, coffee & end tables, dînette set, 9x15 blue carpet,, horse bridles with brass, Sears black & white TV, mirrors antique table lamps, floor Iamps, brass & copper pieces, upholstery materiai, fishlng tackle, tools, dishes, sealers and many other worthwhiîe Items. We take Visa, good cheque or cash. PEARCE AUCTION - SERVICES 985-7492 CORNEIL AUCTION BARN FR1. SEPT. 9 8:30 PM 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Little Britain Road. Round oak pedastal table, 4 oak chairs, oak wall telephone, 2 door mahogany china cabinet, refinished china cabinets, oak parlour tables, press back high- chair, 6 walnut dinfing room chairs,' washstan- ds, walnut extension table, portable colour TV, refinished oak dressers, pinball machine, refinished Jenny Lynd bed, wicker fern stand, craftsman 9" radio arm saw, 4 h.p. Mercury out- board motor, 6" Jointer planer, l4ft fibre glass boat with 40 h.p. Evinrude motor & trailer, 1973 CadilIac Eldorado (estate vehicle, excellent condition). DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRIITAIN 705-788-2 183 mIIC1FUN FOR FAMiLy ATTEND ONE THIS WEEI(END OR VAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER THURS. SEPT. 8 16:30 PM R.R.2 LIN DSAY Estate of Annie Mc- CuIlum, Lindsay and property of Harriet'Drop- Po, Bobcaygeon. (giving Up housekeeping) Quality of furniture, some antiques, older furniture, appliances, china, dishes, dining room suite, tea wagon, trunks, quilt boxes, provincial 'chesterfieid,' rugs, large beige rugs, bedroom suite, trumpet, guitar, 2 motorcycles, 5 bicycles, fulli une ap- pîlances, collectables. FOR AUC TION INFO. OR VAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS &« LIQUIDATIONS 705-324-2783 LIN DSAY NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE 0F HER- MAN FRANK ABT, (ALSO KNOWN AS HERMAN FRANK AB- BOTT AND ALSO KNOWN AS HERMAN FRANK ABBOTT>, late of the City of Whitby, in the Judolial District of Durham, who died, on or about September 22nd, 1982, must be. field wlth the underslgned per- sonal representative on or before September 3Oth, 1983, thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assests of the said estate having regard only to the dlaims then filed. DATED this 7th day of September 1983. HERMÂAN FRANK ANTHONY ABBOT by hie solicitors GLASS, FARN AND REYNOLDS ô Albert Street North Lindsay, Ontario KOV 4R8 LOST part Persian, white maie 'cat. Chlldren'a pet. Greatly mlsod. Garrard Rd. ares. Phono 579-4948. Canaianswon'tspend cash to help themselves Succes.s f ui pro gram The Ajax-lickering and Whitby Association for the Mentally Retar- ded,- a United "ýWay agency, sponsored a successful 'sumnmer program for develop- mentally . delayed children. The program was run at the Ajax Commnumty Centre on- Centennial Road, Ajax, Monday to Friday*from 9 a.n. to 3 p.m. This setting proved to be beneficial to the participants in that they were'-integrated into a community setting for the first time. Approximately 35 children attended on a daily basis from the Ajax, Pickering ýand Whitby - areas, The children' were involved' in a variety of activities that' included arts and crafti, daily swimming, outings, music, sports and special activities. An important and very successful aspect of the summer program was a newly implemen- ted Leaders in Training program. Developnientally de- layed adolescents were- involved in a variety of training sessions at the start of the. program that included first aid, a nutrition and an in- troduction to leadership skills. They took: on a counsellor assistant role within the progr .am iand were integrated, as assistants, into the Ajax Recreation Department Day Camps. They also volunteered for the Meals on Wheels program run by the Ajax, Pickering Coin- mnunity Care Summer Youth Program. Funding for the sum- mer program was made possible bY the, Canada Emnployment'and 'm migration, Summer Canadaý Programn, the three mumicipalities of Ajax, Pickering and Whitby ,, and Ajax, Pickering United Way. Seagrave men set to stand trial Three Seagrave men, charged with the mur- der of a 71-year-old Clar emont farmer last December, will -stand trial Oct. il in Ontario 'Supreme Court in Whit- by. Ronald Joseph Perrault, 21, is charged with the first-degree murder of Duncan Spang while Wayne Charles Kennedy, 22, and bis brother Randy- William Kennedy, 20, face second-degree murder charges. The three m'en are out of custody after being granted bail last spring. Spang llved for three- and-a-half months after being shot once with .12 gauge shotgun blast in bis farmhouse Deè. 12. 1THESE ITEMS SUBJECT TO REASONABLE RESERVES. DB11 MOLOS: C/W Jigs. Tem plales & Drawings 0 LOOS SWEDGING MACHINE *,Can. Pneu 5 H.P. Shop Compressor 0 Nf1co hydr. hand press tool Wcable cutter & dies a Dymû meter hanging Scale 0 EIec. Rope Culte., 0 Wolfe elec Cloth Cutter 0 Rockwell -- 10-Table Saw,11/2' Ped Drilil<& 14" Band Saw 0 Pfaît mnd. Sewing Machine 0 Exeettiln staller a tandem Mast Traiter 0 6) Boat Cradies 0 Selox 5th wheel tand traiter for DB1. 4.5OOkiIos 0 Gantry. 15 hiqhx 10'wîde CIW Jet hand Winch a SALE SITE PHONE: (613) 475-3488 By W. ROGER WORTH Syndlcated Columnlst Why are Canadians so afraid to help them- selves, and the rest of their countrymen (and women), when it cornes to spending tbieir hard- earned cash? That ques- tion deserves consider- ation by every con- sumer as purchasing picks up and the reces- sion (hopefuily) passes, into history. What's more, we've just proven that buying Canadian, rather than foreign-made goods, is really possible. In the last couple of recession years, for example, when people saved more.and spent iess on consumer prod- ucts, sales of imported goods dropped drama- tically. With a littie ef- fort, we could keep things that way. The big payoff, of course, is jobs for the nation's 1.6 million un- employed, to say nothing of a reduced un- employment insurance bill, which at present surpasses $8-billion per year. Here are a few ways Canadians can help themselves: eShop around, and look bard for "Canadian i made" labels. In many cases, retailers are sup- porting the govern- ment's Shop Canadian program and merchan- ise is readily identifi- able. Other regions have similar self-help pro- grams that make it easy to .purchase 'locally- made products. StilI, there are some goods that only carry a small Canadian made label. Spending a littie time to find that marker can pay big dividends. Naturally, we're flot suggesting that consum- ers should pay exorbi- tant prices or accept shabby goods. But in many cases, the Cana- dian product is as good, if not better, than the import and the price may be. less. e How about a vaca- tion in Canada? For years, Canadians have been travelling south of the border, seemingly discounting the notion that our own country lias something to offer. Why not try to Canadian resort, visit another province or region or check out the nightlife in one of our larger cities? -.ý Going ýsouth during a cold winter is under- mer, the glories and di- versity of Canada should be consîdered. Besides, payîng a 25 per cent premiuni for U.S. vacation dollars is ex- pensive, and don't for- get those heavy tolîs on most of the major high- ways in the United States. a Buy something sim- ple, like a Canadian book. *Consider a home renvation'project. With interest rates at rela- tively low levels, noiv May be the time to add an extra room, a der- mer or refurbish th e basement. Witholit doubt, increased hom '- building. and renova tions have an imme- diate impact on the unemployment prob- lem. Don't forget, check for Canadian-made *materials. While these are only a few of the ways we can help ourselves, you get the idea: by changing our buying habits and actually- seeking out Canadian-made .prod- ucts and services, we would ail be better off.- If ail of this sounds like flag waving,-so be it. At least the red and white flag is mnade in 1 AUCTION SALE & ARTS FAIR Auction of antiques& coliectabis by EarI Davis, Auctioneer at the.Station Gallery, Henry & Victoria Streets, Whitby. -Fund raising event sponsored by Whitby Ar- ts Inc., Sat., Sept. 10. Preview at il a.m. to 1 p.m. Auction 1 p. m. Refreshments. Items in- clude antique fireplace manteis, picture f ramnes, Haldane spinning wheeî, weaving ioom, silverý plate Items, mahogany table, rocking ' chair, parlour table& other collectables. Sample of services for auction maid for dinner parti' and a day of beauty and Hairines, .Whitby. An added feature is the Arts Fair Sale, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.' with prints, pain- tings, Jewellery, pottery, stained glass, waîihangings and folk art by area artists. FOR INFORMATION 1CALL THE ' STATION GALLERY 668-4185ý