PG ,WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~k1in Byines By ItOXANNE WEL ~~ <ail 655i-1451 wÎth Items, for (hi% vc lumn hi there; -Why s it, people who snore always fal asleep fir- LIBRARY NEWS A great gang of Teddybear Loyers gathered at the Libraryfor the final summer program. Alison Fleming. and Chad Harris won prizes for the best decorated teddybear. A delicious Urne was had by ail thanks to Joanne Middleton's great baking. .Saturday Storyhour will be starting again from 10: 30 to 11: 3o. There will be super stories and crafts featured every Saturday morning so ail you kids plan to attend. There wil be a fun treat for ail. Please make sure ail your overdue books are returned in person or by placing them An the green drop box out front. This would be greatly ap- preciated .... See you at your library. SLIM AND TRIM Classes are stil An progress. but you may stl register at any class held An the Oddfellows Hall, Bagot Street An Brooklin. Classes are held at 9 ar. Monday,, 9 and 10: 15 Tuesdays and Thursdays. It s strictly a pay as you go idea at $3 per class. For those wishing to Jose weight, there are tips for dieting and. discussions. Evenign 'classes -May be arranged depending on the response., For additional information please cali Anne at 655-3903 or Valerie at 655-4931. AT]rENTION JUNIOR GARDENERS You should be quite proud of the Iovely barrels of flowers you planted and painted on the main street of Brookhin making our town more beautiful. Everyone visîting the* ilbrary has commented how c lovely t looked after you had finished your planting. Thank you ail 5 much. ,The first- workshop of the se asonwill be held on- Saturday September 17 from -10'1.m. ,.to noon at0 Valerie Hluudà ert, sHouse, .44 Baldw in.Stree.. Hereu we- îWihI, beêgin preperation -for "a flower. show to bea held at Fairview Lodge on Saturday September 24. This show s especiaily enjoyed by our more mature e, 4Ait zens. classes for this show wfl Include a floral arrangement An a vegetable, an arrangement in a nut sheil or seed pod, a collection of leaves, figures made from, fruits or vegetables or a farm scene ln a box. Discussion and Instruction for these will be given at our first workshop. Membership An the Junior Garden Club la just $2 per ~year and wiil now include next years infor- mation. If you have any questions please eall Valerie Hundert at 655-491. WESTERN ROUND-UP The Durham PC Association of Women wlll be hosting their Western Round-up on Friday Septem- ber 30 from. 8 p.m. toi1 arn. It wiil be held at Jubilee Pavillion, Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. For only $8 per person, there will be live music provided by "'Gord Grills and the Road Rangers", a free hot buffet, cash bar and lots of door prizes. There wil also be a prize for the' best western dresa, a roping contest and square dances. To add to ail this there willalso be a free mystery prize given to each person attending. For more information and tickets please cal Alice Whiting at 655-3860. CALLING ALL SQUARE DANCE FANS Modern Square Dancing, beginner's group, will be held on Wednesday evenings An Myrtle United Church. Teacher Bill Robinson, whn has coached the On- tario Junior Farmers set to victory seven times in the past eight years, will instruet you on the basics. Another night will be set aside for seennld year dancers or any couples who have had previous ex- perience and wish to brush up again. For additional information on this cail 655-4492 days or 655-4731 evenings. CRAFT CLASSES Learn to knit, crochet, smock or traditional rughooking this fali at Warm, Woolies and Whatnots. SClasses cost $20 for six lessons and can be taken during the day or evening hours. Cail Gail at 655- 4584 or at home in the evenings at 655-4625 to register. ST. LEO'S NEWS Bob Hannan, the new vice-principal of St. Leo's would like to extend an invitation to their annual corn roast on Friday September 16 starting at 6:30 p.m. on the school grounds. This annual event which As held An lieu of a " melet the -teacher night"ý' is a great opportunity to renew old ac-quainta new ones. Everyone'is welcometojoin:An thé festivities and feast on corn and hot dogs. SJust bring along your lawn chairs, basebaîl equipment and'frisbees and joAn An the fun. KINSMEN SKATE-A-THON The Brooklin and District Kinsmen are holding a "Skate-athon" again this year. It wil be held on Saturday October 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Luther Vipond Memorial Arena, Brooklin., The Brooklin and District Kinsmen are proud of the improvement made ln the communlty in the past such as the Kinsmen Park, Participark Exer- cise Trail, town singera, improvements to Brooklin basebail diamond, sponsoring minor league sports, Heritage Day competitions etc. Why, not make it a farnily effort? Aduits are en- couraged to participate An the ske-a-thon too. Although prizes wlI not be avalable to them, the satisfaction of having done something to improve their community should make t worthwhile. The Kinsmen of this area respectfuily ask for your support in encouraging your children to par- ticipate An this skate-a-thon s0 mornes can be raised to make further Amprovements An our .community. For further information cail Paul MeCabe at 655- 3693. GROUP '74 OPEN HOUSE Group '74 will be holding their annual open house, on September 15, fromù 7:30 to 9 p.m., at the Brooklin Comrnunity Center, Cassels Road. Classes this year will include woodcarving, painting, quilting, chocolate making, Bunka, pAne cone art, stained glass, corcheting, hairpin lace, smocking, sîlk flower arranging, cake decorating, caning, Christ- %mas potpourri and folk art painting. For additional information please caîl Bey 985- 9269, Pat 655-3457 or Cathie 655-3245. CUBS, SCOUTS AND BEA VERS Ail the boys of this area should note that the 2nd Brooklin Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will soon begin their fail session. Scouts will be held An the C.E. Building of Brooklin United Church starting Wednesday September 21, from 7to 9p.m. Cubs start Thursday September 22, from 6:20 to 8 p.m., An Meadowcrest gymn and Beavera start Sep- tember 19, ffom 6:20 to 7:30, also at Meadowcrest. 2nd Brooklin As also An need of aduit leaders. If you have a few hours to spare An this rewarding work cail Mary Forbes at 655-3253. SILK FLORAL DESIGN CLASSES Silk floral design classes will be .offered this fal by Veronica Colangelo.'Veronica holds and honor diploma from a recognized Floral Design School and has won many awards. She As actively involved An running the Brooklin Horticutural Socièty's flower arranging' workshops and currently, teaches silk floral design'at Seneca College. The same course she teaches at Seneca wil be of- A 01X. man thw arts robbery, BY TIM BAINES ConiMUnty Editor An employee 0f a Whitby-based in- vestigations and security company 'chased down and helped catch a robber at a Beekera store In Pickering late last Saturday night. Robert Ford, 18 of Ajax, was on a routine patrol when he stopped into Beckera, 1980 Rosefield Rd., at Finch Ave. He was at the coun- ter when a man came into the store and'asked for cigarettes, at about 10: 45 p.m. Robert Ford 'q s s e - I - a