Aluminum Storm Windows Solve Winter Weother Woes WHITBY FREE PRESS PU LI-O UT SECTION, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMB ER 21, 1983, PAGE 3 Fix Up... Now's the Time Decorate.. To MakelThose Improve!, Homie Improvements! It won't be long before winter winds howl out of the north right through flic gaps or cracks around your windows. With openings for cold air to get inside your home, the extra ener- gy needed to kcep your house comfortably warm could be substantial and expensive. Aluminur'r stormn windows can solve' the problem and save you money. Even if there are no openings around your win- dows, they cani be con- ducting heat from inside your home to. the outside. If your current windows have only one pane of glass (single glazed), that glass will absorb heat from the inside of your house and transfer it to the outside, where it does you no good. But if you eliminate the di- rect exposure of your win- dow glass to the cold air on the outside, the glass will conduct far less heat and- you will not have to use as much energy to keep your bouse warm. One way of doing this is to instaîl alu- minum storm windows. Nature's GIft Keeps On Giving Although many home- owners recognize wood's home-heating value, they may flot be aware that na- ture's gift continues to give once the last ember has died in a. wood stove or fireplace. After genemating warmth to -youùr home, wood is transformcd into a valuable substance for your garden-ash. Pure wood ash, typical- ly considercd a disposable waste, contains alkaline mineraIs that can swceten too-acid garden soil. Ash makes an excellent plant Properly installed storm windows can fil the cracks and openinýs around old windows and 'provide a second window glazing to repel the coldest winter weather. Modem aluminum storm windows installed over original windows that have been correctly caulked as well as weatherstripped can e- duce window heat loss by as much as 40 percent. If is air condition- cd, they can also save on summer cooling loss. Because of the energy they conserve, aluminum storm windows often pay for themselves in approxi- mately five years. Also, you'll be entitled to a fed- eral income tax credit of 15 percent of the purchase price up to a maximum of $300 because stomm win- dows are considered an en- ergy-saving home im- provement. It's a good idea to com- pare the construction of various windows. A tight- ly-fitted aluminum win- dow wîth strong corners is foodi containing potassi- um carbonate and phos- phorous that build strong Plant stems and healthy roots. Hot ashes applicd to garden soil in the early spring can also help dis- courage wced growth. Dry ash sprinkled.around planits after the heavy spring rains in >early July can be an effective barrier to root-attacking garden pests. Finally, a layer. of ash placcd around trees flot only deters burmowing insccts, it can keep unwanted sod fmom growing up.tree trunks. t much more energy effi- cient than prime windows. Quality storm windows have thick weather strip- ping and heavy glass, and joints in the frames arc neat and strong. A storm window made of thinner materials may not be as durable or reliable as welI constructed windows. One of the major advan- tages of aluminum stom windows is the beauty thcy add to your home. The dlean, well-maintained look of newly installed alu- minum windows will last for yeams and years be- cause aluminum will not rot, rust or detemiomate. Since alumninum won't shrink, swell or warp,,it's virtually impervious to the effects of the weather. The frames are more durable than*wood or vinyl plastic windows. With the variety of col- ors available in aluminum storm windows, it's easy to select a color to match or contrast with the outside of your home and give it a snappiem, more distin- guished appearance. On a mcd brick bhouse. white alumninum storm windows are pamticularly effective. For .a beige or cream-colomed house, you might consider brown alu- minum storm windows; for a yellow house, bronze storms. Most alumninum storm windows today are niulti- ple-tmack' units with. screens that slide into place or can be stored out of the way during the winter. This eliminates the time and effort of taking down and putting up scmeens ev- ery faîl and sping. Attractive, sturdy. pmop- erly installed stomm win- ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS provide another pane of glass over your existing windows to reduce heat Ioss through win- dows. They are attractive and quickîy pay for themseîves through reduced energy consumption. t dows, in addition to im- pmoving the appearance of your bouse, conserving en- crgy and making you more comfortable, will educe the level of exterior noise entering the bouse and pro-. tcct the original windows from the elements. BJy de- creasing the original win- dow's expqsure to inclem- cnt weathem, an aluminum storm windowwill educe the maintenance and re- painting costs of original windows. Aluminum storm win- dows are assembled to the dimfensions of your win- dows at the factory. This makes themh easy to instal on even the coldest wintem days. But, if you want your aluminum storm .windows to pay off as quickly as possible, you should have them installcd long befome the wcather turns cold. LUif 11Ef ULALUMINUM I L845 FAREWELL ST., OSHAWA st.Clair The paint and paper people MIDTOWN MALL <Next to Domninion Store, Shoppers Drug, Canadian lire) 576-2431 Mon.- Tues.- 9:00106:00 Wed.-Fri.-9:00 169:00 Sat 9:00 t106:00 1150 SIMCOE STREET, NORTH (Nex Io1 Safeway & Guardian Drug) 576-9971 Mon.- Tues.-9:00o6:00 Wed. -9:00 Io8:00 Thurs.-Fri.-9:0 Io9:00 Sat.-9:0O Io 6:00 OVER 15 VEARS EXPERIENCE eREPAIRS a NEW WORK e OAS e HEATING e APPLIANCES * 0 HOT WATER TANKS s*SEWER &SEPTIC TANK SERVICE e FULLY INSURED e FREE ESTIMATES 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE WHITBY 668-0254 ..IMITED ostablshed 1949 PHONE'728.1633