Don't Pane WalIs WHITBY FREE PRESS PULL-OUT SECTION, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1983, PAGE 5 Plank The Ceiling A lot of labels have been hung on the 1970,s. Labels like "The Me Decade" (the cmphasis on seif-real- ization), "~The Cool-Down Decade" (after the incen- diary '60s), "The Saudi Seventies" (the impact af ail prices an our ecano- "They" said we would pay for the mild, snowless winter... we didi We paid through our water bils. Trying to keep- our lawns from turning brown, and our trees alive. The mail and telephone convýersations from. everyone ln 'the horticulture field in- dicates that because of the lack of ramn the wlîole-industry will be kept very bSy over the next 16 to 18 months repafring the damage to trees and lawns that have suffered from ti summer's drought. The extra effort you put into watering your trees and lawns Will pay off in the long run. You have helpedl to prevent permanent ,damnage from insects and disease that move in to take advantage of those plants -that are under stress and therefore become vulierable. Near the end of July, the dry speil was. broken with a few showers. As much as it was welcome, it brought on, the Chincb Bug and the Sodweb Worm in, the laws. When it was dry 1 they 'had 'been reasonably maintained reaonalyunder con- trot; the rain was like a MY). From the standpoint or home c dci~the '70s may go down as "The Great Paneling Epoch.- Haif the--homeowners in America, so it seemed, were paneling their dens, kitchens, attic.s. base- dinner bell for them. Well malntained lawns wilI flot suffer any per- manent damage. 1Dethatching helps to remove some of this 'mat' and ailows the roots of the grass to* establlsh in the soil rather than the thatch. Inseets use thatch as a place to hibernate during the winter. Fungus diseases multiply in thatch. Due to its t*gt knit texture the air,, water and nutrients cannot evenly percolate into the soil. A programme, of- fered by Oshawa's Lawn-a-mat, consists of foliar treatmnents that include fertilizer, mnsect control,- fungus and disease, controis. A new method for feeding trees. and keeping them free of insects. and disease is by direct trtun injection. This method insuresthat 100 per- cent of the treat- ment goes where it 18 needed inside the treel Your trees are treated from the.roots to the tips of the leaves. With trunk injection, your children, pets, birds and wildlife including beneficial insects are save. Ail trees need nutrients, much like people.- ments. Watergate may have been the rnost publi- cized coverup. butthe mast utilized coverup was wall paneling. And why flot? Manuf'ac- turing methods had irn- proved to the point whcre waod-veneer or synthetie materials cou Id be made ta look like solid wood. The inexpensive. lightweight sheets were easy for do-it- yourselt'ers t(> work with. And the finished resuits enhanced a raom dramati- cally, giving it a warm, cozy feel. But we're in "The En- terprising '80s" naw and hameowners are looking for différent approaches. lnstead af wall paneling. many are apting for walipaper. mirr<)r panels and custom applications like stenciling and friezes (decorative bands near the top of the wall). The -up ta here- atti- tude taward paneling was, expressed in a recent news- paper columo that- gives iix-up advice. A reader wrate in camplaining. 'l'm tired af wood, panel- ing. Nearly every room in aur hause was paneled by the previaus awner. My husband and 1 are naw planning ta add a rec room and he wants ta panel it. taa. Haw can 1 talk him out ai it?" The columnist 'suggest- ed a compromise: The wife could decorate the den walls any way she wanted and the husband could get the rustic look he was ater by putting up Cëiling planks.' Good Advice. Ceiling planks can heip create a re- laxed, homey atmosphere every bit as wcll as wali paneling. Though non-, wood, planks are just. as wo<dlike-in appearance as the best wood pancling and no more difficuit ta in- stail. Armstrong makes ccii- ing planks that have the sanie random knotting and '.vary ing densities of' waod- graining ta bc tk>und in real oak and pine. They achieve this by using high-lidelity phatographic images of aak and pine in their manu- facturing process. The planks are actually made of* minerai fîber. whîch has the advantages of' being fire-retardant and dimen- sionally stable. The oak design is dark enough t(> cazy up a roomn 35D SLANDSCA) yet light enough ta retain an open feeling even wherc there is a low ceiiing. The pine is severai shades light- er. similar in appearanc e ta unfiînished woad, It gae5 especiaily weil in kitchens wherc it coardinates nicely with butcherbiock counter- tops. The planks arc 4 feet long. roughly 7 inches widc and a half-inch thick. They are desîgned for do- it-yourseit installation by any one of three metha)ds: cementing them directiy ta the aid ceiling (if it's not tou damaged). stapling them ta wood furring strips which have been nailed ta the aid ceiling, or ciipping them ta short metal tracks FERTILIZER eWEED CONTROL CR ABQRASS CONTROL *o CHINCH BUG CONTROL SOD *EB WORM CONTROL e GRUB CONTROL LawnamT'lW FREE LAWN ANALYSIS& ESTIMATE TREE CONSULTING AVAILABLE NlVISION ST. HEADQUARTERS ItIUNU PLANKS can create a warm, rustic atmosphere every bit as effectively as wali paneiing, and they're no more difficult to instail. These pine-like pianks by Armstrong can be stapied, ce- mented or ciipped to the'oid ceiiing. They're made of washabie, 72ý3.26-21 fiî C«Mwa*mendRsoeMeEneMy offxic Collect up to $80000 Convert your oil heating system ta propane and coileot Up ta $800.00 through the Canada 011 Substitution Prbgram. Superior Propane offers a choice of fumnaces to provide dependabie and efficient heating throughout your home., Vour Superior Representative wiil recommend the right propane heating system for your needs. Superior aiso offers an Equai Biiiing Plan and Automatic Fuel Deiey Ask about aur new High Etllciency heating systems. Availabie Nowl Cali the ."Propane Professionals" today for a free home heating estimate.' qù7ww 1PROPANE LUMITEI) VICTORIA ST. E., WHITBYJ 668-3328 HeIp Your Lawn DON VOORMEES Lir.pnced 1Pp--qtir.4ti vgo 1 "ee