PAGE 16, WEONESDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1983, WH ITBV FR EE PRESS 'E.. m i PEU.. i..lo j Emporium Ads wIUI only be accepted subject to the followlng conditions, ARTICLES ATICLES1 FORSALR FOSLE SUjnQ $O,«.otlke ONYX CHESSSETSAziso style,I Asig$0.Phonleeenîge seorfU1Wcolore, $W euh., 055142. CFnidà *m meftuati. e âa.. tlnn -1 FOR SAM Kenmoredfyer, $125. Undaweod, mmnuel typewrtter. $55. Bof h In very'good wo*ling condition. Ptons 668-509. MUST VAIE a beautiful bar. At. tract lys style. Sturdy built wlf h luxurlft matéel. Weii Worthodvor $80wlll sale for $39. Free delivy. Plhons anyfime 66le. 6207. CAMPERCAP,, elidea ln unit, fit s full size P.U., sink, steve a< Ice box, excellent condition, $750 or neaèrest oftor. 5 h.p. outboardý motor, new. nover ueod, wavranty, $65. 2 h.p. outboard motor, nsw, nover used, warrnty, $395. Coi 085-346. HARDWICK OAS COOK top unit, mimond colour, 4 bumors. Nover. used, $200. 'Gas range, good working condition. Brown, $100 Remington Gun 870, 20 Gage, Poliy-choke, $5.Phono,668. 3813. FOR SALE'vintago radio, $125 end grima phono, $250. Phono 686.2436 evenInge. TV ANTENNA Good condition. We wlll delivor. $85. Westerm guitar (Enpermdor) Good con- dition. $70. Phono 571-3916. ONE 12 foot catamaran. one Wood efove $100 One Tyco Nite Gbl complota wth lots of extra, trick $2. Two f lourescent llghts $25euch, 4x4. Four twin win- dows, insulated, 4x6, $50 each. 1980Mercury Capri, e cylinder, automatic, Iight blue, excellent condition,, 47,000 km., 84,500 or basf > o1fr. Complote set of snow tires. Phono 655-4533. MOVINO.- MUST SELL Ton pioce tan soctional couch, $1100. Bedroom sot; triple drosser with two mirrore, two nightstande & klng size hodboard, $425. Phono 683-0669. COLONIEL three seator sofa, .Skiar, $150. Wlnut antique china cabinet, $175. Bmked aiuminum white Storm door, $75. Firoplaco insert,. 36 Inch oponing, $150. Phono 6833236. r,,u1we u.u,,uuu'..Ui igi *1. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,M00.New 8 man font $160. Buliy rmoeway plnbaf I machine, needs some wof 1, $350.Phone FOR SALE 9.9 h.p. cuiboard motor. Good condition. Asklng $450. Phoneof668.472 FOR SALE Mantel cdock (mode ln Gsrmany), $120. 11"-14" RCA portable colour TV, $180. Ene sewing machine,$180. Humidifier, $80. Sterse 8 frack dock, $30. Shoppingceuf (10" wheeis> $10. Rocking chair,,$120. Borg Sotte' $10. Moulinox, $10. Konmoré carpet swseper, $10. 2 ladies Rainmaster cote, asue 18. Excelont condition, $45 end $50. Ladies crochet sweater, sizo 18, $15. Vlour housecoaf, sizo 18, $15. Ladies skirf, size 18, $20. 3 plastic stacking tables, $9. Round'gardon fable, ý$5. Phono 668-7838. KITCHEN CABINETS complote mo>dom,$250. Mof fat stovo top end waii oven, $175. Front door perfect 34x82, $50. White aiuminum sform door R.H. hInge 34x84, $20. Swinglflg cale doors 3614, $15. 88 kitchon slnk, $10. White bathroom basin, $5. Space savor bafhtub, RH drain, $50. Phono 668-7404. FRANKLIN WOOD STOVE for sale. Vory good condition. Asking $100. Phono 655-3539. INTELEVISION, inciuding 9 gamres. Asking $400. Phono 579- 9. 3 H.P. three phase electric motor, 220 440 volts, $150 flrm. Ceii 655- 3838 bef ween 4 and 6 p.m. and msk for Paul. FOR SALE McCuliogh Mini Mac 30, chain saw, $85. Two vertical aluminium storm windows f0 fit 371&"x451kj" windows.. Colour: dmrk brown, 860pair. Two wooden ochool deeko, $10 each.' Typewrifor motai desk wif h fwo drawors. Colour beige, $15. G.E.C. spacehoator, $20. Kawasaki motorcycie., -Seat colour: black, $40. Cali affer 6:30 p.m. 668-6710,., -PLEASE READ - <heonftho advertlsed Item le soIrS, disposeu 0f, or unavallabie for whafever reason, the Item wIll b, deemed f0 have been soid and a crmmieslun, wlil b, charged based on THE ADYERTISED PRICE as Illustrated bslow, rogardiess If pricesle stifed with "beot 0f fer". If the Item le NOT SOLO, or disposed of, theoad wlll b, mun for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wIlli apply payable ln dvance of publication, of the firet md.. Otherwiseam$7.W chargeowiliop ply If biiied which muet fie paid upon receipf 0f bih. fihe abovo minimum charges will is m ppied f0' the final ,ommission due but ln any case tha higher amnouhftwili fie chmrged. Minimu 'm charge:*$6.00 pre-pald; $750 flliid. Maximum commission: $100.0W. Ail advertlsomenfe muet fie pimced on an ex- clusive bais with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run afleutotesment h If not soid. RATES (0agll lasol* 5% of advertod pdc. up f08$400 2% of balance ove.r$400.00 EXAMPLE:,SolItem advsrfisd for $12D0C ommisIon due $8»O0(mlnlmum charge Il 8600> Privato mdvertleing onlyl Ploaso notify thoe Whifby Free Proe lmmedimtoly whon Item is sold s0 thaf wo may delote if from the following Issue. Al ode not lifting ftho Emporium guldelinos will is f rotod and chmrgod por wook as reguior clssliid ade on a pro.paid fims such me: services, hoip wnted, ciofhing, remi ostoto, and p.rsonai message type ado, or ada not quoi ing prie or qumntity. Privato cissified ada may appomr ln the Emporium section under appropriato hoadinge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMAPORIUM P.O. Box 206 WhIlby, LIN 551 If ln doubt cmli: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock Sf. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 1$ THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. IAUTOMOBILES TALR FO SALE 11172 TOYOTA 1000, IW"ai for 000<5 parts, S2M complote. Mirai blower speakers for- cars, con>- plefe, just like nsw, -$60. Phono 1972 NOVA, 6 cylînder, auto. matlc, AM radio, new carburator,ý radiator, exhaust. $60 or best of. for. As le. Phone o66.038 1970 NOVA four doors, complote front end and 2 Nova Rally wheels. Ail parts good. Comploe $150. 1973 TORINO 302 engins -ad transmission. Complote $20. 1973 VEGA ST'for perts wlth good tires and Raiy rime. Complot $100. 1973 DUSTER 225- 6 engins and transmission. Ex- collent condition, four radiai tires. Complote $250. Phono 655& ARTICLES ., ARTICLESAUO BIE FOR SALE ý FOR« SALE FOR SAtLE FOR SALE Vega transmisslun. l'$100 or best offer. Cal Dan 728. VIKING WRINOER WASHER in NIKON -1FIT LENSENS Nikon 1977 GRANADA, standard sfeer- 2578. vory gond condition, $Wo. Cali series E 35mff., $Wo. îoomm., lng and power brmkes, 2 door,20 66&335 lte 6 .m. W. iviar 4mm.$95 Untax85. engins, 27 miles f0 the gallon, 718 __________ 2lOmm., Macro zoom, $120. rlehthonf, Vivitar fe converter, $20. Phono 1971 Morcury Marquis, L'Cinm;OT R Y L S FORSAL RoalAlbrt hia é8_0w.Park, 4 door, station wmgon,,430 ~5 FOR SAE FOlA LEnd RoyalpAterfchinaplets09.engins, mutommatic, 7/8 frailer hit. teeevicdarnrdo mtrn. c opiech on i,$900- or boat offer. - to evceW mind vsls oerthor MovIng, Muet sel by August 30. FOR SALE 1983 Ymmaha 1751T. pice. ii nt ousoertoy. MUNROE LI'TTON CALCULATOR* For more Information -cmli 655. 'Excellent -condition. Inciudlng Self as sot. A-1 condition. Nover Computer model 1860. 64 K 4407 or eveninge 284-4139. heimot and mii isathers. Asking UUUUU.b MPIIM*ý 111.l .*a ,aio 7f ir n*'M à t-tv IOMni r UU5 ^##Mr. o n *- viow appiy t 182'Vordun Romd, Oshawa. AIQlCUE parior fable (plain>, $20. Portable sereo record player, $20. Smlth-Coronm office typewritor, $35.ý' Toiefunken tape recorder, $75. Record rack, 87.50. Pushmowor, $10. Judo-suif, neariy new, size M, $20. Phone 66&.7404. CONTEN4TS 0F ,HOUSE. MOVINO. one love-seat, fliuo blackground border print, $250. One buffet, $200. One dozen fan- cy cupe ond saucers, 87.50 omch. Onoete wagon, French Provin. ciml sfyiing, $200. Four Douiton» figurines, $80 emch, Othor Items, odde and onde. Phono 655-4416. FIREPLACE FOR SALE '0' clearance. Con bo usad anywhoro. Used only ½h season. Virtuoîiy brond now. Cost $675. Pick-up for oniy $225. Excellent value. Cali 668-1760. capaduîy, $200. Phono ao-Wj. OMM. MOVIE PROJECTOR and camera. Hardiy ever usod, $190. Green foulet, plus sink, plus counitor fo match.ý Excellent con- dition, $100 or fleet offer. White tub enclosure. Brand noew from Soars, $20. Cali 'anytimo' 571- 3916. WHEEL DISCS $95. Oak Dining room set, 6 chaire. Gond. con- dition, $39. Belge flxl2 carpot, $25. Man's 10 oped"fike. Good condition, $65. Phions 683O.668 FOR SALE Konmore stove 8125. Largo Coivinator refridgerator $200. Phone 723-4771. FOR SALE Kenmore aportmenf size wsher, spinner & dryer. $375 or flest offor. Phono 576- 5902. CALL 668.611 f0place your ar- ticle for saie. 197IDODGE DART, 6Ocyl. 3 spd. Standard, needs repafrs, parts included,,$66. Phono 65-331. 1978 DELTA M0 OLOS, 4 door, hardtop, 454 CID.'Ail power op. fIons. Good condition. $1,650. Phono 655-4003. 1974 PONTIAC ASTRA Running condition. $150. Cali 668&9474. FOR SALE 1974 Ford Van, $30. Cmii Andrew 723-5945. 1973 VEGA 15,000 on roflit ongino, four speed, new ciufch and fiywheei. Brakes just dons with new' front couipersamnd mmsfor cylîndor. Gond tires. Noode body work. Soul as sla 0. Phono 668-2187. 1973 SUBARBAN Not In runnlng condition. Good tires. $30 or best of fer, as lo. Phono 576-1058. 3495 ask for Steve. 1962 YAMAHA MX80J Excellent condition. $50. Cmli 66&.3934. FOR SALE. 1981 Ymmmaha 400 Speciai. Mint condition, $1400 or bisf offer. Phono 655-3203. 1981YAMAHA, 11W00 ecial, great shap, 10w miieage, ex- cossorios, Asking $3.300. Cmii 579-1787. 1981 HONDA 'CR80,, excellent condition, asking $60. Phono Andrew iles 655-4271.1 VAMAHA YZ 80 Excellent con- dition. $450 or basf offer. Phono 655-482. 1978 HONDA 550K, four cylinder, Am radio, excellent condition, 7000 kiiomnefers, $1200 fIrm or Mili trade for o car or a van of oqumi value. Cail 655-3006. M3T NOUS!TRAILER oltuatod on Rice Luis. Water frot lot. Askng$3000or boit effe. Pion. 1M0 TRiLUIUM, model,333, no w Canvame, soIf top, nowtires, large box for storlng extra, oloope 4 or 6, 718 triller hitch on - it, welghs approxlmateiy 500 lbo., 8W or besf offer. Moving, muet oei by Auguef 30. For more Information cmii 655-447 or ovenInge 284- 4139. ~IGOODS KITCHEN CUPSOA RD&-. top and botfom, approx. 9- iengths, sink and arborite counter 'l nciuded, $175. Phono 623-3519 affer 4 p.m. 8 'PIECE Anifque Oak Dining Room $ef. Excellent condition, Asking $4,500. Also, walnut china cupboard $350. Cali 668*.045 FOR SALE Apart ment sîzo wash.r-dryor with stand. Ex. collent. condtion. 8450pair. Phono 666&1495. FOR. SALE ln good condition. Two, pairs m'f, twin mattreisses. Complote*wifh box epringe, $100. Double matf ros with box epring, $50. Phone 66&.1532 oveninge. INSTRUMETS ELECTRIC GUITAR 'Nashville, Las Paul Copy, $150. Cmli 668- 5567 mfter 6:00 p.m. FOR SALE Harmond Orgmn 100. Asking $1200. Phono 576-4227. RICKENDACKER MODEL 4001 Bas Guifar, 4 yoars1 old.-Whlfe, with came. Immaculafe condition. Aiso GQX Base amp. 80 watts. Willil sasperais. $900 or boat offor. Phono 668-2187. CLASSICAL GUITAR for sale. Hîrade modol savon. Hmndcrafted ln 1981. Good for lntormodiafe playor. $550, wifhout case. Phono Ry668348evenings. FOR SALE Kimbaîl organ. SwInger 100. $800 or 'boat offor. Phono 668-4760.