PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1983, WHITBV FREE PRES Whltby's Most WIdeIy Road 19CLASISifIEL ADSc BA &ARTICLES EL ELP WANTED TOVE ~SPPLSIES FOR RENT ~ANTID !WA1TE TO BUY OUVIYREN RUG CLEANING SPECIAL. Have Your Living-1Room, Dlinng.Room And Hallway 0f Any Bîze Cieaned For $40.00.1 Badrooma Are $10.00 Extra., Appointment Caii: Do YOU HAVE RUSTY 'HARD: WATER? Cali Gary Young Piumb- Ing and renty a water soffener or iron fliter. FREÉ INSTALLATION., Rentai stmys the samne forever. Brooklin.655.496. PIANO LESSONS _beginnors'or < mors advanced studonts. Ouaiified teacheï, reesonabis rates. Cali Brendat 608-448. ATTNTION -SENIORS Are you houne bound7 Cheerful, capable grandmother offera short slgbt seeing tripe, visits to'friaOni, iibrary, mu seum and shopping. Aiso holp with lettors, parceis and odd lobe. $10.00 par hour. Spociai group rates. For infor- mation cmli Caroline 728.4210. DUSTY DOLLiES Now ln Brooklin. Qumlity cieaning with a difference. 86-3885. COMPLETE CAR CLEANING SERVICE Ps,1ormWsd et your home et your convenience. Ex- ferlor wash and wax. Interlor car- pets, assats, dmsh and door panes, clsaned. Prepars and ýprotect your car for tbe wlptsr. Cmii C. Carlyle Esq: (416) 282- 8760. FIGURE SKAUTERS EXCHANGE' OTIÃ"UE: *Now available.' Coiisctlng aimost new clothing. <.Let me ,tum. yoijr toc, mmii dresses, swetere, e. into cmeh For furtber Information cmii 839- 1956. Pickerlng. Arrangemants' can be made for pick-uP. EDUTIGANA SERVICES.: "GRAMMAR for people Who bats* grammar' s the Idumi pocket referen ce' book, for business people. $3.95 par copy and avail- able et Dckson Printing & Office -.Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquirias invlted 68-1968. PROP and skeg repaire, Fast ser. vice. Fiborgiase and alumlnum boat repaire. Fîbergiase sup- pilies. Plastic sheets, tubes and. rode. Oshawa Giases Fibre, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa, 579. 1433. TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes and models, by the weekend, week or month. Dscounts aveu.- able. DIckeon Printing & 0fflice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cali us for business machine repairs 683-1968. ARTrICLES FOR SALDE FOR SALE pins china cabinet,, refinlshed, $125. 4 Oakchis neede smre woric, $0 eacb. Rec- tanigier oak table, nedde work, $175. 2 brase lampe, $»5pair. End tables, $10 euch and step iadder, $15. Phions 683-663. VISIT our used furnîture ware bouse by appointment. Sig savings on deeks,'chaire, fIling cablnets,'etc. Cali DIckson Print- ing,& Office Supplies to arrange an appoîniment'to view. M83. 1968. WANTED used good TV towers and colour hsads. Top' prices >paid. Caii Norm 6684901. MATTRESSES and box springe ai, baif price. McKeen Fumiture, 524 SImcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181.> CLEARANCE SALE of Edelbrock aluminum Intake manifolds. Gabrisi air shocke. Mag. wheeis. Vi off flot prices. Cali 686-3441 even. 284-2812. "1HEROIES of the Bible" coiouring book avallable at Dlckson Priht. lng St Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer InquIries ln. vited. FOR SALE wood stove, semi air- tight. Marblsaoli vanity top wilt large medicine cabinet and 4 iigbts. Phions 668.4824. GEOTYPE press.n letterlng now ln stock at Dickson Printlng- & 0f- fine Supplies ln the Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large salection of styles and sizes. Why pay more for a emalier sheet of letterIng? 683-19U8. PRINTINO PRESS Multi 1250, single lever,. with cbain delivery and spray unît and NuArc FlIp top platemaicer. Bost reonable of. fer. Caii Mike at 68-632 deys. CHESTERFIELD suifes, love. AEUCEMENT seat s, sectionais, les then %/ p]ScD. Large soiectIon. McKeen Fumifure. 524 Simcoe St. S., CONGR ATULATIONS on, your Oshawa. 725-5181. forthcomlng nmIage. Pleasm ____________ view oursamples of engrmved wsdding Invitations ai your loi- sure ln our Ajax Piaza store. Dick. _____________ son Printing & Office Supplies IV STOCK 683.1958. BOWLERS WANTED Mals and Femmia, 5 pin. Tuesday 9 p.m. f0 il p.m. Cmii Penny Scusa 668& CM. WANTED used good TV towsm and colour hoads. Top prices pald. Cmii NornWM 6840. FOR SALE dressed to your epèes. Sheep, -iamp, goats and pige. Aiso fresh veal. Cmli Neil 655-3430. Have your lust bar. becue wlf h a plg from Neil. FOR SALE com feed and green feed. 85sf $1560 per lb. Pork $1.10 per lb. Fresh chlckens.$150 per lb. Al ouf and wrapped. D.iivery dlscussed. 263-2634 Dlane. HORSE FOR SALE 5 year oid Chestnut Quarter Golding home. Excellent ucbooiing home, $1,000, enquire at 985-7758. FREE. Drop lnt the Dickeon Printing & Office Suppiy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a fres, copy of their 1983 Metric Celen. dar. PrInted In two colours, if makes for handy ruforence. 683- 1968.N ARTAGE] DELIVERY à CARTAGE Spocializing in Moving: *Offices *Apartments *Pianos *Applances 728-71%58 Anytime PETS &ý SUPPLIES] *RITTANY SPANIELS 8 weoks old. Excellent pedigree. Famiiy pet or hunting dog. 01<0 registored, tattooed, ali llsots. Phone 983-5765 Orono. AOMOBIES FOR SALE 19718ACADIAN 4-door hatchback, automatic, radio, eiectric rear window defroster., Leos tban 50,000 mles. A good running soonomical, car $2,595 certifiod. Caii Mikeaet 668O72 days. 1976 FORD F250 44 ton pick-up. Excellent for hauling wood ée. Carl lfled. Asking $1700 or wll consider trade for email car. Phono 725.9382. 1975 MATADOR STATION WAGON automnatlo power steering and brakos. 4,0 original miles. -New brakes, A1. $1,250. After 6 p.m. 668%322. FOR SALE semi 8 Obrysior New Voricer. Under 18,000miles, town drivon, black, 2.door, fully option. Asking $000 or best offer. C8li »682598. CERTIFIED, EXPERIENCED TEACHER will tutor grade 1-6 any subject Inciuding French. 723- 0615 aftor 1 p.m. MEN AND VTON TRUCK for hire. $15 an hour. Wili do anytbing. Phone 571-2282. CALL 660.6111 f0 piace your ar- ticlê.for sale. WANTED MATURE BABYSITTER f0, cars for 2 girls In our home. Four days a wesk. Phono afier6 p.rn. 668-2162. BABYSITTER In my home. Vmried boums. 2 children; one ln echool, one not. Phone 668.0995. BAKER TRAINEE WANTED Carisa essentiai. Phone 66&1177 -from 11 a.m. f0 3:30 p.m. daiiy. EASTVIEW BOYS à GIRLS CLUB requIres volunteer leaders 17 yoam aend up f0 operate youth mini clubs ln Whitby, Oshawa & BowmanvIllis for 2 boums weekly. October to April. No experience necssry. Provides excellent experienco for thoe eeking people oriented career or juet on. joy working wifb young people. Training provlded. Cmli Extension Prograrn Co-ordinator 728-5121'. PART-TOME CLERK TYPIST requIred up to 3 momlings par week by Social Service Agency. No summor work. Must bave rapid, accurato typIng and ex- porienice ln office procédures. Sand resurne by Sept. 26 f0 Mre. E. Ireiand, dlo Fairvlsw Lodge, Box 300, Whltby, Ontario, LUN 5S3. ýWE BUYanid SELL USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDITION AND GUARANTEE F~LODA VACATION IKN 'LRENTALS WPION FLRIDA< Clsarwaer - Thire bedroom mobile homes. Pools, tennis, close f0 beaches and major ettractions, children wui- cornu. $225.00 U.S. weakiy (less than motel room). 983-553 CI CARE' CIDCR SERVICES SERVICES DAY CARE CENTRE *inf enta-S yetas Government Llcensed **Early Education Program eHot Balanced Lunches eindlvidual Attention à Instruction .Oshawa .571 -0031 332 Elgin W. { M Centre St. DAYCARE provided for sohool aged chlldren. Moming, lunches and after echool. Wili also babysIt chlid going to Kndergar. den, aftemoons at West Lynde PubllcScbooi. Cali 66&2770. VILLAGE HOME 10 mlles north of Whltby bas single and connsc- tlng rooms for rent. Share bouse. S20 monthly, Includes utîlîties. e65-4035. Whitby 668u8921 309 Bosch St. Kent St. .4 t-I PICK YOUR OWN APPLES et RED WING ORCHARDS 1983 seasan. opens this weekend. Set. and Sun. 10 a.m. ta 5 p.m. (weather permi.t- tlng) Please remom- ber aur new -entrante off Durhaml Rd. 23, 1.3 kilometres . orth of stop llght at Hwy No. 2, haif 'way betwe en Whltby and Ajax. Mackintosh &Cor- Vlands from aur drawf -trees. Haif bushel bag $5.50 Containers supplled. Openlng weekend 1 speclal. Due ta the smail size, of aur MacKlntosh & Cartlands yau may pick ane bag f ree wlth each bag plcked at $5.50. WATCH THIS AD WEEKLY for avallablllty of other varleies 688-3311 ~COMCALa ~PROPERTYI CJFOR SALEIREINT~ADNN AND NO. 7 HWY AT BROCK RD. 3000 sq. ft. for manufacturing, maies SUPPLIES ana siorage. $300 par montn. Aiso outsids R.V. storage. $10 par rnontb. Phions 686&3706 or 447-M84. M.B.M. Pubilshlng 131 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-8111 WANTED uséd good TrV'towers and colour hoedu. Top' prices oald. Cmli Norrr66U«901. GARAGE & YARD SALES QARAGE SALE Sunday Sept. 25tb. 531 Powell Rd. 'Starts 10 GARAGE SALE Sept. 24. 9 &m. to 4 p.m. 96 Muir Crescent, Whltby GARAGE SALE Saturday a Sun. day, Sept. 24 & 25. 9 &m. to 4 p.m. 24 Canter Cree., whitby. MOVING SALE Sunday' Sept. 25, 10 a.m. f0 4 p.m., 117 Bowrmn Avs., Wbitby. (North off Hwy. 2 -i block west of ThIckson Rd.) Raindate Sunday October -2. Numerous Houseboid and other Items includlng .bodroomn, IIvlngroom,ý and kitchen suites, wnsher mnd drysr, etc. etc. Owner la movIng and muet sail 0 any reasonable offors wili be con- sldered. tUANT GARAGE SALE Sunday Sept. 25. il Dawson. St. Low pricas, wide selection, baby, ohildren and aduit ciothos, toys, odds and ends. CLIIED ADS CONTINUE SEEPAGE19GEJ ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errorson the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wIll ot be lhable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up ta a maximum Cosi of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejeot ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; il;c each addition- ai word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when caliing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words; 12o each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12C each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34c per Une. (No word ads aliowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an additional charge of $2'.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- deavour to torward replies to box numbers, however, we ac-, cept no liabiiity regarding ioss or damage aileged to arise through failure or delay in'forwarding such replies. We will flot be responsible for box number replies flot called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Frîday noon, prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 ADVERTISING SALESPERSON REQUIRED Challenglng, exciting work and friendly atmosphere. Experience flot necessary but transportation is.*SmaiI local company with good repu tation. lnterested parties cal Andyat 668-6111 for further details. Use'dA.. * -c 4(*wrkn o ntwok sg W eods o e ,Buy& 6 l 131Haw ode 'sN. ea m