PAGE 10, WEDNESOAV OCTOBER So 1983. WHITOY FREF Docao- .5. S II5JI ,-ami THAPAR DENTURE-THERAPY CLINIC 21,4 Dundas St. E. 194 King St. V'V.- Whitpy Oshawa 668-7797 579-8752 Hours: Monday to Saturday & Evenings By Appointment Only LA CONTE SSA' is pîeased to announce that CATHY GIRDWOOD formal lyof - Ivans Halrstyllng 1400 Dundas St. E., Whitby has Jolned our staff. ÎFor the month of October U25%OFF j PERhTMS CUT & BLOW DRY Thsofe pplsta Cathy onty. Cathy wouid also Ilke ta WelCamo custamers aid à new ta contact her at her nsw location. LA CONTESS~ HAIR SALON 119 Green St., Whltby Lin 668m9262, by ANNETTE DONO VAN That time of year has come and passed, leaving many of the students at Denis O'Connor with stlff legs and blisters galore. Yes, this past Tuesday, the 27th, the annual DO'C-A-THON was held in order ta help subsidize the funding in grades 11, 12 and 13. For the past two or three weeks, the students and teachers of DO'C have been knackig on door after door, trying ta, close the gap ta raise the ap- proximate $27,000, which is our goal. Anyone watching the students leave the school ground, homneroam after homeroom, could see the determhination ta finish the 30 kilometers written on each face. You would flot believe it was the same group of students returning, many dragging them- selves ta the finish line. Despite the diseomforts, most would agree that it was a delightful way to meet each ather. DO'C- A-THON leaves blisters Thapar Denture < Therapy Clinie so busy it is forced to open Oshawa'office A Whitby denture therapy duffc is sa busy it is being forced ta, ex- pand into a big office in Oshawa. And it is largely because of same unique services it affers that Thapar Denture therapy chiic, 214 Dun- das St. E., will open an office Sunday, Oct. 9 in the Dental Plaza, 194 King St. W. First of ail, the Oshawa ciic will remain open on Sun- days. Another feature is the availability of a den- tist right on the premises. Lt will also be located on the ground floor, making it more accessible ta aIder people with heart problems or physically disabled or handicapped people. According ta the owner of the Thapar clinic, Dhian Thapar, it will be the first denture clinic in the area ta remain open on Sunday. "I think people will love the Sunday opening because they don't like ta lose tîme during the week, " he said. "We checked with the provincial and federal governments and they told us because we were providing. services by appointment, there was no legal problem."1 The Oshawa clinie will also continue a precedent that was set by the Whitby office, the first denture therapy cinic in Ontario ta have the co-operation of a dentist and denture therapist in the same of- fice. This was necessitated by a law which said the therapist was not allowed ta make ENAMELLED IN ANY 0F. 12 ATTRACTIVE COLOURS[i manulacluod by Free Esoals uck Oelivery & Installation 728-1633 D FACTORY & SHOWROOM e845 FAREWELL ST. OSHAWA ALMN M LMTDOP N RAU 5PU WON-I a aencist's supervision. "People like this because they don't have ta go ta separate ser- vices. We have everything under on roof . There is also no ex- tra cost ta the patient," saîd Thapar. Thapar noted that the ground floor location was also important because of past com- plaints from older. patients and People with wheelchairs. Th apar -explained the Oshawa opening was due ta "demand s0 great more patients in this of- fice. " While the Whitby cliic is open Manday ta, Saturday the Oshawa office willopen Tuesday ta Sunday. Thapar and his associate will continue ta work with dentists Dr. Steve Stern, Dr Cin- dy Greenspoon and Dr. Bernard Rubin. Although the clinics do service by appoin- tments only, they do bend the rules a little for emergency cases. Thapar estimates that the whitby clinic han- dies 30 ta 40 patients a day. Another feature of the clinics is they' will ac- cept assignment billing ta, an insurance com- pany with the difference being made up by the patient. Appointments can be booked at the Whitby of- fice by calling 668-7797 or 668-686, or in Oshawa by calling 579- FALL AND WINTER SERVICE SPECIAL WhitbyurRR.1 R5/ -77 OOOOOOOOppupp0pppppppu00,u oo $1 CHANGE ENGIN E OI INSTALL NEW 011 FILTER TEST ANTI-FREEZE AND ADO Up TO 8 LITRES CHECK RADIATOR - HOSES - CLAMPS CHECK WINDSHIELD WIPER BLADES' CHECK & TOP UP WINDSHIELD WASHER INSTAIL SNOW TIRES aCH ECK ALI TIRES PRESSURES *REMOVE -.INSPEOT & REINSTAIL ALL SPARK PLUGS elINSPECT & ADJ UST ALL DRIVE BELTS *CLEAN & TEST CRAN KOASE P.C.V. VALVE *CLEAN & TEST ENGINE AIR FILTER 'eCLÉAN CRAN KCASE'BREATH ER CAP *CLEAN DISTRIBUTOR CAP & ROTOR *CHECK 8ATTERY & CABLES @CHECK BRAKES & REPORT *CHECK BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER FLUID LEVEL *CHECK REAR AXLE OIL LEVEL oCHECK UNDER CAR FOR FLUID LEAKS *CHECK TRANSMISSION FLUID LEVEL *CHECK POWER STEERING FLUIO LEVEL eLUBRICATE ALL DOOR LOCK CYLINDERS *LUBRICATE ALL DOOR LOCK CYLINDERS *LUBRICATE ALL DOOR - HOOD -TRUNK HINGES *LUBRICATE STEERING STOPS- *ROAD TEST & REPORT LICENSED TECHNICIANS J O N 5S A UTO OFFER EXPIRES NOV. M01983 317 Hopkins & TRUCK RE'PAIR We must now wait unW lail the money nas been collected before we can discover how successful the walk was. As for the grade 91s, we congratulate them on their final initiation into DO'C and we wlsh them the best of luck durlng their hlgh school years. On Wednesday, September 28, both aur junior and senior boys' soccer teams played against McLaughlin. The seniors played a neck-to-neck game finlshing witb a final score of ".. The junior team played an excellent game, the final score being 3-2 for DO'C. -The three goals were scored by Barry Murphy, Berny Norton and Nick Catros. We congratulate both teams on such lbard work after an exhausting walk. The following day, Thursday, they played Ander- son. The seniors won their game 1-0, thanka to Ian Hudson. The juniors also won their game 1-0. The winning goal was scored by Mark Buchanan. Congratulations once more - and keep up the good work. This week is National University Week and most umiversities are holding open house for Grade 12 and 13 students. Lt is that time when they must decide what university or college they wlsh ta attend. We want the seniors ta know that we are thinking of them as they make this most important decision. CONCERT The Canadian Staff Band Salvation Army and Singing Chorus and the Henry Street High Sehool Band Will present a concert at Henry Street Hligh School Cafetoriuni at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 19. Tickets, $2 for aduits and $1 for studen- ts, are available from students or at door. The Canadian Staff Band of 35 players is led by Captain Robert Redhead, who is Music Secretary for the Salvation Army in Canada. This BAnd toured Britain and have travelled to every Canadian province as well as cities in the iý 1