PAGE 6f,WEDNESDAY OCTOBERj,1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~k1in Byi nes By BOXAM\E REVELFER Cail 655-1951 wqth Items for (ha% rolunin. hi there; Witb Thanksgiving just around the corner I thought I wouid leave with you a smaii thought in poem form: "Tbe human body is iaregiy torso, Ex- cessive eating wlil make it moreso". Anyway, have a happyl1 LIBRARY NEWS The library wouid like to extend a large thank you to the Brookiin -Junior Garden Club for brightening up the interior of the library witb such'deligbtful ar- tistic crations. Corne on klds, strut down to your librar on Saturday October 8 frorn 10: 30 to 11: 30 for a special Thanksgivlng celebration. Hear such cbarmning BEAUTY SOM AON For IA Your* FAMILY HAIRCARE Ask For SHIRLEY Or GLORIA 69 Baldwin St. Carson Centre .1Brooklin 655,4201, a _id storles as "Little Bear's Thanicsglvlng"l and I Slly Story", wlth an opportunlty to create a specli Thanksglvlng craft. Sure to be a barre! of fun. Tti winner of the "lSmurf Show Your Library Card contest wIll be announced at the same Urne. Remember moms, the pre-sehool storyhour wl be blastlng off on Tuesday October 18 from 12:30 tb 1:30, presentlng stories, crafts, music and games So please register young ones at your earllest con venience by dropplng ln or calling your library. CATCH A PIECE 0F THE SUN The students of Meadowcrest Sehool, under thi aucspecies of the Meadowcrest Advisory Commit tee will be staging their major fund raising activitý of tbe year sbortly. You bave probably read in the newspaper that thi grounds of the sehool are desperately in need oi repair. An agreement bas been made between thi Town of Whitby, the Scbool Board and tbe sehool t( have this done. The sehool, bowever bas to corne uç with some $1,5W0 as their part of tbe agreemnent, This la why the big fund raiser. Wednesday October 5 is the kick-off date. Chilfen will be cailing on you for belp. Tbey wiil be selling "Suncatchers", deligbtful stained glass miniatures that enhance any window, or wberever you decide to use tbem. These "Suncatchers" wli be delivered in time for Christmas and will make excellent gifts for "bard-to-buy-for" people. Tbere are prizes for the students wbo sel! the most wbich include a T.V. radio combination as grand prize, an AM/FM portable cassette player as second prize and a polaroid-type camera as tbird prize. There are also other prizes including an AMIFM bead à et radio, pocket calculator and soc- cer bail. The children will ail be trying to win a prize I know, but that is flot the important tbing. Wbat is important is that tbey will ail be a part of raising funds to improve their school. Finally, verhapstbey will bave a sebool yard that la' safe to, play in ail year round. Please help the children of thla area help tbernselves. Support them wben they come to, your door. The whole community will benefit as a resuit. OKTOBERFEST Oktoberfest wiil be held a little cdoser to borne this year tban Municb, On October 15, Oktoberfest wiil be presented at the new Pickering Recreation Com- pies (Valley Farmn Road, soutb of higbway 2, east of Sheridan Mail). It la sponsored by the Durham West Progressive Conservative Association and continues from 7 p.m. to, 1 a.rn. There wiil be a cash bar, authentic Ger- man cuisine and a live German band. The price a just $8 per, person whicb includes a R EGISTER, CONTUNUOUS, CARBONUZED & MUSC. IA CUMPLETE PRINTING SERV-ICE J 218 Harwood Ave, S., Ajax Shopping Plaza, Ajaxc Telephone 416.683.1968 and 416-683-1970 'A free souvenir stein. alCali Gary Young at 65-493 for more info. or e tickets. fi' WANTED: WOMEN 0 Wornen of ail ages; Wornen wltb children; Wornen 1. without children are ail wanted by your local "Y". 1- Brooklin Ladies Take a Break, a "Y" prograrn that meets every Wednesday rnornlng at Brooklin United Church from 9:30 to 11:30 a.rn. needs a larger enrolment to continue Its good work in this ares. e Shape up at 9:30 wlth an exercise prograrn, then relax wlth coffée, good company and excellent speakers on a varlety of topics. If you bave children, bring them along and they will be looked after by an f experienced babysitter. B This program is alresdy underway but it is not too late to get in on the action. In the remaining weeks they bave planned a'tour of Algoma Orchards and h ave invlted such guest speakers as Fran Dixon, lawyer; Karen Taylor, cosmetition and Outreacb Oshawa on streetproofing children. Each week is a new and different learning experience. Wbat are you doing on Wednesday rnornings? Don "t you thlnk you deserve a break now? For fur- ther. information cal! the Whitby " Y" at 668-M86 or talk wlth Sue Ann Squire at 683-5217. BURNS CHURCH ANNIVERSARy Burns Presbyterlan Church, Ashburn is celebrating the 126th anniversary of the churcb on Sunday October 16 at li la.r. and 7:30 p.m. services. The guest minister will be Reverend Frank Van- derzwan of Uxbridge. There wl!! be special music at both services. Miss Elaine Kelso and Rev. Ken Heron of Bracebridge wiil be the guest soloists during the morning service, while in the evening St. Andrews choir of Scarborough will be slnging. This promises to bo a very enjoyable day. A warm invitation is extended to everyone. GIANT SPORTS EQUIPMENT SALE A sports equipment sale wil be held on Thursday October 6 between the hours oflil a.rn. and 1 p.m., also 6 to 8 p.rn., at Mesdowcrest Public Scbool, Brooklin. The sale Wl!! take place in the gym- nasium. Mesdowcrest Advisory Cornmittee la sponsoring the sale again this yesr which wil include ail types of ski equipment, soccer and hockey equipment, winter boots, snowsuits, Brownie and Scout unifor- rns, etc. "M.A.C." will retaîn 20 per cent profit from al sales which in turn wii be used to support projets' and purchase equiprnent needed at the school. This la a great opportunity to equlp your family with winter sportswear and save money. "M.A.C." and the children at Meadowcrest are iooking for- ward to your support again this yesr. If you require any further information cal Gloria at 655-4878. HANG UP *YOUR HOE This is the tirne of year wben a vegetable gar- dener secretly wisbes for a frost. Tbough he la ex- pected to brag about the tomatoes he stili as ripening, actuaily he bas ripened enough tornatoes to suppiy the whole street by now. He la wiing to cal! it quits and wait for May. Tbat's one of the nice things about this land of ours with its four seasons. Frost puts an end to the succulent growing of things. No gardener sbould have to endure, with ail its dlvidenda and demanda, more than six months of the yesr.. The other sixr mfonths one sbouid be aliowed to rest and dreamn and cl7ar@go(ô BLOOD CLINIC Whltby's next blood donor cllnlc wll be heid Tuesday, Oct. il. This dinlc lm- medlateiy foilows the long Tbanksgivlng weekend. Because of thls, It wiil be an impor- tant ciil. Holiday weekends always cail for the use of greater quantities of biood, because of holiday traf- fic and more accidents. Also, since there wll be no regular blood collection on Monday, October 10 because it la Thanksglving Day, the blood supply will probabiy be at a low level when the clinlc cornes along. Ail types of blood will be needed but anyone who bas "0 negative"l blood is especiaily im- portant. Anyone can be given "0 negative"l blood so, in the event that the correct match is not available, 0 negative"' blood can be used. At clinlcs in the past, regular donors bave noticed the presence of guides and patbfinders belping to, serve tes, and coffée. The- Oshawa and District Real Estate Board financially spon- sored the clinic in July. And now thls October c!ilc 18 going to be staf- fed by members of the Woren's Auxiliary of the J.O. Ruddy Hospital. Auxiliary members wll help register the donors, at- tend the rest bed ares and belp in the kitchen and snack ares. Any beslthy person between the ages of -17 and 65 can give blood. it takes approximately 45 minutes to, donate blood. The procedure involved being reglstered, havlng your bioôd tested, giving blood, resting for 10 minutes and having a snack. ROAST BEEF DINNER The men and wornen of the Brooklin United Church are hostlng a roast beef dinner Wed- nesday, Oct. 19. The dinner .will be r tickets cail 655-4287. L INCOL N MERCUR Y SAL ES L IMI TED TEN983 CAP RIS' PRICED TO CLEAR 1120 Dundas St. E. Whitby Oshawa 723-0661 Whltby 668-5893 - --.-.-,---- ~----' - M M 0 mi ---------- nolig MERCURY LINCOLN