Betwen You and Me m.. >111 mBy RUTII (OLES back to a few fooda she bad ellmlnated from ber diet. Bad luck, the symptoma returned. Instead of walking two miles every mornlng as she llked to, she had to stop. The pressure returned and she really feit unwell. Meat she leaves out of ber diet but fresb fish agrees witb ber. This week she ate flsb sticks en- closed in batter and wow, she felt terrible. I can tel when this happens by ber voice, not by the way she looks as ber appearance is great always. We could go on and on; I have only touched on a WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 5, 1983, PAGE 7 smali part of it. I guess It ail stands to reason that BLOCK some people cannot tolerate some thlngs, others can PARENTS DRAW take anythlng. Maybe it's too simple to flnd because The Whltby Block It almost sounds ridiculous.Paetarhodna As time goes on, she learns, tests and fuily under- Pattrnt ae holdna stands ber limitations she may be quite glad to forter to rases money make ber identity known but not yet. She wants to fou r thexee wlc be qulte sure she is on the rigbt track. ocroe h er If anyone recognizes tbemselves in this story take The prize is $500 and heart you may find relief yourself and the feeling of will be drawn October despair and doom will be gone forever. 20. Are you at oclds and ends with your body or is your body at odds and ends with you? This seems to be quite a problem these days with many people and often with young ones. We ail have heard of children who are hyper and excitable they saybecause of things they are eating. Additives are often supposed to be the cuiprits. I have heard horrendouse stories about this and how the children react and suffer. Allergies are comparatively new, twenty five years or so, that is on a grand scale. Now one could caîl them big business as the needies go to work of- ten on a weekly basis. A friend of mine who at the moment will be nameless at her own request and will be referred to as"'my friend". talks about her prohlom. :The worldi seems tOoDe rufl ot neuroties ana hypochondriacs, the latter who have excessive anxiety about their bealth. I think this problem is a hard one for anyone to cope with but must be deait with by the person not even by medical men who are often at a loss for want of a better word. However, my friend, a most bealthy looking woman in hier fifties, is only now coming to the realization of what is wrong as she bas suffered for years. Countless doctors and operations ail to no avail. Fuil of bounce and very creative, she is hardly the type to ever want to be indisposed as she bas so of- ten been. A few montbs ago our friend read an article in the Star about such things and the total misery suffered by some people and how few of them were able to be helped. The writer has a sister who had these terrible miseries and the friend suddenly realized that it was almost her story. She phoned the Star writer and they had a chat. So now she feit somehow she might be able through perseverance to belp herself. After reading this article, talking about it and thinking she met up with several youngish girls who were in the same state. You know if somebody bas a gall bladder operation, they in turn meet up witb sometimes dozens of others who have had the same. And 50 it goes, a broken toe, you hear of others and on and on. The others complaineci of the same problems but notbing concrete, nothing they could pinpoint. Visiting a doctor didn't belp, tbey came away feeling worse, probably because their trouble didn't bave a name. It's even bard to write about but I will try. Sometimes the friend's heart beat so bard that her whole nib cage vibrated. The thumping almost suf- focated ber and at times during the middle of the night she ýwould cbeck berself in to the bospital. Always the same answer, "'notbing wrong with the beart. " Notbing wrong that they could find. A sense of not being weil, a sense sometimes of suffocation, pressure in the upper abdomen, a feeling of weakness, a dreadful feeling, perspiration ail over the body and a tired, exausted feeling. At age riven she'd pass out on occasion but notbing wrong could be found. So it seems al tbrougb the years, anxiety, oppression, depression almost to the point of wanting to die. This seems to be a common feeling she has been told. This may be a cause of suicide in the young. Numbers of people feel they are the only ones wbo feel as they do. Who can they talk too? My friend found doctors would tell her to forget herself and find a hobby. Hobbies? She bas dozens of tbem. Her zest for lfe is very refreshing. I met her a few years ago and have been aniazed at ber capacity for ex- cellence. None of us who feel well -and have lots of energy can ever make judgemients about this sort of thing wben it involves another person. No doubt ail the anxiety and worry is caused by With aIl this constantly In ber mmnd she feit uhappyt inki*she must be soseH cenred. Con- I sequently she declded she would carefuily try to get L 6 5! >E WAIith this coupon, VVKentucky Fried you can pick up, a Bucket of saving of $1.45 on 15 pieces of delicious chieken.- Just clip this coupon and take il to your nearby Scotrs Chicken Villa. But hurry. This offer expires October l6th. I ONLY { &2îi o1ccken',vt I I $850This Bucket coupon valid at ail Scott's Chicken Villas. Not valid i Reglar 9.95in conjunction with any other I Reguar $.95promotional offer. This coupon i ou save $1.45 expires October 16, 1983. IntukfriedChicken THE $8,50 BUCKET COUPON (15 plieces)