Betwe en YOU and Me By RUTII CoiEs I'm fot golng to starve to death sol1 can lve a littie longer.-..rene Peter. Do you own a Cuisinart or would you like to own one? There are quite a few food processors on the market and I know nothing about them with the ex- ception of my own Cuisinart machine. We keep promlsing ourselves we wiil reaily get in- to it, make bread and ail sorts of things and now we say when winter comes we wil begin 1 Wiil we? Who knows there are other things which must be done first such as sortinig out about io,ooo slides and this la a first;,we may haveto wait for the bread. So to get back on- track about our pleasure in having a Cuisinart processor. They are well made and not at ail objectional on a kitchen counter. There are extra parts which may be bought as you feel you need them. As our baby time is over, even to grandchildren, I cannot speak from experience about baby food but my common sense tells me one wouid be a godsend and I should think a great saving in dollars, enough ta pay for the machine in time. Just like storm win- dows, costly but they pay for themselves un no time. I weil remember scraping beef and liver every day for the babies. Opening bottles or tins of vegetables, fruit, puddings by the hundreds it seemed. Always hungry babies, always eager to gobble up lots of food. Food without additives, not even sait. If the fresh produce la weil washed that is ail that is necessary before eating. This is something which can be done on a daily basis so that none of the nutrients are lust as can happen when such food is stored'or held over for a few hours. For soft diets which are required by some people, patients who have difficuity swailowing might be able ta, swailow anything when processed. One of our favourites la gelatin based mouids ful of fresh vegetabies. Either gelatin or some type of Jeilo. So with your salad you can have a great num- ber of vegetables or fruit rather than only two or, three. 110w about 10? : 1Cucumbers, tomatoes, celery,- parsley,: herbs, carrots, cabbage, onions and whatever else is available. 110w about that? I think fruits and vegetables are better separated and eaten at dif- férent times, something to do with enzymes. Many men like to specialize in the kitchen and sometimes excel with their love of- gourment cooking. We like cheese casseroles, souffles and such, and my husband is a great person with the Cuisinart and grating cheese. In- seconds he can produce three or four cups of processed cheese. ' Do you like making chili sauce? No effort at al and almost made if minutes. Then -once on the stove that beautiful aroma wafting through your kitchen e and then bottles filied and capped ready for winter s time. Don't do what I did a few weeks ago. I made a a batch of great lookirig chili sauce; ail done by the Cuisinart much to my dellght. Bottled It and opened one jar to sample it. Really odd, the taste was too bland and no one could have called it chili sauce but it can be used with rneat. "Ruth's Mistake" and a bad one. Several days after the event and much soul sear- ching I remembered 1 had flot put the vinegar into il So much for my neighbours who had given us jars of jam and tomatoes; our special will flot be given away. How about homemade bread? 1 find one difficulty with this and for this, reason stopped making it years ago. Too appetizing and fattening. Warm bread out of the oven is a temptation hard to resist. Probably wecould discipline each other and we are going to try. Men, I'm told, love making bread and rois with a Cuisinart and take great pleasure in the results. What do you do with potatoes? Hash them, fry, scailop, slice, chop or shred, it can ail be done in the machine and what a time saver. That reminds me of something we ail love on occassion, potatoes in the dish, as old as time and always a favourite. A most unusual flavor and that no doubt is where the appeal 18. A casserole dish ful of sliced potatoes, intersper- sed with bacon, an inch or so, square, preferably back bacon but side is just as good, bits of onion, saIt and pepper. Fi11 with water and cook in the oven as you do scailoped potatoes. The water in time ail bouls away so that you have a moîst, delicious meal with little preparation. Most men by the way love it. So many other things which can be done quickly, salad dressings, stuffing for fowl, soups, desserts and much more. A quick rundown, alrnond paste, apples chopped, sliced or shredded, bananas, pureed, sliced and beverages mixed. General method for cake batter or cookie dough, bread crumbs of any size, cabbage sliced or shredded, carrots, chopped, sliced or pureed, chocolate grated and citrus rind, bread crumbs, coconut and cracker crumbs. Green beans french cut, lemons sliced, raw meat or cooked chopped or sliced, nuts chopped and best of ail ornons, chopped, sliced, slivered and the samne for oranges or parsley. Pasta dough, peanut butter, pie crust, puff pastry, soups and on and on. Just a few of the many things you can do with a food processor. If only one had hours to spare what a productive day you could have. If you would be interested in learning more about the Cuisinart caîl Alice Whiting in Brooklin, north of Whitby. Alice gives and evening of lessons for a small sum. Alice is the area representative and demonstrator for Cuisinart. She is a very well in- formed person and interesting. We both enjoyed t 'he lessons and goodies such as a cake and cookies which we ail ate with great relish. COFFEE BREAK The Whitby Public Library's Coffee Break program wiIl continue Oct. 13 with the award- winning documentary If You Love This Planet. There will be a presentation by. the local chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority on Oct. 18 and 20. The program runs each Tuesday and Thur- sday, between 10 and il a.m. WHITBY FRENCH STORIES Space is stili available in the Whitby Public Library's French Story Hour, which runs fromn Oct. 17 to Dec. 5. Children between the ages of three and five will be introduced to the French language through simple stories, songs, games and dialogue. The program will be heid each Monday mor- ning, 9:30 to 10:30 for four and fîve-year-olds and 10: 30 to 11: 30 for three and four-year- olds. A fee of $15 per child is payable upon registration at the library's children's df>-qk. TEEN FILMS The Whitby Public Library is having teen film shows on Thursday, Oct. 13, from 7 to 8:15 p.m. The month's presen- tations are The* Tap Dance Kid and R.W. (Real World). 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