Corridor Capers CalI ',N5MS"d 4 i I t.vmi' ir 1111% tolu,,,, Whltby Womens Institute The first fail meeting of the Whitby Womnen's In- stitute was held at the home of Mrs. Walter Cam- pbell on September 28, at 1: 30 p. m. The meeting was opened by the President, Kay Hepburn, assisted by the secretar, Mrs. J. Smith. The Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect were repeated in unison by il members. The Topic 'Public Relations', and the convenor Mrs. D. Gregor gave an informative talk on the sub- ject, stressing the importance of publicity regar- ding the activities of various organizations. Industrial, governmental, union corporations, in- cluding our own Women's Instîtute. One very im- portant point was using good common sense, having a story to tell, and knowing how to tell the story ac- curately. The meeting was much enjoyed and closed with a dainty luncheon served by the hostesses, Mrs. Acton and Mrs. Hall. The next meeting of the Whitby Womnen's Institute wii.l be held on October 26, at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Pringle, 320 Dunlop Street East in Whitby. The Topic wiil be 'Resolutions'. Visitors are welcome. Get Well Soon Get well wishes are extended to Andrew Dud- dridge, who had a slight slip while attending sehool. We hope the cast is off soon and you will be as good' as new. Turkey Supper Westminster United Church, Manning Road, will hoid their annual Turkey Dinner on Saturday, Oc- tober 22, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $6 for aduits, $3 for children under 12 and pre-schoolers free. For tickets, caîl 576-8218. Collector Spoone The U.C.W. of Westminster Church are selling 25th Anniversary Coilector spoons. The spoons, that are $450 and $4 are available from any members of the U.C.W. or may be purchased at the Turkey Dmn- ner. Rtatepayers Dance The Eall dance of the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association wili be held at. the Masonie Hall on Saturday, November 5, from 8:30 to 1 p.m. Tickets may be purchased from any member of the executive or from the Thornton Interested Parents executive. The monies raised from this dance will be used to purchase two biood pressure apparatus for the extended care unit of the Dr. Joseph Ruddy Hospital and for repairs to the Dr. Robt. Thornton Playground. The cost is $12 for non- members, and $10 for paid-up members. Plan to at- tend. Executive Meeting The next executive meeting of the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association will be held at the Whitby Municipal Building on Thursday, October 13 at 8:00 p.m. Ail executive members are asked to be present. Visitors are welcome. Cali 725-8967 with news itemns for the column. Polka Dot Door cornes to Whitby The Polka Dot Door is coming to Whîtby Nov. 12, at 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m. and 4p.m. The Whitby Jaycettes are presenting Polka Dot Door Live, an ex- tension of the television series that has provided many educational. and enjoyable experiences for thousands of children since 1971. This is an opportunity for children to meet their friends the Toys (Humpty, Dumpty, Marigoid and Bear), the various hosts, the Polkaroo; and to par- ticipate in mime, song, language and dance. Admission tickets are available at $3.50 each by cailing 668-9831, 725- 3140, 683-8239 and 683- 4897. They are also available at Middleton's Stationers, Peacock Family Sports, Whitby Mail Florists, Fine Ridge Insurance and Dickson Printing. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 12, 1983, PAGE 7 Phone book changed WHITBY -- The in- troductory pages of the phone book have been redesigned, giving the public what Bell Canada says is a fast and easy reference for ail kinds of telephone information. Drawings, bold-face headings, white space and symbols are used to make each section of in- formation stand out in. the 1983 directory for the Regional Municipaiity of Durham. Some 146,000 copies will be delivered, begin- ning October 7 and scheduled to end. Oc- -tober 20. "This year's cover is a fiery explosion of orange and yellow, representing fibre op- tics, the hair-thin stran- ds of glass used to tran- smit -data,' voice and video com- munications," says Orma Lyttle, local Bell manager. . "We expect people wiil find it easier to locate and, read infor- mation in the introduc- tory section because of the new format," says Mrs. Lyttie. "One part deals with customer service, another with finding numbers, local and long distance calling and a final one with the federal rules which govern Bell. " Listings in the white pages are now five columns instead of four. This is to conform with ail other directories in Ontario. Bell is continuing its policy one directory per household. Anyone who does not receive a copy should caîl the local Bel] business office after the delivery period, ?FO RMS REGISTER, CONTINUOUS, CARBONIZED & MUSC. A COMPLEYE PRNIGEVC 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Shopping Plaza. Ajaxc Telephone 416-683-1968 and 416-683-1970_ La fi 0 I1i0 UmmDAYS 07 NGWAX TH URS. FR1. SAT. a VINYL LRM IN IhSvig pT *Regua 12951 W hSalg UpT *Overl100-Fm *Rails To Poerom4 1wfl7/ L4i iSAXONy 95. THIK71ANTI aSAXONY ma SAX a CUT& LOOPO a Wf WIH FREE PADI L *INSTALLATIONIj IN. v Hundreds0Of 2 Roll Ends& z Romnants 0f ,0Carpet & Vinyl Floorlng. (ONY aî*IU LO gON ICARPET ksty Ras egur19 v'2995 * * W199 MyT UN'ult A5UUESARY UFI 95 I ) COMMERCIAL CARPETi *ReguIar Io1195 pMENU 8PSOAL Umm%.m rXONY .29"158 MI WITNFEPO * TAITM *FREE PARKING *PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION *SPEEOY DELIVERY *CUSTOM BINDING @FREE ESTIMATES *WHILE QUANTITIES LAST *ITEMS SUBJECTTO PRIOR SALE ComputorLond' We knoyw umai computer. Let us introduce you. 11 SIMCOE ST- NORTH "The OId Firehal"j1 OSHAWA 433-0800y &now amati cooepoêssu~ L.wa Iutrodwoeyou. I WADEUAIIQ iCARPET W RHUE Mn-r I 149 KING ST. W. 0S1IAWA, 728-4<01 I i