PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 12, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS ENTERTAINMENT w;m1 " Q Antony 's offering musite variety Qnéç&ty Ted ARNTrS LOAM SUPPLY LTD. B3ROOK RD. N., PICKERING (1 % miles north of Hlghway 2) TOP SOIL Sand Limestone Treated Tî,n ber Stone Pinemulch Patio Slabs Curbs Firewood Peai-Loam INTERLOCKING PAVING STONES. (DELIVERED & OR INSTALLED) 683-0887 BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CL INIC HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074 by TIM BAINES A Whitby restaurant which has become known for its food has recently given local residents an entertain- ment alternative with both a piano lounge and a disco. Antony's, located at 121 Green St., expanded three weeks ago with Club 121 downstairs and a piano bar upstairs, featuring . Tony Michaels, a musician from Pickering. Tony Albis, owner of Antony's, said the up- stairs room gives people a private, quiet place to socialize while the SEASONED HARDWOOD WITH BIRCH 2 FACE CORD - $100 (Free Dol) 25 % OFF ALI NURSERY STOCK- LAN DSCAPING & INTERLOOKING WALKWAYS ASTIN GARDEN CENTRE TAUNTON.THORNTON 576-2239 668-0571 TOYOTA Vour local Toyota Dealert I-Parts * Sales e Service 1025 Dundas St. W., Whltby 668-4792Tor. Line 686-2228 WINTER CHECK UP InspectlTest and report on: a Battery and charglng systemn eAntlf reeze ,»Ail fluid levels *Wlper blades * *Headlights and ail bulbs *Ail hoses, clamps and absorbers *Exhaust system *Thermnostat and heater *Lube ail hinges $ No charge If tufs up and o11 change are performed. PRO DODGE 209 Dundas St. W. Whltby 666-3000 Open Thursdays Till 9 P.M. downstairs bar is for people who like the louder music. " And just because the decor and music are better doesn't mean the prices are more expensi .*prices are more expen- sive, " he added. Michaels, 25, was signed by Albis three weeks ago to tinkie the keys upstairs until at least the new year begins. Mfter playing in rock and roll bands through hils youth years, Michaels believes he has found kils niche in Antony's. "If I can't please thousands 0f people with my original material then I would rather sit here and please a room of people with the music, " he said. He acknowledges there is a need for this type of bar in the Whitby area. 1I know there are people in this area who would like to come out and hear nice quiet music r ather than listen to a dise jockey playing taped music. They can hear that at home." Michaels says hi$ aim is to get a good rapport with the audience and play what they want to hear. "Somne nights l'Il get into the middie-of-the- road (MOR) material and then when folks loosen uplMI get into the 1 9S's type of happy rock and roll music,"I he said. "Other nights folks just don't want to be in- terrupted by a loud musician." lHe also differentiated between a piano bar and Antony's upstairs lounge, saying there is dancing at Antony's. Michaels also loves to get requests from members of the audien- ce. lie recalled with a chuekie one incident when a lady asked for Deep Purple. Mistaking her request for the heavy rock band, he told her he didn't know the song but reached a compromise and played "Misty" instead. Michaels performs original material as welI. lie has submitted numerous demo tapes to record company executives and has received "good respon- se" but no record deal as of yet. Some of his favorite originals combine two cultures to resuit in a unique sound. 've taken Latin American rhythms and popified them. The resuit is accessable. " he said. He says he wil keep on pushing his originals until he does land that elusive record contract. Until then, he appears to have found ,a home. QUALITY N CUSTOM MADE HERMALLY INSULATED ENAMEL FINISH IN, ANY 0F 12 COLOURS m ý - 1 feMn u a c Iu r ed b y F re e E s t im a e s O u c k O e hiv e y & In s ta la tio n 'NCOL N MERCUR Y SAL ES L IMI TED 7-1983 CAPRIS LEFT *PRICED TO CLEAR* Oshawa 723-0661 Whltby 668-5893 Tony Michaels tinkies the piano keys in the new lounge at Antony's, a local restaurant and also recently a music rught spot. The 25-year-old Pickering resident will perform a wide variety of songs Monday to Saturday nights. Free Press Staff Photo Return of ~ the Jedi The movie is a culmination of brilliant cmnematography, spe- cial effects, romance, drama and pure enter- taininent. This is one film that you will not sleep through. Pack your light-sabre into your pocket and stroîl down to the theatre .... in a galaxy far, far away. Other movies playing soon at Cinema Whitby include Mr. Mom, War Games and Rlsky Business, Return of the Jedi, the latest chapter of George* Lucas' cinematie Star Wars adventure, is currently showing until Oct. 13, at 7 and 9:15 p.m., at Cinema Whitby, 129 Brock St. N. It is without a doubt the finest filmn to date in the Star Wars series and offers full value for your entertaininent dollar. Cinema Whitby does of- fer it.s movies at $1.99 for children, seniors and inembers. Non- members pay $3.50.~ LIJ 1