PAG E 14, WED NESOAY 0OCTOBERE 26, 1983# WH ITB Y F REE PR ESg Car Chec ks Pay Off, YUK! Look what can happen to your carburetor if you fail to check your air filter once in a whiie. This accumulation of debris was discovered on one car dur- ing a voluntary check by Car Gare Council. - Because this air filter was the wrong type for the engine it allowed dirt 10 pass righî mbnt and through the carburetor. The resuit can be greatly increased gas consumption, rapid engine wear or both. Q uesîioning owners and checking cars in -parking lots and service stations, the Council Iearned that over half of interviewed motorists cannot remember when last îhey were asked by service station attend. ants 10 check under the hood. Many said, "neyer."t As mighî be expecîed, cars reflected. lack of attention: *24 of 59 cars checked had dirty ai r filters. T wo had none aI ail. - 20 of 69 had more than one tire under'.inflated. One car had 55 pounds ýin' the righî rear, 12pounds in the left front. -18 of 65 were one quart or morelow on oul. - 27 of 65 had littie or no windshield washer fluid. Haîf the cars had'wipers in. only fair to poor condition.' *20 of 41 had corroded battery terminais. *18 of 54 were iow on coolant. "It is evident that these Owners should be paying better attention 10 their cars", says Tom H. Whellamns, Executive Vice. President, Automotive In- dustries -Association. Evn patrons of full. service stations should gel in< the, habit of either asking 10 have cars checked or doing il themnseives." The Association encour- ages owners 10o keep records of services. and repairs made to, minimize car trouble and maximize, fuel efficiency. ccue~z Here's a shining'exampie of a shock absorber th at's gone out of business.' The hydraulio fiuid, essential to the operation of a shock absorber, has ieaked out Because this fiuild cannot be repiaced,,a new unit must be ln-. staiied. Avoid repiacing shock absorberissingiy, says Car Care Councl, as this, can have an adverse affect on the car's handlIng characteristios. They shouid be repiaced ln pairs, or, If needed, ln sets of four. COGêN lmPORTANt GOODYEAR ALU SEASON R RADIALTIRE ýSALE SPECTACULAR!. 4 h FROM GOODYEAFR'BEST ALL-SEASON 'RADIAL- SAVEf% Tow ALL-SEASON RADIAIS TIEMPO WHITEIWAL.LS SIZE/DESCRIPTION SALE PRICE Pi155/80R13 599 P165/75R13 59.95 P185/80Rl36.9 P185/75R14 69.95 P195175Rl4 76.95 P205/75RI4 7"s9 P205/75R15 79.95 P215/75Rl5 86.95 P225/75RI5 89.95 P235;/75R1 5 92.95 Ail prices include installation TIRE AND'AUTO SERVICE C ENTRES 162 King St. E. OSHAWA, Ont. 571-3400 FfA tURES CRMOODk FOIE 103 Dundas St. E. WHITBY, Ont.- oe&-3<5 SALES-SERVICE-BO0DY .SHOP' 00t011.imoa*). leasing'.-..ARTS Nt«otaof VANS - BUSSES.- CAMPRII- PICK-UPS, OMCrYW SATION WAGONS$ CARS EVJ TENTS à CAMNWGEAR OWASCQ VOLKSWAGEN LTD. m 1425 Dundes St.,E., Whitby > W lVk hour from downtown Toronto q 4 668-9383 361-1128 Toronto Un.e HI In 1963 Mister TransmissionM I oponed the firat Conter UnRlchmond Hill, Ontario. Now We hav ovr80 Mistor Transmission Contera trom coaat to coast ln Canada. Whenever a company rses aboya tho roat and becomes NUMBER 1 Un the Nation, thora laea roason.ý Mister Transmission recognizes that the residents, of -this area are entitled tothe best transmission service avalilabie. iln the years ahead we pledge t o provide the best professionai transmission 'service avaliabie. Mister Transmission 18 proud to have been servicing th1e area since 1Ã981 Oct. 15 and wouid like to ex- press our appreclation for your patronage and look forward toô continuing to provide the same hlgh quaiity service you have corne to look for from Mister Transmission. Whenwe fx i, wefixit rghe 132 BROCK ST. N'.. WHITBY Spo.soed lv the Automove ladn.tri AsýaioadorfCanada M é****~ >< Newv T*XACO TEXACO SERVICE 304 Brock S. WHITBY Used Cars Tune-Up & Brake Service 668m3644 19r-lqrl