WHITBV FREE PRESS, WEDNESIJAY OCTOBER 28. 1983, PAGE 15 A'warning froni Car Gare Councilisedirected to motoriste who have been inund ated with sinow during' winter, especially those who may have been.abusing, their transmi's'sion s when stuck in the snow. According 'tothe GaunciL, one of .,the major causes for trans- mission dîiiage is ex- cessive wheel-spinning and rocking: in the 5110w. The damage ie caused by ý the fluid over- heating and by wear Y of clutch surfaces. >According ,te the- Council, 'it's easy te determine if yeu may have a problem.-The appearance and odor of burning «transm ission fluid is unmistakab.le. The- red fluid tomrs brown and bas a bu néd emeil. - The 'Co uncil -ec- commends that motor-' ists in snowbelt areas rem ove the, trans- mission dipstick> and check its condition. If sYmptoms suggest over- heating has occured, have, the transmission oul changed and'filter replaced. DOULAR SEMlE Avoid costlybreakdowns bjwinterizing your car By Alan Gunu, CA So you've put on' the snow tires and had the anti- freeze checked and topped. up in the radiator of your cqy: is thatenough. to make certain you'Iltboth' get through the winter safely and cheaply? Probabiy flot. The car is an expensive asset, and runniing it likely takes a big bite eut of your family budget. If you've stopped at -anti-freeze and show tires, you're open for GeneraÉdinancial advice by members-of the Institute of, Chartered Accountantis of Ontarie. trouble. It's like going out yolurself without ear.muffs and' mittens. You need a littie more protection against the cold. Tbink of- it th is way: any thing you can do to avoid 'costly .- and some- times dangerous -ý. break- downs; and, to slow down ,the depreciation of your car amounts to extra money in your pocket. By al means, pay a service station to check the, battery. If it won't hold -a" -chargeî- , replace -it'. One towing fee can "cost you more ,tIan a new battery.. flot to mention headaches. iCheck thaï your brakes, emergency brake,, heater, windshield, wipers and the spare tire are aIl in perfect condition. Add a de-icing 1l'ubricant to the door, hood and' trunk locks. You don't want to get frost-bitten fingèrs fumbling with keys. You might have some jobs, such as a winterizing tune.up of the fuel, elec. trical and ignition systems done at your local garage -- although it is surprising how uncomplicated such jobs can be for the capable handyman. You could. save about 435 in labor by doing the work yourself. Throughout the wint er, wash -your car thoroughly every week to remove road sait. Washing is, even more 'important in cornbatting, rust than polishing. You could, also carr*y a basic emergency survi'val' kit in the trunk -- mechan-, ical spares such as a fan belt, eýxtra, gasoline and a product -caJled Quick Start as well as' a5 tow r ope, traction pads, a, shov el, flashlight, roadside tiares, blankets, <extra ,warm clothing and a bag 'of 'Sand. Battery cablesý are -useful too, but use them carefully a ccording to your oôwner' s manua. >A few dollars< spent à now in winterizing your c ar will save you timeý, tro ubleand money ail through- the cold months. Mr. Gunn is< with Winspear, Higins Steven- son & Co., Toýrqnto., Brooklu Sheil A.u'toService FOR ALL AUTO REPAIRS FALLTUNE-UP# SNOW TIRES 655-4ý320 ' Does your vinyl roof have lumps&bm ? if Sb -it 's time -to replace . t Otobor Speciol roVinyl Roofs a$l do - 'a plusclost of lumps &bumps Seat Repairs- Converible Tops do ody%Side Moldlng * Pin StIrlng * 8Bout Sea tg Siedf a * Total Car InterlorsCo'ttlt@iie" L 411 Dundas E MainainVour Car Ah automobile cannot maintain energy- efficient performance wlthout proper 'main-, tenace.AtitomÃobile tune-upo flot only save fue,-tbey also provide easler starting and 8mWother operation. A car.that in properly :malntained averages 6- Percent better, mileage per gallon_ of -gasoline thar> a "car' that needs new ignition -points and ThereP'are over 100 million cars in the United States. If every Complets Collision Service *Body à Fonder Aepahs *Exprt Painting *inourmnce Work *Du Pont Prodlucts Used, .Courtesy car, Free Estîmates 686-2157 1954 Notion Rd. Pickering automobile used one les gaon of gasolihe Per week, the national demand, for 'gasolifie would be 'lreduced by about 7 percent. HAVE VOUR BRAKES$ CHECKEDý BEFORE, TE WINTER! FREE BRAKE INSPECTION 4 Wheels Rell ned For- >As Low As ExpireS Nov. 2M18 CURTIS, ENGINES, 234 MacKenzle Unît 7, AJAX I LINCOLN MERCJR Y SAL ES L IMI TED nw -iw 84 TOPAZ G.S. Or4 Door $229 O O Automatlc Or 5 Speed FromniPr AirConditioning Fo 8 aPer Mon 84 LINCOLN SIGNATURE - - Fully Equipped lncludîng' 4~ 3YëVear Unlmlted Mileage, (o)Warranty Maintenance Coverage, $49O $499 Per Mon *48 MONTH.LEASg' *NO DOWN PAYMENT *NO SECURI TY D EPOSIT REQUIR ED FOR QUALIFIED LEASEE 2166 Check Transmission M"LEASING 777