Nissan 300ZXOffers New S tyluu1e ,Av tha i Md ..... WHI-Y FRE PRSS, E NE AY C 5II RL17 JL&E viiqg a ul glm% 300ZX le sail new to Nissan. In another way, it's the same as it's always been--one great sports car for those who want to combine luxury wlth' the ultlmate in driveability. The styling le new; 80 15 the name-300ZX. The engine la now a single overhead cam V-6 in- stead of the im-lime six cyllnder version sports car enthuslasts came to imow ana iove in prevlous 280ZX modela. But Nissan Canada la stil offerlng ffrst-class transportation wlthout cbarglng an arm and a leg. The two-eater Spor- ts coupe wlil be priced from about $16,000, wlth the 2 plus 2 GLL Turbo in the mld-20's. But Canadiansare prepared to pay when they're paylng for quality. The 300ZX la awesome- even when it's standing stM. But cllmb behlnd the wheel and you'll reaily appreciate the 0X. The V-6 Turbo version goes from a standing start to 50 k.p.h. in an amazing fîve seconds. Not even Porsche or Corvette can talk about that klnd of performance. The new, sleek aerodynamics of the 300ZX allows it to eut through the air better than ever; reducing drag and thus. im- provlng not only per- formance, but also fuel- economy. And that's a big plus in this day and age of the $2 gallon of gas. As before, the 300ZX comes in a varlety of styles to <suit just about everybne's8 needa or wlshes. There la the two- seater Sports coupe wlth five-speed -tran- smission, the two-seater wlth automatic tran- smission and lock-up torque converter, the 2 plus 2 GL i either stan- dard or' automatic and the, ultlmaté isports luxury-the turbo, in either five speed or automatie. You can getit wlth or ,without T-bar roof and leather interior is an op- tion, but Just about everything else on the 300ZX le standard DURHAM BUMPER STEEL & FIBERGLASS-FENDERS BODY REPLACEMENT PANELS FOR FOREIGN & DOMES TIC CARS'& TRUCKS hIdependent suspension, rack and pinlon power steering wlth variable asslat, pop-up headllgbts, a front and rear spoiler, fully ad- instable bucket* seats (power assist le available on the GL), Nlssan's now-famous voice warning system, a digital dock, swing/tilt steering wheel (not on the IU. rAu t 11 strumentatlon system s0 sophlsticated that it bas a compass and driver computer that gives you the average miles per gallon and the number of miles left before the fuel tank le empty. They've also added an electronlcally- controlled air 'con- ditionlng system to glve you just the right tem- 25 Grenfeil St. Oshawa 579*51 24 E 579-501 8 1984 NISSAN 300 ZX To flnd out about real value ln Auto Insurance Cali me now. 1 111 help you get more for your Insurance dollar. DURHAM INSURANCE 61 Commercial Ave. SEVIE AJAX 686-2488 NALKNB TRUCK LETTERING 668"3941 WHITBY, ONTARIO 79' I MCOS.-SOiT 1 PHONE 579-8844 MIWYD.SNLD BROOKLIN ESSO SPECIAL Coollng System Tune.Up mdsAs LowAs 19" Fn lu dSH C L N G S TE FHCH LNG TIREEZ MLTE CHANECK HOSE BE L ITRA ) ANH EHSSR ETS -RA AN PEiRE STNvl5 ALSO SAVE UP TO $63moo PER PAIR ON ATLAS Mark V W0"th.rguard Radiais 655-3251I 9 Baldwin St. BROOKLIN, ONT., *EXPERT PAINTING eRUST DAMAGE REPAIRS *FREE COLLISION & RUST ESTIMATES 467 FAIRALL ST., AJAX, ONTARIO A.&F AUTO BODY EANDCNAR NE 1 UZo PUNIACu-600 u Factory air. V-6 engine, fuit power options. good clean, one owner, trade,,silver met. with- spot- lessrmatching rrim. Ger. No. 505194. 185808 1981 OMEGA-4 DOOR Automatic with power steering and brakes. vinyl roof. radio. only 22,000 km. on this sharp gas saver. Ser, No. 12400c, 1980 FORD, SOUIRE WAGONW Factory. air conditoning, power windows. Iocks, 1977 CUTLASS-SUPREME AM/FM stereo plus many other options. dark V-8 auto. gWith spoitess red interior. met. silver blue met. wîth matching cloth interior. Ser. paint. power" steering and brakes. Certîieti, 1& 995 29995 SALESMEN FAT MILOSH TED MARLOW ALKANE KEN TYE CLARE BLANCHER MAJOR LESLIE John Skelton UIC Manager Joe Therîault NIC Manager' RAY McLAUG'HLIN RICHARD CHAFFE DAN ZAIKA 266 KN T We, OSýHAWA GM PARTS GM SERVICE 723-4634 723-4311 TI none Up 1 CANADIAN OWNED & OPERATED 1 JOHNNY McDONALD