So ceer complexi put on hold, Town Council bas nixed the Idea of a 10-field soccer complex - at least for now. Counilors decided more detailed studies, wlth specifica to actual cost, should be under- taken before the projeet could be given the green llght. Rein Verrydt,. spokesman, for the' Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club, ýsaid he, would co-' operate with the town: on the matter but war- ned that the facl.ltieg'are needed immedlately For sqtory sM page 3. Whitby resident wins jackpot, A Witby resid ent and four fellow GM CO- workers were ýamongst a group of 20 to share the wealth of the $1.4 million Lottario jackpot,, l.ast Satuirday night. 'An amount of $67,506.30 was, left to be" divided by the five* GM maintenance em- ployees. Frank Stuart of Forest Rd., WVhitby, two1 Oshawa men, one Bowmanville and one Port Perry resident shared the money. The 56-year-old -Whitby1 resident lias decided tg, play it safe for now and bank the money. AnMother Whitby resident Ste ve Sherritt, of, Green St., was also a winner in. the-lottery as he shared $67,506.30 with four fellow -workers, from Canada Post. lte 29-year-old Sherritt plans to:buy a swimming pool and a motorcycle. Counci bail ont Marligiold Festival The Whltby Marigold Festival has received a helping band from, Town Council in the recovery of its losses. Council voted Monday night- to not only repurchase unsold Marlgold passport coins at 75 cents each, they will also forget about a $1,307 charge for rentaI of Iroquois Park during the festival. The passport coins, which recently sold during the festival for $3, were recently put on sale to the public as souvenir items which also entitle the bearer to free admission to Cullen Gardens, an unlimnited number 0of times, until Nov. il. See page 3. Henry, Street Hawks faced Whitby makes st'aditum, proposai Vol. 13 No. 43 Wednesday,, October 26,. 1983 28 Pages by TIM BAINES Whltby's bidfo a 65,00 seat stadium was' presented. to a stadium study c ommittee last Wednesday afternooln. .According to, Mayor Bob Attersley, Whitby's proposai, wasn't as ex-' pensive and fancy ,as' some of the other il proposais, but it w'as, certainly effective. "I think we surprised them. We bad a slide >.presentation, but some of, the -o-ther places b ave. spenid up to $200,op, he said. Attersley retained a quiet confidence 'tbat -Whltby' Would be strongly considered. '"4They stressed to us that, transportation to the site was such an. im-- portant factor. We made them aware of Via Rail, CN, the GO. ALRT -ex- tension and Highway 401, which we bave available."' "Another key factor is that out of 321, acres of the laiid'we propose. to use, approximately 90 per cent. is owned by either the Central Lake Ontario -Conservation, Authority, the, town- or the province." The propésed land is. located. just west of . the Iroquois Park comiplex.' Attersley, , who ap- peared before .the c om- mnission along witha d- ministrator Bil Wallace and" planning diro Bob Short, said ,a stadlum was only part of the plan. Artist Claire.,MoAllister Gass and printer Marlene Hilton Moore demonstrate. the rerduction procesa 0f the special llmilted edition of the-Station GaIlery. Free Press Staff Photo with defe at The Henry Street High School senior foot- ball team feU from the unbeaten ranks with a 20-0 boss to Pickering High Sehool. Injuries took their tolas bothHenry Street starting runming backs were forced out Mf the lineup. For story and pictures sSe pages 22 and 23. Don', Frise, VIce president of Cham berof 'Commerce; Brenda Wesley and Joan Wesley. of Wesley's WorId of Travel mark the coin. campaign for the recover 1y of the Marigold Festival debt. Free Press Staff Photo, A mid-slzed racetrack for flats and trotters was, alsô proposed to go ncojction wlth the Itdium.ý Features of the stadium. would include on-site ' parking for 20,000 vehicles and buses and added access provlded by Victoria St., south of the site. Many of the ideas in the proposaI were also part of a plan submitted to the governent in 1971' by Mayor Des -Newman. Attersley said he ex- pected the- stadium committee to reduce those being considered to three or four by ýChristmas. "If we're in that 'group,- we're prepared to, go, ahead with spen- ding -but at this time it's not fair to the taxpayers to go ahead with massive expenditures," Hie 4aso revealed- he has, talked to 'major hotel c.hains who have said they' would ,be wiling to locate here. "It would be a spin-off effect. They're telling me if the stadium goes .to Whitby,- we'll go there."- Some advantages of Whitby as outlined in the report are:, - capable Of stimnulathig new growth opportunities that would support existing and future development in Whitby andi the Durham Region in accordance with Provincial GO East econcèmic policie-s.. 7- located only - i minutes from, Metro Toronto and 22 minutes east'of Yonge St. ý-immediate .and un5hindered, access from Highway 401. -possible special passenger service on the CN. -can support, and benefit from, com- plementary adjacent land uses and roads. - fully serviceable. The reent approval of the Port'Whitby sewer extension will' also help according. to Attersley., "If we went in there without sewers they would bave laughed us outoîf there, " he said. Actual costs for the stadium bave not been, estimated. The report does not even specificaily say the stadium will be domed. The proposed stadium will be a multipurpose See3 y" - ~ ~ ~ ~ "f."',, , , .5 ej i. l