PAE 24eWEONESDAY 0OCTOBER 26,1983, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS "m'mi. Mpm Pe. Emporium Ads will oniy be accepted subject to thé foiiowing conditions. ARILSARfitICL ES, FOR ALEFOR SALEJ WATER BED king aize wîth dresser, 9 drawera, brown, $250. Phone 655.356 MUST SALE a beautiful bar. At- tractive style.' Sturdy bulit wîth tuxurlea materlal. Welli-Worth over $800 wili sale for $395. Freo, delivery., Phono anytirne 668& 6207. HARDWICK CAS COOK top unit, aimond colour, 4 bumers. Nover used, $200. G as range, good working conditon. Brown, $100., Rernington Gun 870, 20 Goge, PoIiychoke, $250. Phono 668. 3813. DRESSER, antique style, W/Mtrror, $150. Phono 282-8760. TV ANTENNA Good condition. Wo "wlli deliver. $85; Western guitar <Enperador) Good con-ý- dition. $70. Phono 571-3916. INTELLIVtSION including four garnes and joy sticks, $225. Phono 668-809. 54" FOUR POST double pins b.d' ln good condition. with mattresa and roll away castors, $95. Wood stave, ono year old, with bi- folding doars and demper asserbly. Very good condition. ,Wtli deliver, $150. Installation avaliable'for extra coat. Phono 571-3916. ROTO-TILLER 3 H.P. Very good condition. $195. Phono 655-4110 ovoninga. EXCE LLENT CONDITION 30" mattresa and box spring on legs,* $125. Hide-a-b.d, $150. Phons 728-885. COLONIEL three sestor sofa, Sklsr, $150. Walnut anttque china cabinet, $175. Baked alurnInum white storrn door, $75. FIrepiace Insert, 36 Inch opening,,$150. Phonoe683-3238. TOYS Ideai for Christmnas nover used. Radio shack rernote cont- trol car, $10. Train sot,, extra cars etc, $45. TCR total controi rscing set, $35. Bauor Hugger skates, aizo 7, $25. Two eiectronic games, $15 oach. Garne of Riak and Who's It, $8 each. Telescope, $30. Also pine mates b.d, $70. Phone 668-5220. MUNROE LITYON CALCULATOR Computer modal 1860,'64 -K capaclty, $200. Phono 668-0009. CUSTOMMADE bedapread and' headboard, King aize, with mat- ching drapes 100x45, $200. Also, drapes 144x94 lined, rust-brown, $40. Drapes 260x94 gold tex- tured, $60. Drapes 160x94 redilack, $40.'AIl items In vory goad condition. Ashburn Rd., Brooklin, 656-764. OSCILLOSCOPE dual trace i-eath Kit. Modal 10-455. $80 value asking $25. Pieeacli 668-178 after 6p.m. FRENCH PROVINCIAL SET $300 or boat offor. Chain saw, 16" Mc- Culiock 500. Brand new, $250. Phono 655-4407. PIONEER SX-760 recoiver and tumntabie. 50 watts. Mach i speakers, $55. Honda Il basa gultar and amp., $225. 668-0067 ask for Rick. FOR SALE Bunk beds, used ln, cabin, $10. Wood couch with cuehions, gotd colour, $35. Two card stands for store with drawera, $25 saCh. al« shredder, Seara make, $250. Bathroorn slnk <wth tapa),$8. Phione 6685060. FRANKLIN WOOD STOVE for sle. Vor good condition. Asking $100. Phono 655-3539 ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec etyle, aasorted colore, $55 each. Frigidaire automnatic drior $100., Record -collec tion, 500 albums, $1,200.» New 8 man tent $Î180. Baliy raceway pInball machine, needs smre work, $350. Phone 985-9258. VIKING WRINGER W ASHER ln very1 good co ndItion, $60. calII FOR SALE pine china cabinet, refinlshed', $125. 4 ýoak chairs, needaspme work, $20 each, Rec- tangier oak table, 'needs work, $175.2 brasaslampe, $351palr. End tables, $10 each and step ladder, $15. Phono 683-663. KITCHEN CABINETS complete modem,$250. Mot fat stovo top ,,and wall oven, $175. Front door pere ct 34x82, $50. White alumînurn storm door R.H. hinge 34x84, $20. Swinglng cale doore' 36", $15. $5 kitchen sink, $10. White bathroom basin, $5. Space saver bathtub, RH drain, $50. Phone6868-7404. FOR SALE Royal Albert China - lavendar rose patt ern - complote tea service and varlous othor plecos. Wiii not oit seporstely. Bell as sot. A-i condition. Nover been usod. AskIng $750 firm. To' view appiy et 182 Verdun Road, Oshawa. NIKON FIT LENSENS Nikon erles E 3Srnm., $80. 100mm., $80. Vivtar 24mm.,$95. Untax 85- 210mm, Macro zoom, $120. Vivitar tels converter, $20. Phono 668-0009. LOT & TRAILIER on 'Pigeon Lake. 35ft. traiterwith double tipiouts, fuliy fumished, plus 3lft. deck. Asking $23,500. cail Bill or April after 6 p.m. et -666-2581 or woekends 985-2706. HOMEMADE BOX trailer. Hoavy duty. Asking $1,200 or best offer. Phono Bilt or AprIl after 6 p.m. at 666-2581 or weeksnde 985-2706. CHILD'S ELLAN ekies, potes and Nordica boots. Size 9, $180. Boys Micron skates. Size 8, $30. An- tique oak buffet, $100 Bird cage on stand, $15. Phone 728-8850. INTELLEVISION including '0 garnes. Asking $35. Phone 579- Sn2. ý< M M - PLEASE READ - Whon the advertised Item la sold, diapoaed of, or unavaliabie for whatevor roason, the Item witi b. doemed to have been aold and a commission wiii b. chargod basod on THE ADVERTISED PRICE asý Ilustrated b.iow, regardioesaIl prico la atatod with "beat offor". Il the Item le NOT SOLD, or dIsposed of, the sd wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiit apply payable In advance of publication of the fIrst md.' Otherwiae a $7.50 charge wil mp- piy Il bIlled which muet b. paid upon rocoipt of bilt. The above minimum charges wili bo appiiod f0 tho final commission due butiln any case the higheramount wiii b. charged. Minimum chargo: $6.,W pre-paid; $750 biled. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ait advotlsements rmuet bo ptmced on mn ex- clusive baste with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atlest one montfrIf not sold. 5%-aof adv.rtied price up 10 $M0.00 RATES if article la sold): 2% of balance over $M0.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item dvertied for $12000. Commission due $800 (minimum charge te $6.00). Private advortiaing onl yt Pieas notify the Whitby Free Press Immodiately whon Item le soid Bo that we may doiete Iltfrom the fol lowing Issue. Ait ada not ftting the Emporium guidolinos will b. trestod and charged per week as regular ctstslfiod ade on a pro-paid basîs auch as: services, hotp wantod, ciothing, rosi ostato, and porsonai message type ada, or ade not quotIng price or qusntlty. Privato claaaiflmd ado may appear ln the Emnporiumn section urider appropriate headingo. AIL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SEcTI0N.UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FRE PRESS EMPORIUM, P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LIN 5S1 If ln doubt cali: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS,1$ THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATIlON ATr NOON. A AICLES1 AjTICL i1AUTOMOBILES FIOR SALE FOR SALE FOR-SALE ANTIQUE Parlor table (pein), $20. Portable etereo record player, $20-. Smith*corons ý,office <typewriter, $35z. Reol-to-reel Telefunken tapeý recorder, $75. Record rack, $750. Pushmower, $10. Judo-suit, nearly new, size M, $20. Phono 668-7404. CONTENTrS0OF HOUSE MOVtNG -one tovesoat, biuo background border print, $250., On. buffet, $200. One dozen fan- cy cupa and saucors, $7.50 each. On. tes wagon, French Provin-. cial styting,' $200. Other items, odds and ends. Phono 655-4416.' OMM. MOVIE PROJECTOR and camera. Hardiy over used, $190. Greon' toiiet, plus sink, plus" counter to match. Exceloent con- dition,'$100 or beat, offer. White tub enclosure. Brand new from Sears, ,$20. ciianytme571- 3916. FOR SALE Elnma sowing machine, $160. Humidifior, $80. Storoo 8 track, dock, $30. Shopping cart 10" wheols), $10. Rocklng chair, $120. Kenmoro carpot sweeper, $10.2 2ladies wInter coats, sizo 18, exceltont condition, $45 and $50. Ladies crochet sweater, size 18, $15. Velour housocoat, ixe 18, $15. Ladies su.ri, size 18, $20. 3 plastic stscking tables, $9. Phono 668-7838. SEWING MACHINE with cabinet excellent condition, $125. Un- derwood typowriter, manuel,- good condition, $60. Phono 683- 6638. 1985 CHEV IMPALA power steering and brakos, 47,000 original mileage. $60 or beat of- for. Phone before 6 p.m. 655-8021 asicfor Sud. AUTOMOBILES AOTOMOTI W FORRI.SALEPAT 1979 CHEV BLAZER 4 whoel drive, angle plow. Asking $8500. 1250 Dundas St. 668-1366. FOR SALE 1978 Chrysier New Voricer. Under 18,000 miles, town driven, black, 2-door, fuiiy option. Aaking $5000O or beat of fer. Cali 668-2598. 1973 SUBARBAN Not ln runnIng condition. Good tires. $300 or beat offor, as ls. Phone 576-1058. 1973 VEGA .15,000 on rebulit engins, four speod, now clutch and fiywheei. Brakes just don. with new' front calipers and master cytinder. Good tires, Neèds body work. Soul as la $400. Phone 668-2187. 1969 MONTEGO MX 4 dr., 351 new brakos, master -cylindor, oxhaust wires. Needa tires for certification. Good wlntsr car. $500. CalRues655-4416. 1977 PLYMOUTH FURY 2-door, mochanica buy, can b. fixod to drive. $300. Phono 655-3006. 1973 VW BEETLE PARTS Doors, $50 each. Engine Iid, $25. Four <mpeod wlcompiots swinig sxlo, $10. Gas tank, $15 and various email parts. Phone 282-8760. TWO GOODYVEAR radiai tires, one on rim. 75R14. $75. Two 14" Soara tires with rima, $30. Two Canadien Tire anows with rima, $30. Cati 668-1063 morninga. FOR SALE Vega' transmission. $100 or beat offor. Cmii Dan 728. 25703. CONFUSED? Pisas cati us sny_ tirne If the Emportum guidetines confuse you. Wo'll be giad ta an- swer sny questions yotu have.ý Phone 668-611il anytime. I ~TRAILE1 j :OSEHOLO.- I w-J 22FT HOUSE TRAILER situated on RICe Lake. Water front lot. Asklng $3000 orbeat offer. Phone FOR SALE 1983 Vamaha 1751T. Excellent condition. including heimet and ail loathers. Amking $1500 or bost offor. Phono 668- 3495 asic for Steve. 1»82 YAMAHA MX80J Excellent condition. $50. Cali 866-3934. FOR SALE 1981 Yamaha 400 Special. Mint condition, $1400 or best offer. Phone 655-3203. 1981 H ONDA CIVIC f vo speed, AM/FM, cassette, tInted glass. Amking $5000. Phono Bi11 or April after 6 p.m. at 66-2581 or weekends 985-2706. 1981 HONDA SILVERWING GL500, wator cooled, shaft drive, Pioxigiams fsiring, rear carrier, 10w mloeage, excellent condition. Asking $2000. Phono 666-0265. 1900 VAMAHA RD 400 Excellent condition. $1100 firm. Phone 655- 4224. YAMAHA YZ 80 Excellent con- dîtion. $450 or beet aller. Phono 655-4882. SOMOBIES SLE/RENTALS SNOWMOBILE, 4000C Ailouetti eioctrlc atari. $200 or beat offor. Phoneou6864684 stor 6 p.m. TB QUARTER HORSE MARE Chestnut 16h. 8 years Reg. Cdn. Hunier, gentie novices, $2,500. TB Gelding by.Tarnarack, 1813h. Bay 7 yeara, 4 white sooka,, proven Hunter, $4,000. Hunter approved Foal 1 lh years. Bay by Tarnaracu-, $3,000. Phone 65r> 'Mesthe"Recycler .GI Unwants" The Emporium section 01G I tho hltbFros PreSSI There Is no rea- son to keep things you don't need 'or enjoy be- cause they're val uable. There are customers wllling to pay good money for thlngs you've ti1r- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the classlfled depart- ment of the Whltby Free Press. You wIll be pleased wlth the quIck resuits. As fast as a phone cail, re- sults happen! I have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the folIowing advertise- ment pîaced under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don't forge 't to Include your phone number) EI I enclose $6.00 to cover the miiffiumn charge. En Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. l Bill me $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Name (please print - f Irst and Iast name) Street Addrus City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE P RESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whltby Li N 551 Coli Us Now At 668-6111 Or Use This Form To Mail Tour Ad' 'ne 'I I_______ FOR SALE Apartrnent aize washer-dryer with stand. Ex- cellent- condion. $45Olpair. Phone 666&1495. FOR SALE ln good condition. Two pairs of twin mattresses. Complote with box springs, $100. Double mattresa with box spring, $50. Phono 666-1532 eveninge. 3ABEfNIEDS ONE GENDRON INFANTr love seat, $25 and one Gendron chiid love seat, $50. Bath ln excellent condition. Cali weekends or after 5 p.m. 855-3575. INSTRUENTS ELECTRIC. GUITAR Nashvilte, Les Paul Copy, $150. Cati 668& 5567 after 6:00p.m. FOR SALE Harmond Organ 100. Asking $1200. Phono 576-4227. CLASSICAL GUITAR'for sale. H-irade model seven. Handcrafted In 1981. Good for Intermediate player. $550, without case. Phone Ray 668-3418 eveninga., RICKENBACKER MODEL 4001 Basa Gultar, 4 years otd.,Whlte," with cae. immaculate condition. Aiso GOX Base amp. 80 watts. Wiit seli seperate. ý$900 or beat offer. Phone 668-2187. ONE KIMBALL Superstar Il organ. Onty il months oid, just as new. Haif the original price, sltng price $1,200. Phono bofore 6 p.m. 655-8021 asic for sud. FOR SALE Kimbail organ. Swinger,100. $800 or beat offer. Phonoe68-4760. *VANTAGE 12 STRING etoctrlc gultar. Oark wood, soîid bady, -gold ptated hardwear. Locking case inciuded. $400. Cami 668 498W. TH-E WORLO IS YOURS ..îI YOU KNOW THE RIGH-T PEOPLE... Whrv.r you move the Wei- corne Wagon hostesla the rtght person Io holp you f md a place ln ycur new cornmunîty. Cali 668-8943 1 1 a ln* 1