rgflg~' *.f*'. v. ~It~fltflAî $'~ II'4.J WHITBY FF Whitby's Most WIdeIy Read CLASSIFED NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F (MARY) VIOLA MILLS LATE0F 309FAIRVIEW DRIVE IN THE CITY 0F WHITBY, ONT. (CAN> Ail persons havîng claims agaînst the estate of (Mary) Viola Milis, late of 309 Fairview Drive ln the CIty.of Whitby, On- tarlo, (Canada) who died on'or about the 3rd day of October, 1983 are hereby required to send full particulars of such ciaims to the under- sîgned executor on or before the l6th. day of November, 1983,, after whlch date the assets of the estate' wlIl be dlstributed havlng regard only to dlaims that have been received ,and take notice that- the ýunder- signed wlll not be-lhable to any person of .whose dlaim he shahl not then have notice. Dated at Whitby, this l4th day of October, 1983. BYTHE-EXECUTOR JOSEPH FRATTURA 30 9 FAIRVIEW DRIVE WHITBY, ONT. (CAN.) LIUN 3A7 IN THE MATTER0F THE, BANKRUPTCY 0F GUS LASK- Residing In the Town 0f lJxbridge, Ontarloý and formerly resldlng ln the Village of Sunderland, ln the Province of Ontario. Notice ls hereby given that Gus Lask, reslding ln the Town of Uxbridge, in the Province of On- tario, f lied> as assign- ment on the S5th day 0f October, 1983; 'and that the first meeting 0 f creditors will be held on the 24th day 0f October, 1983, at il o'clock ýA.M. et the office' 0f the Trustee, 206 Bloor Street West, ln the Province of Ontario. Toronto, thîs of October, C. Houser Trustees & Receivers Ltd.,' 206 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ontario MSS MT NADA8SH JEAN à FASRId SALE Bargain prced brand name Jeans. Lavsly upholstery fabrica at $5 par yard. Bazaar clearances. Good solection of nealy new clothlng. At the B.th ZMon Synagogue, 144 Kng St. E., Oshawa. Tuesday Nov. 1 and Wednssday Nov. 2 from 9 a&m. ta 5 P.m. Why Mot Attend An AUCTION SALE. Mi18W»k.nd AUCTION SALE FRI. OCT. 28 6:30 PM Brboklin Community Centre, Cassels Rd. E., Hwy. 7 & 12. lncl.uded ln this super sale we have 2 solld oak book cases, with glass doors, ^pIne cupboards, oak halistand, pîne blanket box, Harvest table, pîne cradie, .washstands, press back highchalr, walnut smoker, tilt-top table, rockers, dressers, mohagany ward robe, lamp tables, desks, pine church pew, oak telephone, 3 domeÉtlcý oriental carpets (9x12), Gingekrbread dlock, Ger- ma n & American Militaria, Royallty Memorablila, old dol collection lncl. Shirley Temple, dol furnîture, MicMac baskets, Bing & Grondahl ' collector plates, assorted crocks, br ass & copper weather vain, steerllng silver spoons, brass la mps, brass hall tree,. plus a good selection of china. & glass. Partial listing only. Terms cash, Visa or approved cheque. Prevlew 4:30 p.m. EARL MACKINNON AUCTIONEER 655-3526 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN' FR1. OCT. 28183 6:30 PM 3 miles east of Little BrItain or 7 miles West of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britaîn Rd. 9 piece w alnut dining room suite, 3 piece modemn bedroom, suite, bed chesterfield, copper boliers, antique dressers, Zenith portable colour 1TV, Westinghouse console colour TV, 2 piece modemn bedroom suite, Vctrolla oak buffet,.Iron bed brass trim, pine chester draws, Moffat-2- door refrigerator, Gilson. 7½/ cubic foot freezer, Lincoîn 180 electric welder, antique doll (china head), handmade quilts, 8" table saw with .-1/ horse motor, Pioneer chain saw, Masery hanis model 50 gas tractor (l Ive PT wlth IPTH), 1 row number 5 cockshed corn picker, quantity of tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER - R.R.1 LITTLE BRiTAIN 705-788-2183 AUCTIONEERS - cali 668-.6 1 ta advertise your next sale. AUCTION SALE SAT. OCT. 29/83 6:00 PM At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Rd. 4 miles south of Port Perry. Con- slgnment sale wlth fur- niture, antiques & quan- tity of hand tools, etc. 11/2 h.p. motor (550 volts), 1/" drive socket set, hand saws, open & boxend wrenches, C clamps, crescent wren- ches& assorted nuts andý boîts, 8 bl.fold doors, Hearth bricks, cupboar- ds, banister posts, 8 matchIng hardwood chairs, Queen size bed, pool table, 3010 Westinghouse Range, antique bed steads,- washstands, hall table,, 10 pin bowling bail, wool blankets, waterproof suites, lighted-aquarium, stereo, pattern carpets, playpen, swag lampsand numerous 'other Items. Consignements wel- come. Managed.and sold by. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492, FNFOR WTIiEWriEWL FAM~ILY ATTEND ONFTHIS WEEKEND TH E CLASSI FIEDS -TENDERS D Eurham Regior ~Poice Force DURHAM REGIONAL POL FORCE TENDER DRP 2184 *ntai .0 I I nt T GENERAL CONTRACTORS Window Repairs at the Jalilin WHITBY, Ont. Tender No. GB- 83-204 Seaied Tenders wiiI be.received until 2:00 p.m. local time on - TUESDAY, NOVEM- BER 15, 1983. Tender Documents may be obtained from thie Ontario Ministry of Government Ser-'ý vices, Orillia -District Office, 24 James St. E., -Box 790, Orillia, Ont. Note: For further.in-. formation regarding the tenders, please cail the Tenders 0f- f ice at the above ad- dress, Telephone (705) 325-7403. The low est ,o~r any Tender flot necessarily accepted. SMinistry of Government Services Ontario A LITTLE W A NT tEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 26, 1983, PAGE 27 porate specia lithogi ZGaller The lithogi tly bej - Nichol Studio, li vertefi print r Etcl on a lil artist w.ICE Gass, pulled by ma lithogr Marier V«à lt LItal Go mn Tender SNOW REMOVAL CONTRACTORS. Provide Snow Removal Services at -the Ministry of Com. munity & Social Ser- vices, 224 Brock St. S., WHITBY, Ont. Tender No. GB-83-198 Sealed Tenders will be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on - TUESDAY, NOVEM- BER 8,1983. Tender Documents may beobtained f rom the Ontario" Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24,James St. E., Box 790, Orillia,' Ont. Note: For further In- formation regarding the tenders, please caîl the Tenders 0f.' f ice at'the above ad-, dress, Telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. SMinis(ry of Govemnmt s.#vices Ontarîo A D S HOÃ"UT S You can seli your unused items fast by placing a Classified or Emporium Ad in the'Whitby*Free Press., Resuits are just a phone cail away. Let our Classified Advertising Manager help you write a clever ad and just listen to your phone ring. Cai: CLASSIFIEDS * 668-6111 signed, the a receivE seal. This eventi estimal used gieneral maintai galleryý Apprg edition availal through located Victorit Special Edition Ity Arts incor- Whty Priceshave flot Bd is producing a ytbendetermined. d limlted edition An addltional set of raph of the Station prints being introduced ry. is the new edition of SStation Gallerv original lithographs raphs are curren- Nîagara/Whltby. Ing printed in'the Also produced by the las, Novak Print Nicholas Novak Studio, >, which is a con- Whitby Arts Ine., this 1. 1929.boxcar and suite of four prints were ;as the gailery's, done by artists ,naking facility. Catherine Carmichael, uings were done Harold Klunder, Peter tho stone bY local Templeman and Lorne Claire MeAllister. Wagman. then individually These four artists, through the press who also comprise the aster printer and musical,-, groups apher instructor "Niagara", have re Hilton Moore. created these . prints print wiil be with, the same ex- and numbered by« pressive,, free-style artist and will' handiling of forms as in 'e the print studio their performance' sound of their music. The prints are abstract fund raising expressions derived will bring in an' from songs the group ited $5,000 to be has written. towards the This edition is limited 1l operating, and to 14 sets of four-prints Ling of the which are being sold ex- clusively through the oximately 200 Station Gallery for-$400. S. will be The prints will be shown ble for purchase on Sunday, October 30, h the gallery and will feature a con- 1at Henry andî cert- at 2: 00 p.rn. by the a Streets in group "Niagara' donatee Walter Labonovie] didn't thinÃk too long 0]i what he was going to.dc with the $214 he won .al the Durham West Progressive Conser- vative Association's Oktoberfest celebration. The owner of Whitby Auto Wreckers and Auto Sales immediately an- nounced that his prize in the 50/50 Kathy Fowle] Fund draw would be turned over to the fund organized, to aid the young traffic accident victim. The Association decided to make the total a round $500, during their first annual faîl fund raising event. "The seIl-out- crow(i seemed to: have a fan- ta'stic evening," sa id George Ashe, M.P.P. for Durham West and Minister of Government Unite The Oshawa/Whit-, by/Newcastle branch of the United Way bas reached 20 pe-cent of its goal of $1,595,000, with a. total of over ,$300,000 to date. Campaign chairman Bull 'Henry says he is delighted w-ith the response s80 far. "The community, spirit with respect to the' United Way is greater than the previous year, " he said. "The need is greater this year than winner -h n Io 't st '1 ,r e d it Services. 'II would like to thank aIl of those who were able to join us, and especially Mr. Labonovich for his generosity, " he added. A, capacity crowd of more than 600 jammed the Pickering Recreation Complex for what has become the "first annual Oktober- fest", according to Durham West. Progressive Cotiser- *vative . ssociation president, Michael Stiff. "There's no doubt. We simple have to make this an annual event,"? the, president said. "When you have *that many people having' that much funt, you sim- ple have to plan. to do it again. We're s-tarting to plan right now for next year, " he added. d Way ung-Goal. ever before. Henry is encouraged that some area high cooshave seen fit to raise, significant amoun- ts of money. "It is encouraging to see the tyouth taking an interest. It's important because they're the future leaders." >He also' noted that General Motors 'em- > ployees - hâve raised over $159,000 of a projected $778,400. OSHAWA WHITBY NEWCASTLE T Wagj POLICE FORCE VEHICLES Sealed Tenders will be received at theofief The Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, up until 12 nmon, Frlday, November 18, 1983, for the supply and delivery of Police Force Vehicles.- Tender forms may be picked up or requested through t he offilce 0f Superîntendent R.H. Bodley, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Telephone 579-1520, ex- tension-236. Lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. "Jon M. Jenkins, .Chief of Police. lu Dated at llth day 1983. ý,,l 'LEGAL AUCTIONS AUCTIONS JNOTICES'J'