PAGE 6,WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 26,1983, WHITBY FE RS Br«k1 lin Byl ines By ROXANNE REVELEIt ('ail 655-#95 1 wIth items for this colunin. hi there; Two hundred dollars used to be the down paymnent on a new car; now it's the sales tax. LIBRARY NEWS* Hey klds, there's a dress Up party golng on at the library on Saturday October 29 from 10:30 to 11:-30 a.m., to celebrate Halloween. A challenge bas been issued to anyo-ne brave enough to scareus. There i1rlduing St,668 ok*329 5-95 SPECIACHTHIS WF CAP. Seo____Our___ ay In Statloneil Miimm 2 Ct FUELSCOSTD eSave l Ges moeeat.gln PFor 11 &GsFuncs. eFor Wood & Coal Stoves. ReFor Firepiaces. i ePrvens à oke& oos Fuesl From ClrcuEatig InntVouraHome -APPLno OD FOprtsALE 668.3291 o roni 2150 UBiOgne) 630ium 1%ent St.FWLtby S e e s - i - wll ha games, movies, grub and spooky creatures everywherei1 Do you dare to miss this spine chilllng gatherlng' On November 1, from 12:30 to 1: 30, whlle the presehool storyhour is in progress, the aduit group wll be well lnformed by a movie entltled IlCalllng the Shots". Please remember, the library would appreclate ail "overdue books". See you at your llbrary. Guest MYRTLE UNITED CHURCH There is square dancing every Wednesday nlght at Myrtie United Church Hall between 8 an 10 p.m. There is a great big welcome to anyone who wishes to learn about square dancing. The' annual turkey supper wll be held on Satur- day, November 5. There will be two sittings, the fir- st at 5 p.m., follo wed by one at 6 p.m. Tickets are $6 each so, please caîl 655-3023 or 655-4003. There wll be a "Meet Your Nelghbour Night", at M.U.C. on Frlday November 25. Additional details will follow but keep the 25th in mind. SQUARE DANCE CLUB The Myrtie Square Dance Club could use three men to help balance three single lady dancers. Also any couples who bave had previous experience are welcome. The membership will close after November 26 to those who bave neyer danced the modern way so cail 655-4492 during daytlme hours only. CUTTIN' UP AND COOKIN' IT Getting the most out of your meat dollar. A Burns Kirk Gulld event at Thunderbird Golf Club in Ash- burn on November 1, starting at 7:45 p.m. Featured is meat cuttlng by Ron Deeth -of Win- dcrest Farms and cooking tips by a master chef. Al meats dlscussed wil be given away as door prizes. There wii be refreshments, free recipes and sam- ples served. The cost is -$3 and tickets are available from Warm Woolies and Wbat Nots in Brooklin or Ash- burn General Store. There wil be many men atten- ding this event so lets see more of you gentlemen in the crowd. TUPPERWARE PARTY The Local Association supporting Brooklin Path- finders, Girl Guides and Brownies is having their Third Annual Fund Raising Tupperware Party at Knit - Crochet - Smocklng Beginnlng Nov. 1st183 Cal1 Or Corne In To Reg ister CarsonCentre 69 Baldwin St. (Hwy. 12& 7) CANADIAN LEGION Attention -Veterans Ex-Service Men and Women and Dependents Brooklin Communlty Center, Casseis Road, on November 1, startlng at 8 p.m. There will ha glfts for those bringlng a guest, for the person bringlng the most guests and for the per- son brlnglng ln the most sales. Therç wll be door prizes, refreshments and more. There wlll also be Mary Kay cosmetlcs and Regal Products for those lnterested. Don't forget to come and brlng a frlend. The Brooklln girls need your communlty support. Any inquiries may go to Mrs. Aston 655-3266 or Mrs. Barnard 655-4980. SCOUT PAPER DRIVE The Brooklin Boy Scouts wll be holding their next paper drive on Saturday November 12. Please have your papers tied securely both ways and at the curb by 9a.m. Residents in the outlying regions of Brooklln may take their papers to Ashburn Community Center on the Friday before each paper drive. No earlier please as it could pose a fire bazard. The scouts appreciate your support in this worth- while venture. JUNIOR GARDEN CLUB The B division of the Junior Garden club, thope age 10 and over, wiil meet at the home of Valerie Hundert, 44 Baldwin St., Brooklin, on Saturday Oc- tober 29 from 10Oa.m. to noon. This wiil be a workshop dealing with pressed flowers and brightly colored leaves. You are asked to bring samples with you. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The regular monthly meeting of the Brooklin Hor- 'ticultural Society wil be held at Brooklin United Church, C.E. Building on Wednesday October 26. A demonstration entitled "Christmas wreathes and swags" will h given by Helen Langford of the Royal Botanical Gardens. Come along and have an enjoyable, entertaining and instructive evening. NOBODY LOVES ME It's a long story but l'Il try to make it as short as I can. It started over the Thanksgiving long week-end when we visited Northern Ontario. At some point during the festivities, favourite dog number one camne in contact with a friendiy flea.-.I say friendiy because it took hold and prospered. Unselfish soul that she is, Mitsu, dog number one, bad to sbare the wealth with Bijou, cat'of the walk. Here we ran into a problem. Although both were thoroughly doused with flea powder and soap the problem continued. After 24 bours of non-stop scrat- chums from Bijou, we realized there was something wrong. meeting Mrs. Cathleen Morrison, executive director of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foun- dation and Dr. Peter Durie, Researcher and Nutnitiomist at the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic (Sick Chlldren's Hospital, Toronto) were the special guests of the Durham Chapter at their general meeting oit October 17. Cathleen Morrison spoke of how she had been looking forward to coming to Durbam "to receive encouragement from the chapter, the newest in the Foun- dation" . and that "Durham's enthusiasm, success and reputation was a source of pride and inspiration to the National office and chapters alike"l. $3.1 million was raised duning the 198- 1983 budget year. Chap- ters (45 across, Canada) raised 42 percent of this amount and Kinsmen and Kinettes raised 33 Percent. 78 percent 'of funds raised go directly to research while 6 per- cent is directed to patient services. patient services. Median age. of sur- vival for cYâtics is the mid 20's. One Canadian in 20 is a carrier of the CF gene. One in 400 couples in Canada, will 1have, a child,,with CF. 60 percent of cystics go, undiagnosed, and die undiagnosed because CF is known as "the great masquerader"l. Percent of cystics over age 18 in Canada is 26 percent. The most important and serious jobs of national office and chapters is to- promote public awareness of cystic fibrosis, a disease second only to cancer in taking Young lives and to raise- research dollars.'One-third of the research projects which could ' conceivable lead to a control for CF bad to be turned down due to lack of funds,, and prospects for* 1984 are bleaker stili unles there is a drastic tur- naround. Dr. Peter Durie spoke of extensive research taking place such as Dr. Durie pointed out that maies appear to, survive better tban females. He maintains there appears to beaa relationship différence in growth as well as survival. is requestedto contact the Branch Service 0f- ficer, of the local Branch, whose name appears below, to arrange an interview. John F. Razey Service Off icer SOT Bume St. W., Unit 40 WhItby, Ontario LIN 6J5 Phone 66&7150 speaker FREE PRESS îs pleased to announce that CATHY ~GIRDWOOD Ivan's Haîrstyling 1400 Dun das St. E., WhItby. has Joined our staff. For the month of October1 If EROFF 0MS CUT & BLOW DRYJ This offerapplies la Cathy only Cathy wouid also like to wslcome customers 0W & new to contact her ut her new location. LA CONTESS HAIR SALON 119 Green St., Whitby met 668*9262 at CF