NDP candidate sets sights to ousting Tory Fennel WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDFIESDAY OCTOBER 26, 1983, PAGE 7 Whltby high sehool teacher Geoff Rison Is set to make his third at- tempt at a seat ln the House of Commons and he 18 beginnlng his cam- palgn wlth his sights set on local Tory MUP Scott Fenneil. Rison, who was ac- claimed the NDP can- diate for the Ontario ricling recently, said in an interview that Fen- neil le misusing column space granted to hlm by this newspaper, axnong others. "Instead. of reporting what the Tory party is doîng, he is. using the column as a' political stage ot attack the Liberal and NDP par- ties, 'i said Rison. Rison, the 51-year-old head of the geograpby department at Anderson Collegiate,i says that Fennell and the Tory party do flot make their policies clear. "Fennell always sits on both aides of the fen- ce. We intend to go Into the election making clear what our position la. We may wln or we may lose but we don't change our minds." Rison refuses to be discouraged after failing twlce te gain the federal seat. "The NDP candidate who ran in 1976 got 5,000 votes. The first time -I ran, I got 10,500 votes. The second time 1 ran, I got close te 13,000 votes. If I can increase my total by 3,000 the next thne, I could win." He believes that the two previous attempts have helped hlm become more organized and have given hlmn ex- posure. "Exposure is the name of the game," he said. "My job 18 to get squeezed in wherever I can 80 I can get my Point of view known. " He remains uncon- cerned that recent Gallup poils have shown the Tories te be the front runners in popularity. 1"The polis don't per- sonally concern me. There's a number of people stilI undecided on who they'll vote for,"' he saîd. "We're not prepared to make our polîcies through the Gallup poils. Ilison said recent statements by Whltby Mayor Bob Attersley that he may run for either a Liberal or Tory nomination should put to rest allegations by the Liberals that the Toies and NDP are "Bed par- tners."y "Attersley being un- decided about what par- ty te run for indicates the absolute absurdity of those allegations. It shows the similarities between the Tories and Liberals."' Rison concedes that the Tories wil likely win the next election, which he predicts wlll be held next fail. "As it looks now Mulroney will be in but who knows for sure. A day in politics is like an eternity. I predict it will be a minority' gover- nment." These ladies are getting ready for the Station Gallery's Blackbottom Bail Friday, Nov. 4, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Heydenshore Pavillon in Whitby. Tess Matthews (left) and Jan Bishop-model the costumes that signify the Roaring Twenties. Free Press Staff Photo, ANmvERSAR SEE HOW PAY TV BRINGS THE GOOD LIFE IN1O VI.ENM C URL Up WITH A GOOD MDVIE On those cold, rainy autumn evenings, curi up with a good movie. A great way to end the day or make a wonderful weekend last a littie - longer! Pay TV movies like Reds and Tempest corne to you in cinema-style - unedited, uninterrupted, 24 hou rs a day - foras littie as $15.95* a mont/i. Choose from varied time siots on different days, so you can enjoy the rest of your good life and Pay TV too, T HERE'S A PLACE IN YOUR rLIFE FOR PAYTV. - With Pay TV you get more out of your viewing time, and great value, too. Just $1595* a mnont/i brings you movies, specials, sports, concerts and more -24 hou rs a day, completely unedited and commercial-free. - You're payi ng for quality not quantity 'So, eve n if you watch once or twice a week, you get your money'&worth. S PECIAL OFFER UNTIL OCTOBER 3lst! For a imited time, save $1500 off your Pay TV con nection fee. See coupon. Make Pay TV a part of your good life. Caîl Rogers and get connected todlay! *Plus connection tee and applicable taxes. 1 PAYTM. SO NICE TOCOME HOME TO. r ---------------------------- US TH OUOi IT I5 YOUR PAY WCONNECnoN FEE. The standard connection fee for: Duplicating Pay T J service on an additional set Rogers Addressable Converter- Hook L .j to Cable FM Stereo IOrder before October 31. 1983, and save. Present this coupon at ourt ibie centre or to your Rogers installer and saveI up to $1500.' Offer liited to one per household. Not redeemable for cash, not applicable to service charges, or for amounts exceeding regular connection tee. 'Befcxe taxes I Offer expires October 31.,1983. Save this coupon and present when you order or get connected. Also good for $1500 off nstallation of e extra cble miet e any rentai converter RlU Rogers Cable TV- Pine Ridge 301 Marwood Drive, Oshawa 579-2232 <Mon. To Fri. 9:00 am.-500 p.m.) OS172 --- ------- « ------------------- .11 'sl I~ D a Thalk you for Makilg us # Corne in to any ot Our Lightil9g unirntted stores acrOSS Canadas and elp s celebrate frIi one weeke ceB oshawa centre Lower Love I -728-0922 *RFeg. pdced merchandise Tlie Unlimited Ligliting storc.