CLA byS MsFJFDeyRa ENERGETIC setf.mativated femnate, 12 years experience. Bookkeeping, triai balance, ac- caunts payable, accaunts receivable, bank reconciition, payroti, typIng 50 wards per minute - manuel or computer. Ex- cellent employer reference. Wii woric froin your office or my home. Cati Nancy 686-4615. lUSVR'CE! BUTTERFLY Daycare Contre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Qualified Staff Hot Meals Age Frorn 6Weeks To 6Years Old 309 Bosch St. Whltby 668-8927 OR. 571-0031 WANT AN AFTERNOON OUT Rnsponsible mather wiii look af- ter chidren, pets or elderiy. Aiea do your houseworic. 668-548. NOW 5 DAYS A WEEK MOtIDAY ELECTRONIC KINSMÊN Lie. No. 366745 TUESDAY Jye & Pickering le N G O Minor Basebali WEDNESDAY Wonderers Rugby Il CASH a Optlmî $50 00USVG THURSDAY MSG P.H.A. FRIA Y $ 11 0000 JACKPOTr JA., 8MUSTGO Lic. No. 3U743 LIGHTNING 8OUND 7:00 P.M. REGULAR GAMES 7:30 P.M. - PAY $9000 ea. TRY OUR NEW MINI BINGO MACHINES - PLAY STARTS AT 6:00OP.M mO1WY = 11VER DOLLAR BINGO mXByLI 1735 Bayiy (at Brock Rd.) 0 eSILvEA DOLLARI PICKERING L II~oL~L831 -2421 WAIT A08 CL Ofl1 Pizza Lr,« 306 Stevenson Roaci North 3v OSHAWA HOME MA DE PIZZA RA KED FRESH TO YOUR, ORDER *COMPARE OUR SIZES *COMPARE OUR'PRICES + PEPPERONI # OLIVES # ON IONS * HOT PEPPERS * MUSHROOMS # PINEAPPLE # GREEN PEPPERS 0 HAM # BACON 4. ANCHOVIES # EXTRA CHEESE * TOMATO S LI'CES EAT INeTAKE OUTODELIVERY SERVING WHITBY 571-2112 OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Novembier 27th, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the north-east corner of Ritson & Taunton. New 3 & 4 Bodroom Townhouses o ORMOND WOODS CO-OP ' TUM - .Tomorrow's Lit estyle Today. Featuring: Sunaeck or French BalconyoPatio,@Walk.out BasemonteEat-in Kit- chen and Dlning RoomeCableffRange & Fridge,.Garage eLau nd ry Faciî1itilese Piayg round and Community Centre. IMMEDIATE OCCUPAN- CY $500 to $570 per month plus utilities. For In- formation cali 686.4787 between 9 & 5 Monday to Friday. SIMPLE iJ The simple solution to cîeanung storage probiems ln the attic and garage 18 a Ciassified Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS ...............68"111 iri su',6. AUCTION SALE Of Christmas toys and gifts at StouffyIllie Sale Barn, StouffvIîle on Thursday, November 24 at 6 p.m. SomethIng for everyone. NORM & PHIL FAULKNER AUCTIONEERS ANNUAL PRE CHRISTMAS- AUCTION SUf.1 NOV. 27 ~1:00 PM At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Road. Four miles. south of Port. Perry. With brand namo toys such as, Tonka, Ir- Win, Ideal, 'Parker, Coleco, Star Wars, and more. Assorted dolîs, games, trivial pursuit, gifts, noveities, leather crafts, decorations, fur- niture, antiques, chain saws, and many other good Items. Managed and sold by PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 AUCTION SALE SAT. NOV. 26 12 NOON At Claremont Com- munity Hall. Antiques, collectables and fur- niture, co-oil lamps, fan- cy. cups and saucers, brass, school barrel, shaving mugs, carnival glass, dining room chairs, dressers, waii dlocks, numorous other antiques. Terms cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 640-3079 PRINTING ivivitations .matches - servit ýttes M WED. NOV. 6:3OPM Brooklin Cor Centre, Cassei East, Hwy. 7 and thoso antique lo your Christmas1 are selling out t tents of a local shop plus select sIgnmonts. This li a French countr cabinet and desk, dinling room suitE' mohagany table, tables, country roll-top desk, wa ds, flat-to-wall, di rockers, oak wall large antique dlocks, plus a se of, old guns, wlcker, dols, glass, crocks, deci lamps, Indian bî gold Jewellery, prir palntings, plus more. This wilI 1 largest sale this y plan to attend. cash, Visa or'apl choque. Partial only. Preview 4:301 EARL MACKININ AUCTIONEEI 655-3526 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 23,1983, PAGE 19 HARASSMENT take it to the Human lilghts Commission." l'n mot cases, seXUal harassment is an M I attempt to assert power, h f tr, contended Rober- vlctims may opt to discuss the problem ~ with other office co- lONShe extent to which ohers have be ALE bothered,"op stated .30 'Onari GoerffëniToner Roberts. Collective h - agreement may point to mmunIty DEMOLITION an appropriate plan of s Road CONTRACTORS action to be taken J 12. For against the violator. vers on Domolîtion and Victims of sexual 1Iist. We removal of the harassment are ho con- Psychology Building bécoming more willing antique at the Psychlatrlc to reveal their concerns. 'ed con- > Hospital, WHITBY, In Jane's case, she said inludes Ontario that she would flot be ,y china content until action ,9 plece Tender No. GB-83-231 against her harasser B, round was initiated. "He parlour Sealed Tenders will caused me mental and chairs, be received until 2:00 physical strain 'and it shstan- p.m. local time on - was deliberate. I want ressors, Tuesday, December sexual harassment phono, 13,1983 stopped " she asserted. 1Wall Alison Roberts will BiectIon Tender Documents address the issue of brass, may be obtained f rom sexual harassment at china, the Ontario MinIstry the Nov. 30 Inter-Agen- bys, 011 of Government Sor- cy Luncheon sponsored ýaskots, vices, Orlilia District by the Social Planning rts and Office, 24 James St. Council of Oshawa much E., Box 790, Orillila, Whitby. Cost for the bo our Ont. luncheon is $9 per per- vear 50 Noe son, and wil be held at Terms Noe For furthor In- the Holiday Inn, proved formation regarding Oshawa, starting at listing the tenders, please 11:30 a.m. For ad- p.m. cali the Tenders Of- ditional information 4ON fice at the above ad- contact Barbara Smith R dress, Telophoine at the SPCO-W office, The iowest or any CH IT A Tender -not CH S M S necessariiy'accepted. MAILING TIPS SMinistry 0f Governrmn As Christmas ap- Services proachs, many requests Ontario on the procedures of CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR. NOV. 25 6:30 PM Three miles east of Little Britain or seven miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay/Littîe Britain Road. The property of MR. & MRS. LLOYD .WESTERN of Fenelon Falls. Round oak pedastal table, Victrola, yeilow Admirai drier, Frigidaire automatic washer, oak china cabinet buf fett com- bination, oak dining room chairs, Queen Ann style chosterfield and chair (reupholstored), waînut drum table, chromo kitchen suite, chest of drawers, l4ft aluminum iaddor, co-ol lamps, piatform rockers, wicker table, Console colour TV, cross country and dôwn hilI skis, quan- tity of tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 THE WORLD IS YOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEO PIE... Wherever yau mave the Wei- corne Wegon hostess sa the right persan ta hetp you find a Place In your new community, Cali 668-8943 ALL SPORTS DISCOUNT CENTRE 58 Baldwin BROOKLIN 00000 NEW & PRE-OWNED 'a.0 .. OFFERS: Oeiything yo a t regarding 3porting goods WANTED: on cansignement.- sports goads ln style and ln excellent condition 655-8079 HOUAS Man.-Thurs. 10:30 titi 5:30 p.m. Friday 10:00 a.m. titi 9:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. titi 6:00 p.m. Watch for ou.' officiai openlng apeciais on Dec.'l efh. HihPHOTOCOPYING Hihquality photocopying while you wait. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock Street North, WhItbyJ Christmas mailing arise. A few hints- can help get mail to its destinations on time. Remember to mail earlyl1 Christmas cards and parcels for local delivery must be mailed by Dec. 17. Christmas cards and parcels for out-of-town delivery must be mailed by Dec. 13. If mail is going out- side Canada and the United States, check the deadlines. This year, a Christmas mail telephone hotline has been introduced. The number is 369-XMAS (369-9627). It's a Toronto number, but customers in the region of Ontario covered by, telephone area code "416" and living outside the direct dialling zone may caîl 369-XMAS collect for in- formation. Correct postage will speed delivery. Christ- mas cards for Canada and the United States must be sealed and requires 32 cents postage for Canada and 37 cents for the Uniteu States. Rates for other countries are available at ail post offices or over, the 369-XMAS hotline. Address mail properly. The address, should be legible writ- ten, and should include the correct address and postal code and the return address and postal code. Your local post office can give correct postal codes. There, find labels to identify mail as "first class"y, &.?airmail" or "fragile". can also be obtained'.. 1- 11 ýýelÈe