PAGE 10,WEDNESDAY NO VEMB ER 30, 1983, WHITBY FR EE PRESS Speaking to You ~ By SCOTT FENNELI M.P. Every day 1 receive a neyer ending'supply of news releases- issued by the Government, announ- cing that they are funding a particular industry, with the intent to improve productivity. These reports usually announce that the GoverÙnment will be spending millions with the hope that the money wil provide new employment and strengthen the industry. 0f course, most of the content in the news releases la used as a promotion campaign by the Gover- nmeënt. Usually they applaud themselves for belng such astute judges in their choices of which in- dustries will receive funda or will become a part of a Government program. The problem is that the Government has shown from their past track record, that they cannot pick the wmnners. It neyer seems to fail that they pour the taxpayers money into a losing industry. I have repeatedly stated both during debate in the House of Commons, and before parliamentray committees, that the industries themselves can determine much more accurately which industry la striving ahead and those which are failing, yet the Government prefers to ignore their recommendations. Here is an example of the Government's judgement. In 1982, >a- study was completed to determine the possibility of establishing a steel-bar industry in Windsor. This study mas commissîoned by the Department of Industry, Trade and' Com- merce. The amazing thing is that when this study was being done, the steel-bar industry as a whole was operatingat leus than 40 percent of capaclty. Why were these funds spent ln such a rîdiculous manner, at a time when 80 many industries were pleadlng wlth the Government for funds in order to survive the recession? It la Urne for the Government to face the facts, that they cannot continue to ignore the advloe of the members of the business communlty, otherwise, we cannot expeet any iniprovement in the state of in- dustry in Canada. SANTA'S COMING Santa Claus la comlng to town soon. Children wil have the opportunlty to visit with hlm at the Whltby Mail on Thlckson Rd., every day from Nov. 26 until Christmas startlng at 10: 30. Video Station Cornes To Whitby Downtown Whitby's growth continues with the opening of the M2d Video Station in the new commercial'building at 209 Dundas Street East. Video Station is the largest of the franchised video, dealers in North America, havlng begun in California several years ago and expan- ding into Ontario under Canadian ownerships in 1981. In two years, the company lias grown from one store on St. Clair to 82 throughout the province. In announcing, the openlng in Whitby, Video Station promised to provide a fulll une of current movies In bothm Beta and VHS formnats, a complete selection of VCR units from Sony, Hitachi, Sanyon and JVC, plus blank tapes and accessories. This will be the only video location in Whit- by/Oshawa with each movie available in both formats. One of the attractions offered by Video Station is their Gold Card RAISED 'P'RINTING a BUSINESS CARDS f129 BROCK ST. NORTH 668-3618 membershlp whlch ailows members to reserve movies by telephone durlng the week for the weekend, preventing, disappoin- tment. Reductions la price on rentais of both movies and machines la an added incentive. to become a member. A coupon book worth $ZKI la free movies and ren- tala completes the package. The Whitby Video Station is owned and will be operated by James Kidd, a Whitby resident and broad- caster. For the past five years he has been program dirlector of a major .Toronto' radio station. In 'September' he joined CKQT-FM la Oshawa . as Program Director. He will con- tinue in radio while spendlag several hours eaeh day in the video location. Foilowig the opeming, Mr. Kidd ad- ded "I'm very excited about gettlag into retail after spending ail my 111e la broadcasting. Video has been my hob- by for many years-,and, with the strength of the Video. Station behind me, 1 hope* to provide a 'full-service location for. VCR ownersà and en- thusiasta in Whit- by/Oshawa."' Video Station cali themselves,: the Mc- Donalda ýof, the vldeo. In- dustry and they are cer- talnly impressive with their sheer professional attitudes and attention to detail. -They leave nothing to chance and have 'developed tremendous quality, con- trol systems that we-can pass on to, our ICSF.,UMESHER JEWELLER Snos&Students i15%off I wlth this coupon I «B682872 I 109 Dundee St. W. 301 Marwood Drive Oshawa Hours: 9:00Oa.m. -6:00p.qiT. Mon.-Fri. Rogers> ~g-jCable TV 579-2232 GOLD C HAINS 4004FFJ (Manufacturers Items Only) 1 DAY ONLY December lst, 83 10 a.m.-10 p.m. 30% OFF CULTURED PEARLS December 2nd OnIy - Noon - 9 LIMITED 197 Queen Street, Port Pemjy - 985-8263