Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1983, p. 23

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WHITBY FREE PRESS* WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 7, 1983, PAGE 23 Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read ICLASSIFID HELP WAITEB SALES POSITION EXECUTIVE INCOME - Weekly Training Allowan- ce, commission and monthiy bonus to qualiflers. THE POSITION.- Direct field sales to the public provling MOTOR CLUB BENEFITS that Include 'Personal Accident Insurance Protection. REQUIREMENTS - Previous sales experience. Ap- plicant muet be ambitiousý, have a good car, and be self motivated. CAN YOU ýQUALI FY? Apply ln person to Don Poiishuk at Holiday Inn, Oshawa on Monday, Decomber l2th at 2 p.m. or 7 p.m. sharp or cmli 725-8402. WORD PROCESSINO & Micro Computer Introductory courses. Thrse week apecial, $96. Longer courses avallabis wlth certif icats and lob placement. 683-7767. EXPERIENCED halrdreassr wlth clentels. Cal 668-4911. MATURE EXPERIENCED babysîtter nesded. One chIld. Ot- ter Creek area. 666-3496.> EXPERIENCED Part-tims waltrsss for lunches aniy. 66&. NOTICE TO FRANCIS PAGACAR IN THE SUPREME COURT 0F ONTARIO A Petitlon for Divorce has been presented by Stefanija Pagacar. You, may inspeot the Petition at the Off ice of the Local Reglstrar of this Court at 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. If you wish to appearï or to op- pose the Petitlon, or If you seek other relief, your Appearance or'An- swer or Answer and Counter-Petition must be dellvered ln accor- idance with the Rules of Court. In default, of Ap- pearance or Answer, you .will not be entitled to notice of any further proceedings. A copy of the Petition and Notice of Petition willI be maiied to you upon recelpt. of a written request to the Iabove-named Registrar. DANIEL J. BALENA Barrîster and Solitor 40 Hunt Street Ajax, Ontario IlS 3MY2 Solicitor for the Petlioner AUCTION SALE THURS. DEC. 8183 6:30 PM Claremont Conmunity Hall. *Furnîture, antiques, colon lamps, brass, old telephone, dishes and collectabies. Terms Cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 64-3079 VI1E YHROUGN NEW & USED CAR BUTS 1L49 ... srU... sMU JUST CALL OSILLA INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH PERSONNEL la *proud ta present a cert ficasts courses for hsaith cars aid. Small classes, nsw fuily squippsd classrooms, Instructions ln activs trsatment sittînge. Equlp ths successful graduats ta sssk goad sm- ployment appartunîtes ln prîvats homss and nursing homes. Day and svsnlng classes. Oshawa 728-4946. ria G~oveJgpn a [t T[e~nd GENERAL CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited for replacement of ap-. proximately 30 existing doors and frames, 2 storey stairwells addition to exlsting buildIng at the Psychiatrlc Hospital, Buildings 25 and 26, Whitby, Ontario. Tender documents may be obtai ned f rom: Min istry of Government Services District Office 24 James Street, East Orillia, Ontario L3V 6K7' Telephone (705> 325-7403 Min istry of Government Services Public Tenders Office Room M1-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1 N3 Telephone (416) 965-1152 A $15,000 Bld Bond, 100% Performance Bond and 50% Payment Bond are required. Sealed tenders wilI be received until 3:00 p.m., Thursday, December 22, 1983, at which time they wili be opened ln public. Tenders will be opened in Toronto. NOTE: For f urther Information please contact Mrs. L. Sidney, Public Tenders Office, Toronto, or the District Office above. Please quote Project No. HE 36989. The lowest or any accepted. T.O. 183 tender wiIl not necessarily be Ministry of Government Services [,6 ~ erry Christmas k. & Happiness Throughout ThesYar. SManagement At Darlington Mushroom Farm ADS THE WKITBY JAYCEES* Presents The * SOVIET VETERANS * vs.' TORONTO OLD«TIMERS * Wednlesday December 7th183 at 8 p.m. in the Iroquois Park * Tickets aval lable.at the Park * 3611 hockey sticks _ for* f Irst 200 chlldren. - mmmmd mobti meyow Mol.heof I y.mie boyr Omoho mo@»$" ind b Vi. deI mi boo " bY me dm "a «Ws -wamloRum" n.umgdi ornWlemmICho" OwoyIm jetram m*.th Md omi mhO Mmd 01er a le - e..you ue 0euw un i Iidd om lh or *ffl sepeamubllio Wfeam eNt"a, Ne .oeil c14Memlld md th dwwlloe or.v70,00 peimmilel boumu. nuel musdey U0" MuNIbale youvdeevol,. eu6s611 WHITBY FREE PRESS. BIBLE BIBLE TNERS . PNIN CMA NON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Installation only of a Bath Lift Unit at the Psychlatric Hospital ln WHITBY, Ont. Ten- der No. GB-83-239 Sealed Tenders. wiII, be received untli 2:00' p.m. local time on - WEDNESDAY, DEC- EMBER 28, 1983. Tender Documeçntsý may be obtalned f rom the Ontario Mlnistry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Off ice, 24 James St. E., Box 790, Orillia, Ont. Note: For further In- formation regarding the tenders, please cal the Tenders Of- fice at the above ad- dress, Telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. M ~instry of Governfient Services Ontario Wherevsr you move the Wel- corne Wagon hosles13 the rlght persan ta help you find a place ln your new community, Clio M.B.M. Publishlng 131 Brock St. N. Whltby 668-6111 Bible Companlon Send for your free copy of a "Systamatlc' Plan", to read the .,bible. The Old Testment once and the New Test twice, during the course of a year. Also, ask fo)r f ree bl-monthly "Light" bookiet. You are under no obligation. These are to help you and your study of the bible. Write to The Dawn Chrîstadeiphian, P.O. Box 393, Ajax, Ontarlo1LiS 305. rFloppy =Disks by aoel 5/V' DISKETTE _A N97803 -Prebfoerawcf lotAES Plus& AlgIiph plus 5.65 ea, .u- N97575 for Apple Il RadoSfhack TRS80 Lls 1& 3 4.70 e,, N97875.luanqsr . % 6.50 ea. 8" DISKETTES N97525 lor IBM Sysitiin 32 4.85 e,,. N97523 for Wanq Svstern 25 &30 5.85 ea N97593 f rXrox 850 &86o595 ea N97840 lot AES 90 & 100 6.95 ea. N97838 - orAES C20 Mut Plus à.95 ea ONLY 16 Shopping Days Left '(il. Christmas- Classified Ads Are People Movers they mhove people Into homes and apartments in new neighbourhoods. If yoU're thinking of buying, selling or renting, advertise in "Whitby's Most Widely Read"' Cîassified section. WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 îhPHOTOCOPYING Hihquality photocopying while you wait. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock Street North, WhitbyJ By GRAHAM CUNNINGHAM, CA Syndlcated Columulot A lot of good folk who have dllgently pald their bis ail their lives are flndlng themeelves in trouble wlitb creditors because of unemploy- ment or reduced in- cornes. In the first two months of this year alone there were more than 5,000 personal bankruptcies, and -for every Canadian who took this drastie step we can, be sure there were many more in financial trouble. How can an individual protect bis credit rating i the midst of reces- sion? How can he regain a good eredit rating that bas been wreeked by non-payment of bills? Happily, it's flot as tougli as it might seem. It's ail a question of attitude. Wben trouble occurs, it's frequently flot tbe individual's abiiity to pay that couin- ts most, but bis per- ceived willingness to pay. The* person wbo keeps in close toucli with bis creditors, wbo Iexplains bis problemis Iand proposes alter- Inative means of meeting bis obligations, can frequently survive a financial emergency with bis credit rating in- tact and witb good marks for openness and co-operation. The important tbing is for tbe'incividual to get- in toucli witb bis creditors before tbe roof caves in - certainly be- fore creditors bave to go to the trouble and ex- pense of sending out overdue notices and making pho ne calis. Tbey hate surprises; if tbey are told what is happening, tbey will be mucli more patient and they may even be able to belp. Sometimes, of course, there will be creditors W ho don't want to bear Sad stories. Tbey want their money and they want it on time, or else. Or an individual may feel lie cannot pacify al bis creditors with ear- nest expianations. In sucb cases, lie would be well-advised to get in touch witb one of Ont- ario's publicly funded credit couinselling ser- is write tbe c ounseliing service a montbiy cheque. Althougli some creditors dislike dealing witb these services, most will co-operate. For the debtor it means relief from barassment and, a fresh chiance to tackle bis problem. *1 f fl fi' Untar m

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