PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY IDECEMBER 14,1983, WHITBV FREE PRESS ARTICLESFsOARSLE Q2FOR SALE FO ARILES FOR SALE ski rock, $15. Phone 66868429. MOVING SALE swivsi rocker, $85 royal blue vInyi, 10w back, no skirt. Very gaod condition. Sktar swivol rocker, $175 - bronze gold acrylic voivot, high bock. Liko new. Phono 579.1 KITTENGER WINGBACK down- filoed chesterfioid. Walnut carvod arma and facioboard, $400. Bell pump argon. WaInut'case, needo somo wark, $200. Cail befare 9 p.m. 723-8751. ANTIQUE gingerbread dlock In Ai condition. Original parts. Asking $200. Cali 655-4917. TV ANTENNA Good condition. Wo wili deliver.- $85. Westemn guitar (Enperadar> Good con- dition. $70. Phono 571-3916. INTELLIVISION Including four games and joy sticks, $225. Phonoe68-8098. 54" FOUR POST double pine bed ln gaad condition, wvIth mattress and rail away castors, $95. Wood slave, ans year aid, with bi- folding doors and damper aesembly. Very goad condition. Witt delivor, $150. Installation ovalioble for extra cast. Phono 571-3916. ADMIRAL RECORD PLAYER ln ft. wide waInut cabinet, $95. 668- 0469. EXCELLENT CONDITION 30' mottroas and box spring on legs, $125. Hlde-a-bed, $150. Phono 728-8850. LONG BROWN leathor coat, ladies, size 13-14, $75. Almoat now conditian. Mense Lorrodo cowboy boots, size 5, black and sizo 6, brown,, $85 each. 571-097 afler 5 p.m. SINGER SEWING MACHINE with cabinet. Both ln excellent con- dition. Asking $150. Phone Oshawa 433-1577. FOR SALE Bunk, bedo, used ln cabîn, $10. Wood couch with cushions, gald calour, $35. Twa card stands for store with drawers, $25 each. Leof shredder, Sears mako, $2W. Bathroam sink (with tapa), $8. Phono 668-5060. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec stylo, assorted colore, $55 eoch. Frigidaire automoatIc drier $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man tant $160. Bally raceway pinball machine, needs some work, $350. Phone 985-9258. 7 PIECE VICTORIAN parlor set. Approximately 120 years aid. One love seat, one platform rocker, one ormchoir, four occassionai chairs. $1,800 or best offor. 668. 5095. NIKON FIT LENSENS lOOmm., $70. Vivtar 24mm., $80. UnItax 85-2lOmm., Macro 'Zoom, $100. Vivtar tels convertor, $20. Phono 686.0009. QUEEN SIZE bedspread and drapes, $40. Round kitchen table (drop sides) and two chairs, $50. Console stereo, $50. Phono 688- 1258. PIONEER SX-750 receiver and turntabio. 50 watts. Mach 1 speakers, $550. Honda Il bass gultar and-amp., $225. 668.0067 ask for RIck. LOT à TRAILER on Pigeon Lake. 35ft. traiter wlth double tipouts, fully furnishod, plus 3lft. dock. Asking $23500. Cail Bill or April atter 6 p.m. ai 662581 or woekonds 985-2706. HOMEMADE BOX traiter. Hoavy duty. AskIng $1,200 or bost offor. Phono Bill or April aftor 6 p.m. at 666&2581 or woekonds 985-2706. DRESSER, antique style, w/mlrror, $150. Phono 282-8760. TOYS Idéat for Christmas nover usod. TCR total control racing sot, $35. Bauer Hugger skates, sizo 7, $25. Two olectronic games, $15 each. Gome of Risk and Who's It, $8 oach. Téescope, $30. Aiso pins mates bod, $70. Phono 668-.5220. DOUBLE lED mattreso and box sping, $50, Five place table sot, $250. Caili 66&8528., FOR SALE 2 single boda, $85 for both. Ladies winter coot, fur lined, sizo 12, $50. Mono jacket, blue, size 48, $15. Girls ciothing, size 516, $10. Ail Items like now condition. Ashburn Rd. Brooklin 655-8764. Mm.. - PLEASE HEAD - When the advertised Item le soid, disposed of, or unavailabis for whatever reason, the Item wi be deemed 10 have been aoid and a commission wIil be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiiustrated below, regardiess If price le stated with "best offer. If the Item le NOT SOLO, or diepoeed of, the ad will b. run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wIii appiy payable In advsnce of publication 0f the firet ad. Otherwiee a $7.50 charge wili ap piy If billed which muet be paid upon recelpi 0f bill. The above minimum charges wiii be appiisd to the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wili be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $7.50 biiied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisernente muet be placed on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieasons montÎh If not sold. 5% ai advertlsed prIco Up la $400.00 RATES (if article la sold): 2%,,ai balance aver $400,00 EXAMPLE: Sald Item advertisod for $120.00. Cammissian due $600 <minimum charge la $6,00). PrIvate advertieing onlyt Please notIfy the Whitby Free Press Immediately when Item le eoid eo that we may delete It from the foliowing Issue. Ait ode not fitting the Emporium guidelines wIii be treated and charged per week os reguior clieified ads on o pre-paid basis such as: eervices, heip wonted, clothIng, rosi estote, and pereonal message type ode, or ode not quoting prIce or quantIty. PrIvate cioesified ode moy oppear ln the Emporium section under appropriaIs heodinge. A«LL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIÉIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whltby, Li N 5S1 If ln doubt cail: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brook St. N. Whllby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. FRSLEARTICLES ARTICLES FRSL'FOR SALE FOR SALE CHILD'S ELLAN skies, polos and Nordica boots. Size 9, $180. Boys Micron skates. Size 8, $30. An- tique oak buffet, $100 Bird cage on stand, $15. Phono 728-6850. FOR SALE woodstove, $200. Heovy duty box trouler, $400. Col after 5 p.m. 666-9548. FOR SALE four oak chairs, needs some work, $20 eoch. Roctangler ook table, needa work, $175. End tables, $10 each and stop laddor, $15. Phonoe63-6638. OLD BUTLERS secretary desk, china cabinet on top. Linusual plece. Good condition, $495. 728- 4849. ANTIQUE STYLE dreseer with three drawers. Approximateiy 30" wide x 36" high with large wood framed mirror. Neede refiniehing. $125. Phono 282-8760. CUSTOM-MADE bedspread and hoïadboord, King size, wlth mot- ching drapes 100x45, $200. All Items in very goad condition. Ashburn Rd., Brooklin 855-8764. ONE 4'x8' POOL TABLE One set of eight bail. One set of enooker. Mode In Beigium. Cue rock. Aeking $350. Tlephons table, $10. Eiectric fan, $15. Phone 728- 7927. SKIS, POLES, BOOTS for soie. Ski length, 170cm. Boat size 8 or 10. Price $75. Colu1683-6638. SWAY BARS and mirrors for trailer, $95. Two new Kirsch drapery trocks, extende f rom 80" ta 150", $10 eoch. Phono 655- 8000. INTELLEVISION incîuding 9 games. Asking $275. Phono 579- 9029. MANS FULL LENGTH long haired beaver cool, sizo 40. $850. Ladies muskrat and raccoon and loathor fur cool, size 14. $400. Phono 579-9029. SKI PACKAGE ans Rossignol 170cm. Salomon bindings, potes. Dynatit boots, size 7, $250. Ala Nardica, size 7 and Nordice com- puters, size 8, $50. 723-6167. FOR SALE Eina eewing machine, $180. Humidifier, $80. Stereo 8 track deck, $30. Rocking choir, $120. Konmore corpot sweeper, $10. Two iodles wlntor cas, size 18, excellent condition,,$45 and $50. Ladies skirt, size 18, $20. Throo plastic etscking tables, $9. Phono 668-7838. SEWING MACHINE with cabinet. Excellent condition, $85. UJndsr- wood typewriter, manuel, good condition, $45. Phono 683-6638. MUNROE LITTON CALCULATOR Computer modet 1860, 64 K capocity, $100. Phone 668-0009. FOR SALE Apartment size wssher-drysr with stand. Ex- cellent condtion. $450Ipair. Phono 66-1495. FOR SALE In good condition. Two poire ai twin mottrooses. Complote with box epringe, $100. Double mattreas with box'spring, $50. Phono 666-1532 evenInge. FOR SALE Hôover spin washorldryer. Rogular $430. Aeklng $385. Oniy 4 manths oid. tJsed twIce. Phone 683-4104. TB QUARTER HORSE MARE Chesînut 16h. 8 years Reg. Cdn. HunIer, gentle novices, $2.500. TB Geiding by Tamarack, 16'3h. Boy 7 years, 4 white socks, proven Hunter, $4,000. HunIer appraved Foal 1 'h yeors. Boy by Tamorack, $3,000. Phono 655- 3538. AUTOMOLES "iT5 cyciL' FRSALE- FOR SALE 1979 CHEV BLAZER 4 wheel 1981 HONDA CIVIC flveý speed, drive, angle ptow. Asking $850 AMIFM cassette, tinted glass. 1250Dunds St 6W-386.Asking $5,000. Phono 8111 or Aprli 1250Dunas t. 88-166.after 6 p.m. et 666-2581 or .weekends 985-2706. 1974 MGB convertible. Alil boots lncluded, 4 speed, 1,800 CC Michelin tires, ail around ex- collent condition. 27,000 original miles. $3,000 firm. 655-3006. 1973 FORD COUNTRY SOUIRE Wagon. V8, power ateering, power brakes, power windows. Runs wsll. Winterizod. $570 un- certified. Phone 579-9074. 1973 SIJBARBAN Not ln running condition. Good tires. $30 or best offor, as sa. Phone 576-1058. 1969 MONTEGO MX 4 dr., 351 new brakes, master cylindor, exhaust wiree. Needs tires for certification. Goad winter cor. $500. Cati Rues 655-4416. 1965 CHEV IMPALA power steering and brakes, 47,000 original mileage. $600 or beet of- fer. Phono before 6 p.m. 655-8021 ask for Bud. 1981 HONDA SILVERWING GL'-00, water cooled, shaft drive, plexiglase fairing, rear carrier, low mlooage, excellent condition. Asking $2000. Phono 668-265. 198 YAMAHA RD 400 Excellent condition. $1100 firm. Phone 655- 4224. 5NY EEDS ONE GENDRON INFANT lave seat, $25 and ans Gendran chld love seat, $50. Bath ln excellent condition. Caîl wookonda or sfter 5 p.m. 655-3575. SNWMBILES eiRENTREALS ___________________ SNOWMOBILE, 40OCC Alouetti eiectric etort. $200 or bost 'offer. 1975 BUICK CENTURY 2-door, 6 Phono 686-4684 atter 6 p.m. cylinder, outomSlic, power stooring, power brakes, 60,000 mitos. Excellent condition. SKI.DOO 440 TNT, wide trock, $3.150 or beet offer. Aiso 1974 1,200 miles, Ilko new, $650. Chev Impala, 4-door, V8 Phono 655-8764. sutomalic, certIfled 3 monthe ago. $450 or besl offer. 579-9419. _____________ flli MUSICAt. I AUTOMOTIVE ISTUM NT REPAIR/PAATS1 FOR SALE Mansfield base guitar .0nd .N.T. Poavev basa amplifier, 1977 PLYMOUTH FURY 2-door, mechanica buy, con bo f ixed 10 drive. $300. Phono 855-3006. 1973 VW BEETLE PARTS Doors, $50 oach. Engins Iid, $25. Four spoed wlcompiete swing axIs, $100. Gos tank, $15 and variaus email parts. Phone 282-8760. FOUR No. A78x13 Good Yser polyester beîted tires on Toyota ri ms. $20 eoch. 655-3006. FOUR WHITE SPOKE steel wheele. 14x5½ 2ta fit Dsîsun, Ford Courier and Mazda trucks, $125 set. 282-8760. COBRA, MUSTANG, CAPRI, 79 and up. 3/4 H.D. rear anti-sway bar with hardware and Instruc- tions, $55. Phono 282-8760. 45 watts R.M.S. Bath ln excellent condition, $300. Great for a beginner. Case Included. Phono 668-7829. ONE KIMBALL Superstar 'I organ. Oniy il montha aId, Juot as new. Haif the original prie, askIng price $1,200. Phono before 6 p.m. 655-8021 a8k for Bud. THOMAS ORGAN for sale. Twa keybaard, excellent condition. Includes bench, llght end, shoot music. AskIng $950 fIrm'.Phono 668-2725. THOMAS ORGAN Twa years aid, mInt co 'ndition, lwo keybaards, lit keys, many functions. Bench and sheet music inciuded. -Gaod Christmas prosent. $1,500 or boat offer. 655-3536. .4, CON FUSED? t- 4"' Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sin- tions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't questions - if not, do cail 668-6111 and we'I be pleased to explain the miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have ques- Emporium Section to you personally. If you: " are a private advertiser; " have an article to seli; and, " have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertiÉe under the Em porium sec- tion (see guidelînes above for more details). Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months>. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad: $6.00 if paid before the f irst Insertiono f your ad; $7.50 If you are biled after your ad has appeared once. If your article does NOT selI within three months, you pay only the minimum charge. It Is unfortu- nate that no newspaper can guarantee your article wili selI, but, where else couid you get three mon- ths advertising for oniy $6.00? When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Commission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS thé minimum charge described above.. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the follow- ing advertisemnent placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. ____________________________________don't forpet to Includo your phono numbor) El I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. El Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. E] Bill me for $7.50 after first publication of my ad. Card Na. Exp. Date Name (please print) Addrosa City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBYj FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131lBrockSt'.N. Whitbv Li N 5S1 Below are somne examples of what you wouid be charged If your article sold within three months. Commissions shown Include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Advertised Price Up to $120 $ 150 $ 200 $ 300 $ '400 $ 500 $ 600 $ 700 $ 800 $ 900 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 and up Total Amount Payable $ 6.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30,00 32.00 52.00 72.00 92.00 100.001 PEU.. heM Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the following conditions.