Whitby Free Press, 14 Dec 1983, p. 22

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PE 22,WEDNESDAY 0DECEMBER 14, 1983, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS Whiltby's Most WIdleIy Read DS q3jjIVCES "EVCS VCES ATICLES A RTA~IES EIlW1 EUTO S1FOR SALE OR SALE TO BI1YjMRE1ENT STEAM CLEANING SPECIAL Any size living room, ~9 dining room, hall, stairs, only $8 ai & one bedroomn cleaned in your home ... CALL NQW STEAN BUTLER MOBILE iTEAM CLEANING SYSTEM Larry Bureau, BAKERY & DELICATESSEN Specioising in EUR6PEAN à CANADIAN BREADS, BUNS à ROLLS DA KED FRESH DAIL Y ON PREMISES ITALIAN CAKES CAKES FOR ALL -OCCASIONS FRESH DOUGHNUTS IMPORT ED DELICACIES TUES-THURS 9-6:30 FR1 9-7 SAT 9-6 SUN 9-5 WHITBY 668-6020 110ODUNLOP E I (2 Bi.S. 0f Du ndas) R&T HOME IMPROVEMENTS, renovations to ail rooms. Drywaii, textured spraying, drap cellings, free estimates. 728-2974. 7fdv234ma033 fl,ýRUG CLEANING SPECIAL, Have Vaur LlvingRoom, [Dlnlng-Roam And Haîiway 0f Any Size Cleaned For $40.00. Bedroome Are $10.00 Extra. AIl Work-le Guarantsed. For Appaîniment Camii: 668.l465 IMPROVEMENTS, Additions, Repaire, - FresaestImnates, gumranteed warkmmnship. 579- 4966 EriceI-amer. RELIABLE LADY wili dlean'your home. Phono 668-1239. LICENSED PAINTER and paperhanger $10 per haur f irm,' !hg9p-at home service, writtsn guarantes, discount on paint, references avaliabie,' free estimats or advice. Cali Ran 728- 7430. FREE ESTIMA TES Oshawa MUSIC LESSONS for vialin and guitar. By Professional lnstruc- tor. 868-3741. PRIVATE XC SKI LESSONS of- fered tram sxperîenced Nordic skier. Any age begînner ta advan- ced. Cali anytime. Doug 7256704. Pray for snow. EAVESTROUGH CLEANING ser- vice and repaire, iandscaping, fal dlean up work. Cali Paul 579- 7492, evenings. ANTIQUES We paiish boiiers, ketties, ail lampe, 'etc. Minar repaire, brase iquering, isa moat makes af, cookware repaired mnd reflnished. Cmii 683- 1180. LICENSED PLUMBER with years of experience pus Weil deveioped skiiis In mii the Con- struction Trades. $16/haur. Caii John 686-1452. Drywood $45 a single Cord (705) 454-8260 FOR SALE up-right argan. Good çpondition. Phone 668-1807. 1611 SEARS calaur TV. Excelent condition. $135. Phone 655-3006. METAL DETECTORS - Special Christmas package nsw and used. 6-2831 9 .m. ta 9 p.m. CHRISTMAS TREES Pîne $10 and lup. SpruceIl 2 and up. 16 Way Street Corner of Way & Price, Brooklin. MATTRESSES and box aprings at hait price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. SALT COD for sale lrom Maritimes. Inquire at 728-6896. JEWELLERY, engagement rings, GM rings baught and sold. Ail repaire and wili trade. 728-0906. ANNONCENTS CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcamIng -mrriage. Please visw aur sampies 0f engraved wedding Invitations et yaur lei- sure In aur Ajax Plaza store. DIck- son Printing & Offilce Supplies 883-1968. FREE: Drap Imb the Dlcksan PrIntlng & Office Supply stars ln the Aax Plaza and pick up a fIres copy of their 1983 Metric Calen. der, Printed ln twa colours, It makes for hmndy reference. 683- 1968. TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes and modeis, by the weekend, week or month. Discounts avmIl- abe. DIckeon Printing & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cli us for business machins repaire 683-1968. 25%- OFF i, SELKIRK ineuiated chimnsy producte. Simlar discounts on woodtaves and firepiace Inserts. Whlls Supplies Last. 576-2255. FIREWOOD Top Quality HARDWOOD, MAPLE AND DEECH Seasoned, Ready Ta Burn, Cut & Spli Dellvery Avmlabie 13 5cord 4x8'x16') '60 One Cord '185 985-8284 or 985-8036 Port Perry PRINTINO PRESS Muiti 1250. single lever, with chaîn dsiivsry and spray unit and NuArd FlIp top platemaker. Best remeonabie of- fer. Cali Mike St 68-6372 days. OEOTYPE press-on iettsrîng now In stock et Dickeon PrlntIng & Of- fics Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection of styles and sîzes. Why pay more for a emaiter sheet of ittsring? 683-1968. KINECTICO - Worid's fineet wter sattener and filters, uses very littîs sait and no eîectricity. Gary Young Piumbing, 655-4936. CHECK OUR 10W EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfieldat bedroom sels, colonial dining roorna, and kiachen suites, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (At RItean) Oshawa VAN, HEMMEN 1-416-666-2121 107A- WARREN RD. WHITBY THINK OF SNOWS NOW! BRIDGESTONE 1OR ¶5 SPEMAL DUNLOP KLYSFR 190 MICHELIN K1LYSAFR16 $190 UNIROYAL KELLYSAFAR qjOOD.RICI1 K3LLY1 SAFARI5$13900 FIRESTONE 3~201 K EL. .Y-SP RINU 1 1E Li) KÇLLY SAFARI $50 OVER 50 US(D WHIEN YOU THINýK TIRES TIR'ES Mn0 & UP (CALL VAN HEMMEN TIRES M~mA~d666-212 1 CARPETING Save 40 ta 60% Builder's surplus and custom broadloom shop at home service'. Free estimates. Installation available. CalI After 6 p.m. *'HEROES of the Bibis" colourlng book avaliabieetaiDiokeon Print- ing & Office Suppiy, Aax Plaza, 683-1968. Demler Inquirieseln- vited. FOR SALE dry mlxed hrdwaod. 15"'. Deiivered. 66-5735. CHESTERFIELD suites, love- seate, sectionals, ls than ½h price. Large selectian. McKeen Furniture. 524 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. IIIORSLE 1973 ASTRA 4 cylinder, 4 spesd, new brakes, clutch and bmttery, Sony AM/FM cassette. Nesds minor body work. Muet be seen. $450. Cali Ron 683-7956. FOR SALE 1973 Chev. 4-doar, P.S., P.B., 350 engins, 80,000 miles, certified, new paint. Gaad eecnnd car. $850. 668-9316. 1976-GRAND LEMANS for parte. Hit ln back. 4-door, air. Cmii 655- 8025. 12~ LOST GOLD CROSS PEN sngraved F. Richardeon. On Cen- tre St. south af, Dundas. Cali collect 985-7436. Rsward. LOST mals black Retriever. Brookiin-Whitby ares. Anewers ta Chester. Reward. 683-4977. 900 sq. ft. 668-7017 or 579-1596. >WE BUY andi SELL, USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDITION AND GUARANTEE, WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent, on prafeselonai floor. Would be suitabie for iawyer, accountant, etc. Rent includes ail utilities and le negotiabîs for an appropriate tenant. For furthsr Information cmii 668-8372 bslween 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday ta FrIday. NEED A RENTAL? Cmli the Exper- tel We carry hauss, tawnhousss, duplexes, apar- tmente, flatel AIl areas, sizes, priceel 579-4500 Homnelocators, CASH, FOR jeweilery, furniturs, coins, antiques, ans Item, or a housefui, or even-th. houes. 728- 4455. BeUTTERFLY, Daycare Coentre No. 2 Open,6 a.mh. to 6 pJ.m. QualIf led Staff Hot Meals Age From 6 Weeks" To 6Years Old 309 Besch St., Whltby 668-8927 OR» 571-0031 EXPERT' DAY CARE taking.Sp. plications. ECE graduate. Haif and full day programa. Hours 6: 30 ta 6:30. Baianced mme, piaygraund and iota of love and cars. Rossiand and Garrard., 571- 3636. LARGE TWO BEDROOM Whitby tri-plex. Broadlaomed, balcony, quiet building, suit mature adulte. $465 manthly. Avaliable January or Fsbruary. 668-9655. ONE BEDROONM partment ln imail Port Whitby building. Adulte only. $350 per manth ln- clucies fridge, stave, hydroamnd parking. Cabie TV and lundry facilitiez availabie. Phono 668- 6372 betwesn 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. AD: WORK WONDERS WAIT CALS84S ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please cheCk-your advertisement for errors on the f lrst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will-flot be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors ln publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the f lrst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejeCi ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear ln the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1île each addition- aI word If pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to yuur Chargex -or Visa account. Please have your Visa Card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words; 12o each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12e each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34s per line. (No wordl ads allowed.> BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numnbers, however, we ac- cept no liability regarding loss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding suCh replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies not Called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 WE BUY COINS Collections, accumulations, oId gold and sterling, paper money, stamps. BEN'S COIN'& STAM PSHO P McLAUGHLIN SQUARE 50 Rchmond St. E., Oshawa 579«2622 Open Tues.-Sat. 10Oa.m.-6 p.m. f1 ERVCAICES I ARTICLES r >ARTICLES SERVICESFORESLE FOR SALE "G0RAMMAR for People Who hate grammar" le the ideal pocket virT ur used furniture wrs- rsfsrence book for business houes by appaintment. Blg FOR SALE people. $3.95 per copy and avail- savinge on deeke, chairs, fillng Hr al able t Dickson Printlng & Office cabinets, etc. Cmii Dickson Prînt- Hr al Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer ing & Office'Supplies ta arrange Well Seasoned enquiriese nvit8d 683-1968. an ppointment ta view. 683- 15 Months Old U>JREPAIIPARTSIOFFICE SPACE REPIR/ART], F > RREIN 1T COMECI_ ~'PROPERTYI ýejF0R SANLE/RENT (M TS STORk FOR RENT down town CODSFOR RENT D ORT AUTO GLASS IERRY' & TRIM 139 Water St. MOBILE SERVICE 985-8507 Windshields, Vinyl Convertible Tops and Complete Interiors, Boat Tops & Seats, Sun Roofs, Pin Strlpes & Mouldings 9

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