PAGE 8,WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 21, 1983, WH ITBV FR EE PRESS, CH RI STMAS CAROL SE CTI ON ,t1 AS WITH GLADNESS MEN 0F OLD ~êhi IIII b '~>~' ~As with gladness men. of old - i b Did the guiding star behold, Our best wishes f or a joyous NoeI to As with joy they hail'd its light, ail our wonderful patrons. May the Leading onward, beaming bright, -JE--Evermore be led to Thee. WHITBY AUTO As with joyful steps they sped WRECK RS LI ITEDTo that lowly manger bed, WRE CKSLNoth .IE There to bend the k nee before, Brok t. Nrt Him Whom heav'n and earth adore, 668-3321. So may we with willing feet Ever seek Thy mercy seat. As they offered gifts most rare - At that manger rude and bare, So may we with holy joy, Pure and free from sins alloy, Christ to Thee our heav'nly King. Holy Jesus, ev'ry day Keep us in the narrow way; And when earthly things are past, S....:::..::.:... vvere tney need no star to guide, Whereno cloud Thy glory hide. 'N In the heav'nly country bright, Thou its light, its joy, its crown, . . .. . .Thou its Sun which goes flot down, There forever may we sing Alleluia'to our King. ..... . ... . year. we nave enjoyeul serving you. Bey, Sharon, Pat &Krista WHITBY HYDRO lrnPashOMMISSI26 ELECTR iCCMISO 11 llBrock St. S., Whitby 668-1266 ML. 1 9 'OA - - - - -